Borders are arbitrary lines that mean nothing

Borders are arbitrary lines that mean nothing

Nationalism always causes war, wouldn't the world be a better place if there were no countries, no states and a single human culture?

Attached: 1525302268711.jpg (620x465, 30K)

Show that flag

>everyone is the same
What a boring world

Borders are the Foundation of any Nation

Attached: 2womp.png (450x300, 11K)

Then why do I get welfare and rights and shit when I cross some, and get shot or kidnapped when I cross others.

>single human culture
>niggers that are alive

World would be a better place under a single caliphate.

Can happen when all countries achieve the same economic standard

Stefan Molyneux is that you?

Attached: blocks your path.jpg (1024x768, 88K)

societies are arbitrary, hippie

but they are the only thing preventing me from murdering you