Where did the stereotype of Mexicans being lazy come from?

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Uh, reality?

Because, you know, they’re lazy


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Lazy wh*te people

Came from Spain. Midday sleep.

Fuck man

fucking checked

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I am unironically lazy as fuck

This is no stereotype my white friend, in some places they work from 9-12 then you go to "the pub" to complain how everything sucks and to sing rancheras until you pass out or don't have money left

The protestant work ethic is a thing
southern europeans being lazier than their northern european counterparts is also a thing
inject non-White genes into the mix and you've got an even starker contrast than before

Only the blood of my víctims energize me

American racists.

If Mexicans are so ambitious why don't they make a living in mexico then?


From them being fucking lazy

The fact that they’re too lazy to prove you wrong

The perpetuate this themselves. Every Mexican in California has a statue like this in pic in their house or garden.

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Quetzalcoatl calls

Mexcrements BTFO'd hahahahahahaha

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yeah they work from 9 to 12 chopping up human bodies and shit.

Based and redpilled

White people call everybody(non-white) lazy even when they're not. It's a big thing with them, and the reason it is never beneficial to work hard for them when you are not white.

>The concept is often credited with helping to define the societies of Northern, Central and Western Europe such as in Scandinavia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Switzerland. Even though some of these countries were more affected by Lutheranism or Anglicanism than Calvinism, local Protestants nevertheless were influenced by these ideas to a varying degree. As penal law was enacted to uphold the uniform teachings of the Church of England in England, only various English dissenters[c] held to those values. Among them were the Puritans who emigrated to New England, bringing the work ethic with them and helping define the culture of what would become the United States of America. Germanic immigrants brought their work ethic to the United States of America, Canada, South Africa and other European colonies.

If they're lazy it comes from the spanish. Those little 5 foot tall indian mexicans will out work anyone on the planet, go home get drunk, come back and do it again on 2 hours of sleep.

Im lazy

I am iberian, not a dirty mexcrement.

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That protestant work ethic is useless in the US today. Its great for farming but not much else.

Why do they do that?


I caught a mexican asleep on the job once, not during lunch or anything, it was like 2 in the afternoon; I heard snoring from the basement and he was curled up in the closet asleep on a concrete floor, snoring. How the fuck does that even happen?

I wonder why nearly every catholic country has a negative (((stereotype))) attached to it in (((America)))

>what is independent contracting?

Dumb white bois that work in their basedboy office jobs calling us lazy when we’re out in the scorching heat laboring away to feed our families


of course they hate strong family ties. Catholic italians and irish tried to get porn banned in the US but jews and anglo lawyers teamed up and made it legal under some bullshit "freedom of expression" law.


Siesta is just the spanish word for nap, you take it as it's some national tradition when it's something you are only able to do on sunday (unless you are a neet).
Oh wait, you have a word for being unemployed and not in education, that means you are lazier.

literally this, european civilization was a mistake.

Before NAFTA

Now they're crying about mexicans working so hard that american jobs are coming here

Because why would I stay in a country that your country actively gives guns and money to Cartels when I can come and live off your welfare, gringo

Thanks for the freebies by the way. My new truck and 4k tv look great.

San Jacinto where the Texans attacked the Mexican army during siesta and routed them in under 20 minutes.

Also Mexico was fucking retarded, why did they suck Santa Ana's dick so much, he was a fucking idiot even by the standards of the time but they kept putting him in charge.


butthurt papist lmao

Mestizos breed like rats and spread crime everywhere they go, that's a good reason to hate Catholicucks, they're worthless shitskin lovers.

Many mexicans are laazy and dumb

They think they are more clever than they are

Some also work hard and are cool

Until they fix Mexico though, they have a standing example of what they can do with a country in terms of corruption and poor quality of life.

Wouldn't have to immigrate to America if Mexico wasn't such shit.

This taco bender knows what's up


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Even our Mexican grannies stay working hard until they hit the grave. These hillbilly/rednecks are mad because they have no work ethnic, although I’ll admit they put in more effort than niggers. Niggers show up to work with timberlands and then have the audacity to not do shit, and us “spics” always have to pick up their slack.

#NotAllMexicans work hard

There's a difference between a Mexican and a Mexicant.

oh americunts
la raza cosmica will take over
you got about 20-30 years left

adios america

this. im lazy as fuck. the only time i work hard is when its a hobby of mine or of im helping friends / family.

Try having them at your work site, you will see. They are all fucking lazy.


At this point I unironically believe it was the fucking jews

mirin those digits

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I work hard when it's for a purpose I agree with passionately, and then I work autistically hard mentally and physically.

Otherwise I just consume less and observe more.

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It comes from lazy americans projecting their lazyness on mexicans that work hard for minimum wage at jobs

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This study

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>asians work less hard than white rednecks
Bullshit stat

My dad works for a Japanese company and he says that while the Japanese spend a long time at the office, they spend very little time doing actual work. In Japan, "losing face" is one of the greatest shames that an individual can experience, and thus everyone is afraid to be perceived as someone who leaves work early. So, they just hang around the office, but don't actually work.

They prefer perceived effort to efficiency. It's better to fuck around all day and stay at the office until 6 or 7 than get your shit done and leave at 2 or 3

The answer is unions. Mexico's one of the most unionized countries on the planet, and they're all in the corporation's pockets.

It's a very effective tool at keeping the citizenry down. Those workers who weren't unionized, like farmers were BTFO by NAFTA bottoming out the Mexican agricultural sector. Many illegals came over simply because NAFTA fucked them out of jobs.

check'd PACO BTFO

Spics are basically spaniards mixed with the local populous.
Now imagine taking the laziest niggers of Europe (Spain) and mixing them with someone who hasnt evolved.

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Nice scaling, there's only a 2% difference between hispanics and whites

probably a hang over

Well, actually if you wanna get real technical.

Imagine that you interbreed with the locals so hard that on average, anyone in Mexico is like 60% European. Okay?

Now. Imagine that only ONE of those parent populations has immunity to hookworms. Hookworms infect people basically when they walk on dirt with bare feet.

Hookworms, if they infect you when you're young, over time, will cut into your IQ, and make you fat and tired and lazy. Like they'll actually fuck with your hormones and shit. A lot of white people actually succumbed to this. Native Americans and Africans were generally highly resistant to the parasite, with Africans especially having very good resistance.