USA to give $38B of "Aid" to Israel

USA to give $38B of "Aid" to Israel

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I hate the kikes

There wasn't even a debate, the Republicans and Democrats just said "here rich wealthy country, have billions of dollars for free" and no one objected.

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and yet those same politicians begrudge giving welfare to their own people. americans starve and are can't get medical help while israelis get $38B of tax payers money...

141.2 million taxpaying Americans
$38B to Israel
That's $270/year to Israel for each individual taxpayer if the cost were divided equally. Take $270 cash right now and see how much you pay every fucking year to Israel.

38 billion D chess

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Hillary would have been America Last.

Good job, goyim.

Vote Trump again in 2020.

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I haven't seen a single person try to defend this. I don't even know how our politicians can justify this.

>I haven't seen a single person try to defend this. I don't even know how our politicians can justify this.

Magapedes will find a way

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I'm sorry, missed the part where I had a say in this gift.

USA is Masonic Babylon. Slave to the beast system which is HQ'd in Israel and the Vatican.

Q predicted this

not justifying it and not doing anything about it are the same thing

How else are we going to build that 3rd chapel with megalithic blocks without the aid money. Oy vey

With American veterans and homeless children on the streets, no wall and nothing much done about immigration. Good move, what else would you expect, notice not many trumptards in this one.

Imagine what we could do with 38 billion dollars. We could build multiple walls with that. We could cure cancer with that.

we could have a nice wall for that dosh.

s-shut up its just 16d chess!!1

$270 a year is only like 74 cents a day. Get your head out of your ass

australia gives money to israel too, we're no different.

Its amazing why does such a small country need that amount of money

74 cents a day, per person in Israel. Are you dumb? It's not about the individual cost. It's about the fact that a total of 38 BILLION dollars is being sent to some shit hole in a desert instead of it being used to help the people who actually payed the taxes to front that money. Stop pretending to be retarded you're missing the point, and you're missing it on purpose to be a contrarian fuck.

They have to use it to buy US weapons. It's more of a weapons gift which is something US does all the time.

You goys SICKEN me


what you have is what we ALLOW you to keep

so dont take it for granted goys

or youll regret it

Where have you been since the 70s?

Death to Israel
I want to see Israel and all Israelis violently die
I want to be there when they are ALL killed
I want to see dead Israeli jews. I NEED to see DEAD Israeli jews. I would love it so much

I know what it's for. That no at then goes back into the hands of the elites who run our military industrial complex. Wow, that's so much better. Instead of some dude in Israel having my money, some dude in Washington DC has it. I feel so much better now. Instead of that, how about cutting taxes by 38 billion next year and not funding the military industrial complex? Not one for tax cuts? Fine. Use that 38 billion to make a decent public transport system in the United States. Something on par with Japan or Europe. That way it would benefit the people who payed the taxes instead of Israel and the higher ups.

Actually it's just Jews giving themselves $38B in aid just like they gave themselves all those Nobel prizes.

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This. If anything 38 billion is too low. Israel’s population is about 8.5 million so we’re only giving each Israeli $4470 per year, which is only about $12 a day.

>some shithole in a desert
Holy fuck you’re so retarded it’s unbelievable. Israel is literally the only civilized nation in the region. We should be withdrawing all of our aid from the surrounding Muslim countries, who have ruthlessly bullied Israel for who knows how long, and reallocate all the money to Israel. It’s the least we could do for them. Hell, we owe them a lot more


It's $38B for 10 years tho, or $3.8B per year, so your calculations are wrong

Oops, I was going off of ‘s calculations. So it’s only 7 cents a day per American taxpayer, and $1.20 per day per Israeli.

I wish they'd send me some "aid" :v(

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Israel needs the money to build another wall. They need more land.

>need 20 billion for a wall
>allows 38 billion to go to Israel
Fucking Jews

Oy vey it's the only democracy in the Middle East it's like you hate freedom and the Jews or something stop blaming them for your own problems you loser always remember the 6 million goy.

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Pretty much. Couldn’t have said it better myself


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It's hard to argue against that logic desu. It does give us soft power over Israel. Israel was literally on their way to creating Greater Israel in the 70s, and this money was part of a deal to not do that. Remember Israel controlled the Sinai, they probably would acquire that again absent any reason no to. Now I don't know why America gives a shit about that though.

>Republican congressmen vehemently oppose universal healthcare and free college education
>Republican congressmen NEED to give $38B in aid to Israel even though all Israeli citizens get universal healthcare and free college education and could probably use that money for military spending instead

Why is that anyways? Has anyone addressed these congressman on why they want their own state citizens to go without while the Israelis need free healthcare and education?

Universal healthcare and higher education is common to most developed countries. America is kind of a shitty country in this regard.

and that's a good thing

>6 million
WOAH WOAH hol up i thought it was more like 11 million

11 million total. Approximately 7 million Jews plus 5 million other people that Hitler deemed inferior, such as Slavs, Gypsies, etc

you reallse the vast amount of nogs/shitskins/etc (anyone non-western/actual white) regards these pissrealis as "white" right?

"waaah the whites are responsible for slavery" - if you count jews, arabs and african tribes as "white" - sure

$38bn of aid. for fucking what. why do they need aid. they have many shekels and a powerfull army thanks to UK/US "aid".
WHY do they need more gibs. WHY does pakiland need moar gibs. WHY does niggerland need moar gibs.


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This was already passed under Obama

All it did was go into effect now

>25 million total

hehehehehe...stupid goyim!

This, America literally paid off Israel not to BTFO Egypt and Jordan any more, likewise they get billions too.

Surely not related at all.

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when is a righty going to pull a baseball park shooter like that lefty did?
i cant believe nobody is doing anything about things like this.
what a clown world we live in.

is 4D chess

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just wait for the trickle down and vote Trump 2020

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trump tards are brain dead they avoid threads like this one like they are the fucking plague

fuck the house of saud, and israel

محمد بن سلمان آل سعود تمتص الديك حمار

don't mention the 38B

The sad thing is that NO PRESIDENT can do anything about it. It is bounded to the senate.

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its 38 bn over ten years, starting in 2016.

I don't want to work a single second of my day to support an over-privileged piece of shit country. especially one that hates me. this shit needs to stop.

it was put in place by obama, but it was also a continuation of military aid that has been happening for decades. basically business as usual to protect us allies/oil interests in the middle east.

they ignore it and pretend it didn't happen, if pressed they too go "anti-semitism"

this particular deal was put in place by obama, but there is a long tradition of america giving billions per year to israel to project american strategic interests in the region.

its over ten years. so 7.4 cents per day.

its still a lot, but dont forget that you and i have 0 access to any of the information that the govt uses to make these decisions.

mad world

it was put in place by obama, but there have been arrangements like this long before obama and there will probably be similar arrangements again.

note that its also over 10 years.

Electing Trump was their plan all along. Reminder when Obama wasn't such good goy especially at end of his presidency and how kikes really hated him? One guy from his administration even called the supreme Jew chicken shit.

>mfw people think anything is about to seriously happen or change

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Blame the christcucks. They keep doing this. Good thing they are dying out. Then nobody willing to fund or protect the jews anymore.

How bout a one time payment of $100 dollars to fuck off forever

How about you start sending me $270 every year then since you seem to enjoy being extorted?

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Remember guys, that is excluding the "unregistered aids" that are going towards the kikes. You guys have forgotten the "kosher tax" and other obscure shit controlled by the AIPAC?