I'm poor, a NEET, and 26 year old. Should I kill myself? I sit here hating Jews and shitskins all day but they are richer than me and fucking more women every week while I am a virgin. I'm always going to be a bottom bitch I will never win in life and I probably never should.
Don't waste your life on suicide. Do something with it. If you are at the point that life can be lost then nothing is too much. Go full on against the system of kikes and subhumans. The worst that could happen is death and you are already prepared for that event.
Pussy isn't going to come to you bro. You got to get out and hunt it down.
get a job, meet some people, try to make some friends, and your situation will improve. Sit and do nothing and nothing will change
get some online friends, ur part of the impossible. so much to discover, so much to kick back and watch happen. You have nothing to lose in life. start somewhere, do 0.5% better than yesterday. Dont think of the bigger picture.
Eat some psychedelic mushrooms. THey'll give you a new view.
If you are physically fit, join the military, preferably army.
If you serve long enough you may be eligible to join the order when it comes to fruition.
Thus will begin a journey that will take generations.
I don't want to work.
Want to add me on Skype and be my friend?
this Jow Forums tier thread wont be pruned and you all know why