Why is circumcision legal but fgm is a crime against humanity?

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because you are a threat and slaves must be controlled by any means, circumcision is trauma based mind control for the masses

Because the equivalent of FGM would be like cutting off the glans of your dick, whereas circumcision is like trimming labia

trimming the labia doesn't dry out the clitoris, MGM does dry out the flesh, shuts down the glands and destroys the nerves permanently.

Because the international Jew mafia wants it that way.

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Yep, but incels here will refuse to listen

Laughable, idiot

Wrong, you just masturbate too much, virgin

Look up "sex and circumcision: an American love story" on jewtube. Prepare to be pissed off.

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Trimming labia is highly illegal under federal law here. It has been illegal for 20+ years.
It's spelled glans, and the glans and nerves don't shut down completely. You're just missing the sensations that would come from foreskin.


So we should start giving girl babies surgery's to have pornstar pussies at birth? No matter how you slice it Rabbi, it's still wrong.

This is a good litmus test to judge people with.

The ONLY correct answer is that mutilating infants is immoral, unethical, and unacceptable in any circumstance, period.

If the person gives you any other answer than this, you may feel free to discard anything else they ever say out of hand.

It should only be done in medical emergencies. If the child has phimosis that cannot be treated with gradually stretching the skin, then it may be required.

This 6gorillion%

>The ONLY correct answer is that mutilating infants is immoral
i'll back this

We've got a winner!

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Because Jews.
If you look at most problems, and use that 1 simple trick, things will all begin to make sense.

Why is the Media Anti-White in White majority Nations?
>Because Jews
Why are Universities Anti-White in White majority Nations?
>Because Jews
Why do Americans want to Ban Guns even though they're protected by the Bill of Rights?
>Because Jews
Why are our Borders Open, why are Illegals being hired, why do we give them Welfare?
>Because Jews

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chill out, eric

Jews circumcised gentiles to discourage newly inducted slaves from raping their daughters. The female equivalent probably didn't become a thing until semites started losing their daughters to foreign non-slave pagan men. Thinking like a kike, the former would be preferable where you have control, and the latter would be preferable where pagans outnumber you.

Unironically because jews brainwashed every good goy into thinking that
>why is x like that?
>almost every time

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Also breaking of the hymen seems to symbolize a sort of marriage contract, is it any surprise that jews in their obsession to induct as many into their covenant as possible spill the blood of male babies in the same fashion?

There are different types of FGM (ALL are prohibited) and one of them is equivalent to MGM, which is the removal of clitoral hood, which is the biological equivalent to foreskin.

/pol really has a hard on for dicks lately.

Many people are starting to wake up and realize that they have been brainwashed their whole lives.

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Related is that it's just a Jewish ritual imposed on burgers by their masters, very few Whites outside the US get cut. Just redpilled the wife on the "sucking blood out of baby dick" thing, suitably horrified. It's just insane that burgers chose to defend this.

early big trauma

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Go back.

Money made from foreskin material
+ mental manipulation of human beings for religious/power purposes
+ possible ritual use of foreskins for reasons that cannot be mentioned here.

btw the blood sucking is unique to Haredi (fundamentalist) Jews.

If a person isn't willing to atleast consider that harming infants is nonsensical at best, and evil at worst, they probably dont use their critical thinking skills much/ are part of the problem (propaganda)

Literally because of the Jews.

Pets will go in the ovens along with their masters. "I was only being a jew ironically!" will not spare you from the bullet.