Ok Jow Forums, I'm finally getting my shit together. Post any self improvement books that have helped...don't really know where to start. Please none of the usual infographics with Mein Kampf, Turner Diaries, and philosophy shit. Self improvement and/or motivational books only. Bonus for positive thinking works so I can balance my attitude after lurking this board constantly.

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Other urls found in this thread:èvre/dp/0471770884

>Please none of the usual infographics with ... philosophy shit.
>Self improvement and/or motivational books only. Bonus for positive thinking works so I can balance my attitude after lurking this board constantly.

>wanting gay (((positive thinking))) crap
go fuck yourself

Mein kampf is self improvement/philosophy/history

What could be more motivational than mein kampf? Also Dale Carnegie is shit.
>People like you if you have no opinion or thoughts if your own and merely ape those of others.

le edge lord detected

My dad made me read this when I was in 7th grade because I got suspended from school for beating the shit out of and then pissing on a helpless retarded kid in my gym class. My dad also beat the fuck out of me and took everything I held dearly to me and threw it the trash. I’m glad my dad did that. I became a retard school teacher and have been happily teaching retards for 15 years now.

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>let me just disregard all meaningful thought
>let me just seek to forget all thiose bad bad truths that exist in the world

HtWF&IP is good tho

Thank you...and I've already read most if those books on the infographics...looking for something new that is directed solely towards self improvement in literary form

Meditations by Macrus Aurelius. it's more of a journal than a philosophical book, yet it is one of the main texts of Stoic thought.

Ive actually never read it...I guess u would have rather me posted a pic of some thot with huge tits?

>being angry and on edge all the time
fix yourself

> not wanting to bluepill myself and surround myself with empty lies makes me angry and edgy
yeah nah

Learn to create wealth for yourself. The ultimate self-improvement.èvre/dp/0471770884

Thanks I'll check it out

Dude, just sit down for a second

Ok, we get it, you're 15 1/2.


Weeks begin on Monday


That's y I'm asking now

it's actually true, at least on average.

"I was running into the disease of our modern life: cowardice and pathological fear of a strong personality or strong ideas. Dale Carnegie has codified and commercialized this creeping disease as “how to win friends and influence people”, which boils down to the essential principle of having no personality or strong feelings or ideas and becoming passive and empty so that “the other fellow” can display his ideas and personality. But he, too, is trying to become popular by being passive and dispassionate, so that the result is like connecting two dead batteries: no current. Such human robots are suited to enslavement by a 1984-type society, but not to life in a bold, free society of men. This is the way women should be, perhaps, but not our men and especially not our leaders."

How to win friends and influence people is a waste of time if you're legit trying to self improve.
Lifting weights and getting a shit job where I had to interact with people did infinitely more to help improve myself than any self help book.

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I've read the first third of HTWFIP and while it is a good book and well written, I feel like it is more of a manual on honing your skills as a manipulating sociopath.

well you picked a good book to start with.