Poltards are their own worst enemies

If there is no God and no divine law, the result is moral anarchy: Every individual has no law but his own will, no end but himself. He is a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions. This mentality has become more overt as time passes and we become a more atheistic, materialistic, atomized civilization. The logical conclusions of our dolefully Nietzschean societies are the very same things that Jow Forums dissonantly outrages over. On one hand, Jow Forums pretends to hold an objective moral code in line with nature, thus granting them the authority to categorize and denounce degeneracy, and on the other it upholds Nietzschean supranatural subjectivist moral standards, such as the will to power to justify the morality of its actions. Such a moral standard is horseshoe-esque and would only lead to the inverse reality, where degenerate action is masculine in nature rather than the contemporary feminine zeitgeist.

The only way out of the self-perpetuating trap of degeneracy has been obvious for millennia - it is the acceptance of an objective moral order in accordance with natural law (God's law). In order to maintain the objective moral order, it must be upheld by an institutionalized hierarchy that has crafted a tradition congruent with the preservation of such tenets. Submit to the authority of the Papacy or continue to wallow in the torment of your own making.

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This 100%. We need state Catholicism.

> If there is no God and no divine law, the result is moral anarchy:
Are you a legit boomer? Morality should be defined through the survival and progress of humanity, not some sky daddy.

Pope can suck my dick

>We need state Catholicism.
Viva Cristo Rey!

Absolutely inane post. Survival cannot be the primary goal of any person or civilization.

>the result is moral anarchy
PRove this.

>Sky daddy
Your profound ignorance is showing. No progress has ever or will ever be made except for that which is merely under guise of progress that does not conform to God's law in the natural order. All else is ephemeral and will inevitably collapse in on itself.
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If you dont put your existence as the first axiom of your moral code, your moral code is meaningless.

>Every individual has no law but his own will, no end but himself. He is a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions.
Exactly, might is right. I don’t need a fictional government to give me arbitrary laws to regulate my conduct