Why is she so perfect?
Aydin Paladin
Other urls found in this thread:
She looks like an actual peice of shit.
her face looks like it went through the trash compactor from star wars
le turkic jew face
dress sense is awful. nice hips tho.
Because her face evokes a sort of Central Asian exoticism, but she's not really anything special and apparently totally fucking nuts too.
Her brother is also /ourguy/
>Those hairy arms
This is one of the most disgusting things ive ever seen on Jow Forums. Including the drug cartel gore videos. Yeah I actually think I would rather see those than this thing OP posted.
Her face reading this.
I never thought i'd see the day but turns out there is in fact, a female on earth even i wouldn't fuck.
Are you sure?
What's wrong with her legs?
Her feet
Total, utter uggo. No intelligence noted in eyes. Shitty dyed hair. Shitty style. Zero femininity. Only a subhuman would find that thing "perfect".
Spoiler alert - he plays the brother and the sister online. You're fapping to a dude. Or, maybe a girl who identifies as a dude.
She is perfect. Period
seems upset
She has probably the weirdest body I have ever seen on a human >woman
Aydin is cute, cute!
this "girl" makes me think jeong may have been on to something with the goblin comment
Google agrees that she is beautiful.
stop bumping this shitty fucking thread faggot
that's mean
this is a faggy apolitical slide thread
She is a political commentator on yt and user of this board
Those are some ultra premium plus titties.
She/(you) is fucking gross and your thread should be deleted and you should be permabanned.
Is her twitter still hidden?
Also, reminder that she likes pregnant loli.
oh look Jow Forums idolizing another eceleb faggot retard like a bunch of gossiping little girls
Not just that
/d/ tier degeneracy right here, why does Jow Forums tolerate this sick fuck among them?
Remember that she is the representative of this board on yt
I thought that was JF and Warski
What fucking name is that anyway?
I bet her feet look nicer than her face.
>child bearing hips
God is the ultimate shit poster
>named after a turkish city
what did mutt mean by this?
>Secret dog god
She represented Jow Forums on the debate with destiny
>Looking this mediocre with a bad hair style and color vs her facial layout
no thanks
>Arms hairy as fuck
This is a man you're looking at.
Jow Forums always got the down low on the newest traps
It isn't her real name
Your right! No other woman on the planet has a belly button, a ribcage, and boobs! It must be her!
Not her real name
she looks armenian (and that’s a good thing)
>named after a turkish city
I fucking knew her name sounded familiar hahaha. What city?
That's a man.
She has lupus or some weird nigger disease. Not makin it up.
droopy pancake tits
Jow Forums's favorite kind
Obviously but its still funny.
the idea of an attractive girl being into degenerate shit is really hot thinking abt it made my dick hard
I've never listened to any of her stuff. However from what I've read here she seems nice.
That arm... limp and soft it makes me.
I had to google this bs because you're a bunch of slackjawed fags.
I'm not impressed tho