Poltards are their own worst enemies

If there is no God and no divine law, the result is moral anarchy: Every individual has no law but his own will, no end but himself. He is a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions. This mentality has become more overt as time passes and we become a more atheistic, materialistic, atomized civilization. The logical conclusions of our dolefully Nietzschean societies are the very same things that Jow Forums dissonantly outrages over. On one hand, Jow Forums pretends to hold an objective moral code in line with nature, thus granting them the authority to categorize and denounce degeneracy, and on the other it upholds Nietzschean supranatural subjectivist moral standards, such as the will to power to justify the morality of its actions. Such a moral standard is horseshoe-esque and would only lead to the inverse reality, where degenerate action is masculine in nature rather than the contemporary feminine zeitgeist.

The only way out of the self-perpetuating trap of degeneracy has been obvious for millennia - it is the acceptance of an objective moral order in accordance with natural law (God's law). In order to maintain the objective moral order, it must be upheld by an institutionalized hierarchy that has crafted a tradition congruent with the preservation of such tenets. Submit to the authority of the Papacy or continue to wallow in the torment of your own making.

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This 100%. We need state Catholicism.

> If there is no God and no divine law, the result is moral anarchy:
Are you a legit boomer? Morality should be defined through the survival and progress of humanity, not some sky daddy.

Pope can suck my dick

>We need state Catholicism.
Viva Cristo Rey!

Absolutely inane post. Survival cannot be the primary goal of any person or civilization.

>the result is moral anarchy
PRove this.

>Sky daddy
Your profound ignorance is showing. No progress has ever or will ever be made except for that which is merely under guise of progress that does not conform to God's law in the natural order. All else is ephemeral and will inevitably collapse in on itself.
Only the best on Jow Forums.

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If you dont put your existence as the first axiom of your moral code, your moral code is meaningless.

>Every individual has no law but his own will, no end but himself. He is a god to himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions.
Exactly, might is right. I don’t need a fictional government to give me arbitrary laws to regulate my conduct

>absolutely insane

more insane than believing a guy walked on water or rose from the dead?

>If you dont put your existence as the first axiom of your moral code, your moral code is meaningless.
Absolutely terrible logic. Man's happiness cannot be found in his own existence or he would not desire any thing or movement, but would be perfectly happy as a merely existing being. Therefore man's happiness must be some external thing or cause, and cannot be an essential part of his existence. Learn2Logic

>prime time for burgers
>a religious thread pops up
this gon be good

>Being this new to Jow Forums
>Requiring me to prove that Western Civilization has been crafting its own transient moral standards for the past 400 years, each dying within a generation, leading up to its most degenerate form in the current day
You're putting the cart before the horse. The utility of being in accordance with God's law is long-term survival, of which stems from the absolutism of the truth of God's law.
You did my work for me.

I wrote "inane" not "insane"


it will happen when Christ comes back to rule, till then we are light in this dark world

Putting your own existence as the highest moral principle is how your society gets destroyed, societies require men to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, like for example through military service.

And what happens when everyone only cares for their own existence? Man's pride doesn't lead anywhere. You must submit to God to unfuck society and find happiness. Any other idol is meaningless.

He needs to hurry up, his preists have been fuking the choir boys for thousands of years. Why does jesus harbor pedophiles?

Only, if you're a nigger. Which is likely of course

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we have all sinned, if you have looked an ass with lust you have commited adultery and it's a sin of death, there's no scape of sin other than with Jesus

As "you" I mean the collective which follow your moral code, not just individuals.

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Easy answer: because he's Jewish :^)

>Not an argument
>Red herring
You're literally who my OP is about.

who is he?

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Right the common good of society needs to be prioritized over the individual. This is something Westerners seem to have completely forgotten these days, and as a result our civilization suffers for it.

ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country

>ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country
Precisely. Not in the "please tax us more" fashion, but in the selfless servant-leadership fashion that would only be possible if the population was dutifully conformant to Christ's Church.

>because he's Jewish
funny, he doesnt look drewish.....

>see goy, if you follow your own ideals and intuition, it will destroy the world. you need to follow these (((rules))) written by je-i mean, written by God

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Your IQ is too low to post in this thread. You have to be intelligent enough to grasp the concept of natural law independent of whatever you or some other kike says is moral. Frankly, I'd rather have literal Pharisees commenting on this thread than the bottom-of-the-barrel idiocy that Jow Forums has attracted in recent years.

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Man's intuition is not working so well since 1789.

10 Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. 11 Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks. 12 We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. 13 So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day[a] comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.

14 Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God’s justice protect you like armor.

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>so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks

psst, goy... in the mood for another redpill?
those men who are your rulers, who decide whether you live or die- they've been following the ways of the devil! you musn't covet their wealth and power. and besides, how are we supposed to stop supernatural forces? they'll be punished in the afterlife. do as they say and be rewarded later

>Man's intuition is not working so well since 1789.
that's because it's man's (((intuition))). influence is everywhere

I may as well stop visiting here this site has become absolute trash. This is the kind of discourse you can expect from a post like this.

And how (((intuition))) achieved power? What made Europe not fall for it until then?

>he fell for the pol is a christian board meme

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>the result is moral anarchy
Oh hey J. Peterson, nah it isn't, stop talking utter SHIT.

By the sword. The black nobility are in charge.

their influence began to spread after the invention of the printing press in 1440. the increased exponentially the ease with which they can deliver propaganda. the higher the literacy rate/access to media, the easier people are to control

I’m a Protestant, but starting to think about Catholicism lately. My problem with it though is all the encyclicals etc.. that contradict the previous ones yet the pope is meant to be infallible. Also some of the daft stuff the pope is romoting lately like atheism is fine, third world immigration is good and muh global warming and a bunch of other liberal bs. The Jesuits need to be removed once again, they’re promoting most of this liberal bs within the church.

They didn't have full control until 1789.

This may be enlightening for you.

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No I fell for the pol is a high IQ board meme

Hey user glad to hear you're investigating it. The Pope is actually only speaking infallibly when contributing to sacred doctrine, which is very infrequent. As such, encyclicals are not infallible unless reiterating infallible teachinga but are nonetheless upheld as highly authoritative teaching documents of the Church and require the submission of the Church's faithful. I don't know what you mean by contradictory encyclicals, however. In regard to Francis and Jesuits, they are still men and as such are still sinners. The Pope's own political views are not inherently the views of the Church and this Pope has exercised a serious lack of prudence in his interactions with others as the Vicar of Christ. We can only hope that he does better in the future or that we get a new Pope. Like any other leader, there are good ones and bad ones, but the difference is the Church has never once in 2000 years reversed it's authoritative doctrines. It's this tradition and fundamental dedication to the truth of God that has maintained the consistency of the Church in the face of the evils of modernity.

Beaverposts are bad redpills that are more palatable at entry level but ultimately half-truths. For example, the beaverposter posits that morality is subjective in nature, which is incongruent with my OP.