Thoughts on "Wacky tabacy"?

what does /pol think of it?

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>u buds got any wacky tabakcy

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I think that bud is not ripe yet.

Whacky baccy is degenerate, as are all drugs. It's on the lower end of the degeneracy spectrum though

I share the same opinion about God - I don't hate God, just his fucking fan club. Weed is fine, but the pothead stoners and the 420 stone culture that surrounds it is fucking pathetic

I almost want it legalised so these "bad boiz" and niggers that think using it makes them cool can shut the fuck up finally

Gay unless used for legitimate medical reasons. As a recreational drug degenerate as fuck.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Bud is fudd

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>well Jow Forums
>well Jow Forums
>[insert retarded question]
>well Jow Forums
>what does Jow Forums think of this
I literally hate you fucks so much. I want you to die. I want everyone you know and your entire family to die

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I dont really have anything against cannabis itself, I just hate people who make it part of their identity.

It's illegal because in the 1930s the timber industry lobbied congress to ban it because they found a way to make newspapers out of hemp paper for cheaper.

Literally the only reason.

Can either make you a better member of society or a total fucking waste of life. Needs to be used properly.

boring drug for boring people

It helps me, wish it was legal everywhere.

I'd agree with you because YOU'RE RIGHT

Non-whacky tobacky is pretty redpilled desu

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PROVEN cancer fighting properties

Also HEMP is an AWESOME replacement for many industries, cotton, paper, even concrete.

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smoke concentrates erryday son

>tfw can't get cheap hemp seeds to eat
why even live?

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>tfw everyone else can get shit so strong you go mad and the only shit you can get makes you a little bit tired if you smoke a tenners worth

>how to grow bigger buds
By chopping into them while they're still alive and almost fully grown

it's a stupid plant that should have never been banned in the first place

lol most of these companies provide money too weed legalization groups.

I don't care if people smoke it in the privacy of their own homes, but it's definitely a degenerate pastime.

I don't care if it's legal either, it doesn't really do enough harm to ME for it to warrant being illegal.

But I still think employers should do drug testing like they currently do, and that using marajoowanna should disqualify you from certain positions.

I also think people who smoke it are trash and should be stigmatized.

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Great meme
Just need to (((echo))) all the (((relevant))) companies to make it a double redpill

I like a couple funny fags every now n then

I fucking hated rugrats!

Degenerate except for legitimate medical uses.

>meme flag
>spewing bullshit
Checks out

most the corporate backed legislation calls for exclusive corporate monopolies on production. thats the ONLY time they back it.

>spewing bs

>confirms they have backed legalization

reefer madness in action.


Literally lock your pathetic self in your garage and leave the car running, then take a nap.

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*lowers testosterone
*weaponized by CIA

Can be helpful for changing your consciousness and reaching gnosis before occult rituals.

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>im a bootlicker who cares about upholding the law
>daddy government please tax my anus hole more desu
fucking faggot bootlicking jew
stop shillin up the board

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[citation needed]

I never really considered Dill a part of the series, he was just a shitty add-on character.

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>not doing soma in the modern niggernomics huwhyte genocide cuckstate of earth
how do you manage? i don't think i'd still be around without pot.

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>ctrl F 'herbal'
>no results
I do not recognize 2018 Jow Forums

Love it. Habitual use can be bad though.

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I bought a quarter from the store a few days ago.

how is Habitual use bad?

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If your life revolves around smoking weed all the time and you need it to do or enjoy the most basic activities it can be a bad thing. That's been my experience anyways. I used to just fuckin be bored out of my mind without it.

I think everything's here for a reason. Coca, opium, weed are all medicine in their natural form. When man begins refining them and the further along he refines them, that seems to be when the trouble starts.

Besides if cannabis wasn't medicine, would we have the CB1 CB2 receptors? Our bodies reject cocaine, meth and heroin and flush them free in 48-72 hours but our bodies hang on for dear life to THC for 30+ days. Just another weird quality of the weed. Herbivores can't get high on weed. Cows, rabbits, etc don't have the receptors.

oi you got a loicense for that nihilism

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easy way to make tons of cash legally selling it to dispensaries.
It is funny how much people will pay for something that can be grown so easily.
But I would not know anything about that.

t. Oregon

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>I used to just fuckin be bored out of my mind without it.
same with me but with alcohol.

Holy fuck i know this tranny


anymore pics?


Culture around is degenerate as fuck but much better than consuming alcohol

> Genocide
> Rape
> Murder
> Using the biggest excess of violence and lust against an argument of moderation

I don't approve of the kind of people that are goofed 24/7 but you're a retard.

Let people do what they want

Not harmful enough to warrant schedule I, has some medical uses (but no it does not "totally cure cancer dude"), (mostly high CBD strains) and basically it's equivalent to alcohol in most ways but less physically addictive. I think 420 culture will die out when legalized as well once it's no longer cool to do it because everyone's 70+ year old grandparents do it. Illegalization created stronger weed and created a shitty subculture surrounding it, like alcohol prohibition created a bad subculture around it.

For me personally it keeps me from drinking and I only use it at night.


indeed, smoke cigars. but nobody likes fucking stoners.

Awful culture, but it does make some amazing parkinsons/epillepsy medicine

either way it's none of my business what other people want to do. hell if you want to shoot heroin so long as you're not raising a kid of stealing my hubcaps i dont care

Its alright. Moderation in all things. That said i can't trust normies to moderate themselves so ban it, anyone who isn't a teenager can easily get access to it and not get arrested.

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it's as simple as this. human evolutionary progress has been irreversibly stunted because of non-sense rules and ideas like feeling bad about exterminating negroids who would have starved to death on their own (as nature intended), but no white people had to step in and feed them because of their pathetic sense of altruism and jacking off their own egos

Jazz cabbage should be treated like booze have an age restriction be taxed (preferably state since I believe that it should be a state's decision to legalize it) and if you are blazed while driving you should get a DUI I think recreational weed is fine in the occasional case like if you had a long day at work or at a party but you shouldn't use it all the time (I view stoners similar to alcoholics both are a drain on society and a waste of space)

Probably one with equal thc and cbd is best medicine ever made by nature. Just vape it.

>Makes pain killers less effective
>Makes people more susceptible to opioid addiction
>Legalize it
Big Pharma wins again Goyim.

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Pol hates it because they are boomers. But no one mentions that the boomers just take xanax and opiods all day. AKA everyone can go fuck themselves