If you go far enough back in your family tree, you will 100% find tons of BLACKS, since homo sapiens came from africa

If you go far enough back in your family tree, you will 100% find tons of BLACKS, since homo sapiens came from africa

imagine putting all your direct ancestors in a massively long line, that you could travel in less than a day with car. After a while, you'd see how they begin getting blacked and blacked, as a reverse process of how your ancestors became progressively wh*te

how does that make you feel wh*te boi??

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The most revealing thing is that if you go back and back in your family tree, not only you find people more and more black, but also more and more monkey like, until you reach some real proto-monkey hanging from trees.

How does that make you feel m*nkey boy??

Don't respond to bad bait without saging, fellow goyim

False. Humans predate Africans in Middle Europe. Discovered with the last few years. Time to get some new material shilly.



you meant ape? we evolved from an ape like ancestor, and we're still considered great apes.

NOT an argument

>Humans predate Africans in Middle Europe. Discovered with the last few years. Time to get some new material shilly.
[Citation needed]

Wrong. Not. An. Argument

So we evolved while niggers stayed the same

I'll give you that, though. It's true that our non homo sapiens ancestors were only black



>how does that make you feel wh*te boi??

Well it means we evolved and they didn't , blacks are still stupid monkey's. We whites have evolved to have a brain that actually functions.

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good, we are in agreement, black people are just archaic form of humans.
And that why they need special laws and treatments

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heres your (you) you stupid fuckin negroid

>Skull found in China could re-write 'out of Africa' theory of human evolution

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>Being this much of a brainlet to think this is true

Attached: BrainletSmurfs.png (812x760, 112K)

Except that humans did NOT evolve in Africa after all. Keep up with science.

how can you fuck up this bad. The plural of monkey is monkeys, not monkey's. And we evolved from an ape like ancestor, not monkey like.

>We whites have evolved to have a brain that actually functions.
you don't seem to be a good example of that


That is not how evolution works though.
Black people are the modern descendants of Hominids that stayed in Africa. They are not the ancestors of Europeans or any other non-African population.
If you go back you will eventually find the most recent common ancestor that Whites and Blacks have in common, but that person would not be black or white since those populations did not exist at the time.

>If you go far enough back in your family tree, you will 100% find tons of SINGLE CELLED ORGANISMS
whats your point?

>100% find tons of BLACKS, since homo sapiens came from africa

You will find people resembling San, not black Bantu

You dumb fuck Moor rape babies though? Yeah plenty of black Bantu

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a-based Luigi

Learn how to English you dumb Spanish fuck also your women look like they're 100 as soon as they hit 30.

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we're all equally evolved, there's a reason why we can interbreed without any problems

It could be true. Still, the out of africa theory has way more evidence. And even if this wasn't true, you'd still have many ancestors with dark skin

Spain has been quite upset since 1898 when we took the last of what was once a moderately respectable empire of mongrels in the form of the Philippines and Puerto Rico

Why wasn't Queen Nefertiti black then?

Attached: nefertiti.jpg (962x1143, 140K)

>without any problems
There are problems, look at some mutts and you see problems

>there's a reason why we can interbreed without any problems
Tell that to mutts who need a bone marrow transplant.

If the out of africa theory is true, homo sapiens evolved in africa and then spread to other continents. That'd mean that we all have black ancestors

You seem to be presuming that blacks have not evolved at all since the races diverged. That in itself is incredibly racist against blacks.

You are assuming that the early hominids had black skin, kinky hair, like in pic related, but that's a fallacy. Those traits are more recent evolutionary developments. More likely the hominids had lighter skin and were covered in hair, similar to modern chimps.

"Black people" existed back then exactly as much as "white people" did, not at all.

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Jow Forums doesn't hate single celled organisms

I've had my DNA tested. 0% African, sub-saharan or otherwise. Oogey boogey.

But they weren't "black" in the sense of being modern sub-saharan africans.

>out of africa theory is true, homo sapiens evolved in africa and then spread to other continents. That'd mean that we all have black ancestors

The Khosian are most similar to those humans. Not the Bantu who slaughtered them (the average black Africa today)

i don't have monkey blood in my veins

homo sapiens evolved in africa, so it's safe to assume that they had dark skin.

why? i was kind of trolling with this thread, but im genuinely curious about this

neither does any great ape


cheddar man's skin color was propaganda

Attached: cheddarm.jpg (602x700, 300K)

So the British and the French can claim Africa after all since they are as African as everyone else

Diamonds come from coal, yet don't have the same value/purpose.

The out-of-Africa theory is disputed

Chimps evolved in Africa too, but most have skin much lighter than a Negro. Why? Because they have hair.

Dark skin evolved to block UV penetration once there was no body hair to offer that protection.

The hominids would have had body hair because Africa was much colder at the time. The only reason the populations were able to diverge is because the climate finally became warm enough for hominids to travel and survive outside of Africa - still much colder than present day.

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Are you sure about that?

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Whites were created by GOD.
Niggers evolved from monkeys.

Attached: nig.jpg (123x125, 2K)

>If you go far enough back in your family tree, you will 100% find tons of MONKEYS, since homo sapiens came from africa


>If the out of africa theory is true
It's not

Go figure.
>Cheddar man, Cheddar man
>fibbed his skin looked like he came from a frying pan
>what's he like?
>It's not important, Cheddar man
>looks like a nog, or like he lives in a bog
>or like the underside of a swampy bog
>but it seems we lied, well we're just one of the cogs!
>nothing important...Cheddar man.

stop spreading lies?

>That in itself is incredibly racist against blacks.
do you know where you are right now, Kevin Zhang?

Go figure.
>Cheddar man, Cheddar man
>fibbed his skin looked like he came from a frying pan
>what's he like?
>It's not important, Cheddar man
>looks like a nog, or like he lives in a bog
>or like the underside of a swampy log
>but it seems we lied, well we're just one of the cogs!
>nothing important...Cheddar man

We've evolved since then. They haven't.

We are not one species.

The Fixation index, or FST, is a way to measure genetic distance between populations.

The FST between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23.

The FST between the common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103
(Which you'll note is *half* the White-Black difference, despite the two being classified as two separate species.)

The FST between two Gorilla species; Gorilla Gorilla and Gorilla Beringei is 0.04.
(Or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites. Again two seperate Species).

The FST between modern Humans and Neanderthals is

Speak for yourself, monkey-man. I come from Yeti stock.

how cold are we talking here? homo sapiens and its mostly hairless ancestors had been in africa for hundreds of thousands of years

you mean that african homo sapiens were more or less brownish and that then they became more dark skinned over time?


Fpbp as usual
+ niggers have no neanderthal
Gooks have denisovan or whatever its called so they’re saved.
Niggers are not human check your fucking facts

>you meant ape? we evolved from an ape like ancestor, and we're still considered great apes.

WRONG Apes devolved from us

Whites and blacks are more genetically distant than:

- Humans vs. Neanderthals
- Humans vs. Homo Erectus.
no friggin way, and im not going to spend hours reading these sources

reminder that monkeys=/=apes

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