Guess their nationality

Guess their nationality

Attached: pic.jpg (1080x1080, 1.49M)

The one in all black is a Getonmydickcasian.

Spaniards !

the nose knows.


Southern Brazilians

Either Italian, Portuguese or Spanish.


Regardless, they are welcome in the ethnostate.


Yep. They are Israelis.

Take the upper body of morena girl on far left and put it on the lower body of ruby girl on near left....that'll work.



Australian, obviously


I wish all my friends were this good looking.

They look very Jewish except for the guy with the hat (smart)

Look like dirty Mexicans.

Left to right
desertjew, seajew, plainsjew, sunjew, cavejew, minijew, snowjew, lakejew, hilljew, volcanojew

Lol... took literally a blink and 1 sec... look at all those fucking huge noses :D

the dumbo ears give it away more than the schnoz imo

Chilean. Or Argentinian.




too thin to be americans.

Jews. The ones on the front and end gave it away.

Yea my guess to

also the jewbs

White hispanic maybe Mexican

>hiking shoes
This is straya


if they are elites, maybe


far left is good as is, imo

Looks like a nice group of americans, probably from the west or midwest (more german looking than Anglo / Irish which is east coast)

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uma delicia


Probably Israelis or maybe Croatians or maybe Spanish

Gotta be Israelis. Probably art students too.

Jews, these are literally Jews. You can tell by their noses.

Which one doesn't have a gf


The small blonde is cute, she is also jewish, as the rest of them.

they all wear retarded ass boots fucking normies

yeah those look like blundstones


Israelis is first guess. could be Spaniards

purebred spics.

Israeli men and American Jewesses, or Israeli Jewesses

God's chosen people

You can tell by the soil and trees

israeli kikes...easy

god's chosen faggots

You can tell they are kikes from a mile away. The curly nigger hair and massive ears on the dudes is a dead giveaway.

This has been a regularly scheduled test of the Jow Forums datamining broadcast system. I repeat, this is a test. One post by this memeflag ID.


Don't forget the noses.

Attached: cb5.png (586x586, 264K)

You need ALOT of practice user

I would say italian

but looking at the noses i retract that statement

American master race

its northern hemi I can tell by the plant life.

What the fuck are you even talking about? None of them have curly hair except for maybe the guy in the middle
lmao, are you making stuff up just because you assume they're kikes?

Don't care. The little short girl in the Nike outfit is hot as fuck. Post nudes of the girls.

*Master of americans, race


Attached: 1526295627780.jpg (922x922, 102K)

Hard to guess their nationality straight off but those are olive trees, probably the back is a eucalyptus, and something similar to a parisol pine to the left. Guess is Straya or American but the style is all wrong for Americans so potentially Strayans in America/California specifically.

This. Also the bat ears.

100% not Australia at all. Not our local flora


I'd guess Canadian or French. Picture is most likely a group trip of some sort.


semite dude with the black nike shirt spoilered them all

Okay goy—ehm, I mean guys, thanks for taking part in this little experiment


i called it

late to the thread but as soon as i saw the thumbnail i knew they were going to be jews

A couple of the girls look like they could be Americans on birthright, probably not the one on the left and the shortest one though

untrustworthy noses

pls gib

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>Blundestone boots


All kikes

Let's share her.

Argentinians on account of how white they are

Probably really feisty too

I really do hate you Jews


based and red pilled

this is the jew birthright trip to israel where they whore out 16-22 yo american girls to IDF solders. i'm not kidding

It has a dick. Look at its crotch!


Nah, (((pure coincidence)))

summer trip to israel is free for every young american/canadian kike. girls usually go in their late teens early 20s, they spend weeks brainwashing these naive american japs about how magical israel is and how brave IDF soldiers are.... then they meet idf soldiers and try to get them to fuck. it's shameless as hell

That's why I figured a couple of the girls were American. All of the Israeli guys get laid within the first couple days because American Jewesses are easier than Israeli Jewesses. Half the girls have boyfriends too

bingo. easier...and are being literally brainwashed all day

Easy. They all are joos taking a gap year traveling south america and backpacking in Bolivia to do coke, after serving in the IDF for three years.

truly gods chosen people

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