Imagine being dumb enough

to think this KGB officer wants to help western countries out of some notion of white solidarity.

"Tear up NATO and start trade wars with China and all your allies, Vlad will help you!"

Putin can barely keep a straight face around Trump. He can't believe all he had to do was appeal to muh white nationalism and you'd all self-destruct your own countries!

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Imagine having no other choice.We are not in position to refuse any help.

Pic is the patrician choice.

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imagine being a Pentagon general, knowing your commander in chief is a russian agent and met in secret with his handler Putin for two and a half hours to plot strategy, wouldnt you be thinking time for a coup?

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We already were in the process of self-destructing our countries with cultural marxism, mass immigration, diversity, multiculturalism, feminism and other means of ethnically and culturally replacing white peoples.

Yeah, I'd hate to be like prosperous stable Europe.
Much rather live in a dictatorship with a feeble economy where local mafia lords run everything.
You sound smart.

And yet those countries you claim are self-destructing are doing far better economically than Russia and have far more personal liberties.

After having complete control for years, Putin has produced a mafia state stifled by corruption where people shoot up Krokodil and their feet fall off.

And that's who you think is gonna help the West?
Maybe you're just fucking stupid.

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Nobody cares about globo homo jewish controlled countries. I would rather Putin run things than globo homo.

oooo the poop is gonna fly.

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Russia is fighting for survival, if the west is lost to globalism it will be a hole planet with a globalised economy excluding Russia who is embargo'd out of existence.

Even if Russia can knock a few pegs out, he creates trading partners for Russia.

Another important proponent to nationalism is zionism. True fact.

>to think this KGB officer wants to help western countries out of some notion of white solidarity.
He's not doing it for some white race. Are you retarded? Russia has dozens of nationalities for historical reasons (just like US does). He is fighting against the US/western swamp that creates troubles for Russia. They are the common enemy to Trump and to all the red pilled citizens.

>Tear up NATO
USSR's leadership teared up Warsaw Pact before USSR collapsed, which was created in response to NATO. I don't see a reason why the Cold War relic should exist other than to feed the mostly US military industrial complex and its stock holders. You do not have to be in NATO to sign some bi-lateral defensive agreement with the US. Not to mention it would be a political suicide for anyone in Russia to annex some Baltic state.

In other words, you're an idiot without a slightest clue.

Claiming to be fighting a "swamp" is some A+ incoherent jabber.

And please, tell your story about Russia not annexing neighbors to the people of Crimea and Ukraine.

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The military industrial complex which instigated the cold war in order to grow into a global military police force while hollowing out individual nation states, you know?

reddit and /b/ is that way ->

tits or gtfo. pic related

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Stormfront and The_Donald are that way ->

kgb doesnt exist anymore retard

The "military industrial complex"?
Isn't that the same "military industrial complex" Trump just funneled a massive increase in spending to?
It's fun how you guys can't even articulate what you're mad about!

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>storm front

that just proves your a libshit faggot, who even goes to storm front anymore, you believe media drivel and probably get paid 3 cents a post or some shit.


There are enough bullets in America for every last Democrat and I get to watch it happen live on TV.

>start trade wars with China and all your allies, Vlad will help you!"
China is our ally?

IF white people lose, the anti-whites (jews) win. And Putin knows that the suffering of the whites in Russia during communism was a jewish thing. So he wants to hurt the globalists. Not just that but if they are impowered even more, eventually Russia will sub-comb.

White supremacist retards trying to talk about history is always funny.

If it was, I'd have included it in "all your allies".
But nice attempt at a gotcha, dumbshit.

How do I get to travel back to 1985 with you?

This. Putin is just a vulture picking at the corpse. Same with China. Putin's just better at it because Russia has more experience.

"The KGB changing its name means Putin wasn't a KGB agent his entire life!"

Can you bring back some Crystal Pepsi from the time warp?

You'd have to be quite retarded to think a trade war with China is a bad thing

lol, are you implying white genocide is justified because of history?

lol, I'm saying anyone who uses the term white genocide is a fucking moron.

The nigger is whiter on the other side

What part of Europe are you talking about you absolute autist? The one where the natives are being demonized and replaced?

fucking drama queen

Anyone who pretends thats not the end goal is being disingenuous. Or maybe you are being honest, and are just retarded

>prosperous stable Europe


Nice conspiracy theory, tinfoil hat fucknut.

Maybe they would rather have a stable rational actor to deal with. Similar to how a stable and rational Russia help keep Europe at peace and Chyna out of north asia.