The real news in the final LVMPD report of the Vegas shooting isn't about Stephen Paddock. It's about Eric. That's right, he's once again offering his classic remarks absolutely comped.

>Eric told investigators he and Paddock were smarter than the majority of other people.

>Eric told investigators he was in Las Vegas to help and show “how dumb you motherfuckers are,” referring to law enforcement.

>Eric believed Paddock would have planned every part of the attack methodically. Paddock would have a need for everything found in the room. Despite appearing unkempt and in poor health, Paddock was very detail-oriented.


Attached: eric.png (858x617, 571K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Stop being poor faggots or rich people will start to hunt you for sport. Comped

>helps authorities with investigation
>comps bill
What a fucking legend

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I'm flying to Japan while you roll Grilled Stuft Burritos pleb

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Eric takes $100,000 shits every morning and the TP is made from sushi wraps, comped.

what does comped mean? i know its something to do with casinos, is that like how they'll pay for stuff like drinks if you're a known high-roller?

t. Taco Bell Employee of the Month

>t. Taco Bell Employee of the Month

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Classic Eric.
Pic related is an interesting notion, but I digress.
HOWEVER, I don't understand why his arrival into Vegas wasn't made into the stuff of legends.
He just shit talks the Coroner for sucking at his job, and that he could do better himself.
Then is angry he has to pay so much for some dude's ashes. (They didn't even get time of death right on the plastic ash container, fucked up)
Highly memeable content.
C'mon anons, let's see some OC from this.

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That video was actually really stupid.

In what capacity?
That they fucked with Eric?
Eric was right, what they had him do was ridiculous.

In this scenario it means that the hotel room had HARD DRIVES WITH CP AS WELL AS DEEP STATE NETWORK.



Stephen Paddock wasn't even at the fucking hotel at all. Those photos are photoshopped. The "Leaked" body pictures weren't "leaked". They were posted by Mossad niggers.

Jews fucked up trying to nuke vegas.

These kinds of hard drives seem to go missing or shot a lot of times.

Yeah not this time. Jews got BTFO hard in Vegas. The fucked up everything.

And yet, just like LBJ during the USS Liberty, POTUS wouldn't want to "embarass an ally" by revealing a single aspect of this, to put the small fraction of the public concerned with details behind the deadliest shooting in U.S. history to ease?
That would be asking too much.
As Lombardo said, the investigation was just tying up resources anyway. And highly traumatizing on the investigators. So stop asking them.
They wrapped up their share anyway, with the motiveless report.

Holy shit this. Maybe I need to refocus my efforts on becoming rich so I can have an excuse to kill everyone.

You are fucking retarded

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I'm just glad those Israelis got back safe.
Wait what? Mabye you're right. POTUS meeting a Liberty incident survivor?
Being the victims of the deadliest maritime attack since WWII, I'm glad they got recognition from Trump. Thanks for shining that light, anything more on this?

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Trump is planning on DRAINING the swamp. All at once. The economic stuff is to crash the global onetary system aka the central banks, Israel is being surrounded on all sides as we speak, and there's 45k indictments from Mueller. It's gonna be an APOCALYPSE.