So Candace Owens is a shill who wants dollars from you. She should be blacklisted from here

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Other urls found in this thread:

>implying we're buying what she sells

Fuck you kikes. You're all gonna be arrested soon for RICO if you're in the united states and shilling to undermine Trump and our country.

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She wasn't wrong.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you dug deep for that. What's this wikipedia site you found?????? Never heard of such information out there for the public to read.... You have some amazing skills. Do you work for CNN?

Nah, she's causing alot of damage to you kikes, better to let her roam free.

This is already widely known. She freely admits to being an ex-mindless liberal. She got redpilled and is now a big time Trump supporting America lover.

Faggots like you are going to die. I am literally going to find you and kill you soon.

>candace owens gains traction in exposing juda. Quick shut it down!

A couple of threads get posted to show how hypocritical the left is and shills go into action

is that you communism_kills? Hebe can't stop obsessing over this nigger

Oh okay. But its GREAT what she's saying now though! So far we've found out through your transparent, amateur tier slide threads you don't like:
- Candice Owens
- Q user

Any other tips for us? What else are we winning at? Lol.... Your tactics are pathetically low brow.

So are people not allowed to change?

Wikipedia? Please OP stop being a faggot.

"blacklisted"... hmmmm
do you have a loicense to make mildy racist comments, mohammed?

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She's controlled op making $ . Old news .


Thought this was bullshit, but jesus christ, its true.

She's /ourgirl/

>implying any of us liked the republican party before Trump hijacked it

Look at all these gross civic-nationalists and /ptg/ retards shouting shill because their based black nigger got exposed as another gibsmedat nog

Have you noticed the more you try and D&C Americans based on color the more fed up with identity politics they get? It's like you don't realize that everything you're doing from shilling to fake news only serves to strengthen Trump's base.

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Why not just spread the truth about her doxxing website instead of her anti trump website. That was far more egregious and very open to the public.

Better yet, ignore any of the house niggers TPUSA tries to push to prove that conservatives aren't ebil Nazis

Are you lost?
Fuck off civnat faggot, this isn't r/TheDonald

This is what I'm talking about. When you make posts like these you actually convert more people into Trump supporters.

You don't even know what you're saying and quite frankly I don't care what you're talking about you civnat cuck, You just need to go back to r/T_D

>people cannot grow and evolve. they must stand by the first political message they've ever released, forever

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so right on so many levels

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Yeah everyone knows shes Tommy Soto in a wig. Sell out their own for a quick check. Traitors are worse than your enemy they will only be loyal to the highest bidder and no one is buying lefty news anymore.

She was a liberal, she goes into great detail how she changed her views...

Before you listen to others investigate for yourself...

For this to be a problem, the thing you foujnd would have to show her saying "I AM GOING TO BECOME A SPY AND PROVE THEY ARE GULLIBLE. I WILL POSE AS A CONSERVATIVE AND EXPOSE THEM'

Short of that, you only prove her legitimate. she openly says she was a lib

For the record so was I, you can find my history and it would show me screaming abotu Bush, GOP and Tea party


TRUMP 2020!!!

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Ha! Kikes want Jow Forums to be (((their))) personal army to shut down Candice Owens because she is redpilling her flock as to the Jewish Question.

OP can eat bag of forskins. Owens is free to do as she pleases.

Go buy some sporks before you need to show id for those too. Cucked ass brits

Civic nationalists have no place in Jow Forums, all of you need to go back

lol this faggot

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She got redpilled literally overnight.

this website isn't under the jurisdiction of the UK government you spork fucking paki

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so what, i was a dem back in 2014