The vast majority of scholars think most of the bible is false and didn't happen, why do you still believe in it?

The vast majority of scholars think most of the bible is false and didn't happen, why do you still believe in it?

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Also, it's one of the reasons homoerotic relationships are not completely accepted yet, I hate it!

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Scholars who dissent are kicked out of the ivory tower

They don't. Jesus is widely accepted as a historical figure, and most events in the bible, at least the new testament, are also considered historic.

Biblical literalism was non-existent until the 18th century. It's just a bunch of allegorical stories.

The vast majority of scholars are worthless, subhuman faggots.

Everything in the Bible did happen tho

>you shouldn't put your faith in something
>because it's inconvenient to me

I'm glad the rainforests are being wiped out.

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>low IQ Godless savage
Sounds about right.

I don't. It's a pretty boring read anyway.

Not believing a magical man in the sky that watches you jack off is level 1 of the redpill. The true understanding is that most of the men in charge of the religion don't even believe in it. But they realize what happens to a society of idiots if you don't instill some fucking sense into them so they provide you with a blueprint of morality for a society to function.

And if you want to know if your behavior hurts society ask yourself what that society would look like if everyone acted like you. And in your case there would be no children and everyone would be dying of AIDS. You being a faggot individually doesn't kill society, but widespread faggotry kills a society.

Do you get it now?

Brazil is like 93% religious. Compare a map of IQ and a map of atheist.


> Nonexistent

Faggot, transubstantiation was believed to literally occur. You're an idiot.

I mean the miracles and stuff. That didn't happen. Also the writers of the gospels of matthew and luke copied from mark, that's pretty pathetic.

There's no point in me reproducing user. I live in a shithole and my children would racemix if I did have them. It's better for me to be a fag.

Got him.

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>There's no point in me reproducing user. I live in a shithole and my children would racemix if I did have them. It's better for me to an hero.

>There's no point in me reproducing user. I live in a shithole and my children would racemix if I did have them. It's better for me to be a fag.

If there's no point in contributing to the survival of your society and your people why not just take a bunch of heroin and die right now?

But I enjoy my upper middle class life. Besides soon I'll go live with my bf in Europe. Life is pretty fun, I don't want to die.

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I don't believe in it. Very few people do. You'd have to be literally retarded to believe in a bunch of fairy tales about magic apples and talking snakes. It's Harry Potter-tier childish nonsense.

Those who hate the bible are automatically against it's good morals. Especially the golden rule.

transubstantiation is taught by catholic heretics.

If all that matters in life is feeling good then why does it matter? Heroin feels good. Why not take a bunch and die. It's not like anything matters and God isn't real right?

Golden rule is egalitarian fiction. Like huehuehuehue if you think I'm gonna treat niggers as I would anyone else or let them treat me like me back like that.

tell it to your rabbi faggot

Most liberals believe in communism even though it has proven to be a failure time after time. Why do they still believe?

But if all whites truly followed the bible, they would outnumber niggers so much, (even if niggers are given freedom in white lands), to the point where niggers would be irrelevant.

Rabbis are just as childish and stupid as you. Believing in burning bushes and magic tablets of rules from a supernatural being - lmao

> The vast majority of scholars think most of the bible is false and didn't happen
> I mean the miracles and stuff. That didn't happen.
No you said the Bible. Now you're changing what you mean. Were you there? How do you know miracles didn't happen? Jesus did something far out because everyone in the ancient world seemed to know about Him.
> It's better for me to be a fag.
> Also, it's one of the reasons homoerotic relationships are not completely accepted yet, I hate it!
So you're here to push your faggot agenda and try to discredit the Bible to defend your filthy ass lifestyle. Look bitch, the Bible has been around for a LONG time, it's the best selling book in the world, and it's not going anywhere just because you're a faggot that doesn't want anyone to judge their faggotry. Stfu.

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Scholars don't even believe Moses was a real person lol.

>because everyone in the ancient world seemed to know about Him
I guess that means Buddha did miracles too, since he was famous and stuff.

>Look bitch, the Bible has been around for a LONG time, it's the best selling book in the world, and it's not going anywhere just because you're a faggot that doesn't want anyone to judge their faggotry. Stfu.
Being gay is cool, I'm tired of dumb christians judging me.

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Sounds fun, I suggest at some point to consider "negative hedonist" lifestyle such as Epicureanism or stoicism.

the bible is true faggot

its so easy to prove such a broad statement such as yours, but scholars also believe there are more than two genders. Checkmate.

And that's why the ivory tower is shit.

So the Bible encourages fucking like rabbits and having lots of retarded, violent kids? You sure you're not confusing it with the Quran?

white kids are not retarded nor violent
those are offspring of nonwhites you faggot


thanks, I will read about it.

they studied about the subject much more than you, and give arguments more convincing than christians.

Source: ASS

>I want something wiped out because it says I have to have responsibility and shieeet

Wtf I hate anti loggers now


Funny the Teutonic knights said the same thing about pagans.

I'm to take their words for it when they're a bunch of atheists who have a vested interest in destroying Christianity?
The Bible frequently warns about people turning their backs on God and encouraging various degenerate abominations of all sorts. Sodomy, worshipping false gods, laying with beasts, men wearing women's clothing, etc.. Sounds an awful lot like what the left is pushing nowadays, doesn't it? The quickest way to bring about such a vision and make such disgusting behavior commonplace is to chip away at the foundations of traditional Christianity. Even if they had incontrovertible evidence that the Bible was true, I would expect them to say the exact same thing in order to harm the foundation of traditional society as much as possible.
Instead, I wear the full armor of the Lord our God and stand strong in the face of such attacks and lies. I eagerly await the day that Christ once again walks among us and God punishes those who turned their backs on Him.


im okay sweetie

>Jow Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value they never had any part in building like flies are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things, but become incredibly angry at white people and think irrefutable facts posted here are just a "game" to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them so (again) the irrefutable FACTS posted here must just somehow be anything other than reality.
>so they start to playing a game that they think is being played here
>Not realizing this isn't a game but facts about them and their people

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>racemixing threads (causes divisions between confident whites and ones slightly less confident who would settle for a mutt wife/husband)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual
>anti-Christian threads (either attacking Christianity or promoting atheism/heretical idol worship)
>attack representatives of white interest (politicians and e-celebs)
>Not once do they take a moment to consider how backwards, factually wrong, and inept they are and how their own denerate and chimpish behavior is the cause of all the problems in their life

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