>“They are not traditional socialists. There is no call for communal ownership of production,” said an MSNBC anchor while attempting to define “democratic socialism,” a term that has burst onto the political scene since the unexpected win of democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a New York primary for a House of Representatives
Time to Start Calling them by Their True Name, Commies
Just communal ownership of the profits of production. And by "communal", they really mean "state".
...are we *sure* they're not fascists?
>unexpected win
>by a socialist Dem
>in Jew York
How come Obama didn't endorse her?
>Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
>""We're going to TURN THIS STATE ~RED~!!!!""
I'm pretty sure she didn't mean red as in Republican
They know they're communists
We know they're communists
So why don't they just say it?
It makes no sense to me that the most capitalistic, cold-blooded asshole state packed with finance heads and trillions in AUM leading the US economy is filled with liberals. Rent in Manhattan is 5k and these people are voting liberal while working at hedge funds
Found the Democrat establishment shill.
>(((finance heads)))
>AOC's district
Not so much. Liberals wanted "safe pair of rubbing hands" Joe Crowley to win.
>PMS-NBC anchor
L0Lno fgt pls
>neoliberals and neocons are the same, who are also neobolsheviks at the same time
>how come obama didn't endorse her?
>the left is literally a hivemind
how superficial can one persons understanding of the enemy get.