So I've been seeing this kid among right-wing memes for quite some time now. He's often presented as a prime example of just how far the mighty have fallen.
But he says he's a drag queen, so is he actually doing something degenerate or is it just (mediocre) humor?
I mean, this man is a drag queen, too.
So I've been seeing this kid among right-wing memes for quite some time now...
>I mean besides the blatant sexualization of a minor, what exactly is wrong?
KSG yourself
nice flag but all fags need to hang
>t. an actual gay man who hates what he is
If those pictures make your pee pee hard, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are inherently sexual. You might just be a pedophile.
Or an overly concerned Christian, in which case it is probably the opportunity to play the righteous man among the misguided sheep that raises your penis rather than sexual arousal.
Is he gay?
Also, hating yourself for what you are is unhealthy unless you pose a danger to society.
You're just buying into the collectivist mentality of this board and it makes you feel somehow responsible for what the other homos are doing.
Well the child is ten, so unless he's an early grower he hasn't gone through puberty yet and doesn't feel any sexual urges.
This child should not hang. He is a victim of abusive parents who are clearly foisting their pozzed agenda upon him. After DOTR, there needs to be a way to help rehabilitate these children
The name "Lactatia" is what gets me, like maybe a kid dressing up like a woman could possibly just be an innocent phase but with a name like that it's clear he's been exposed to some sexually depraved shit that's totally inappropriate for a child.
I was once one of these fags that worshiped drag queens and fucked a new guy every week. I hate what I once was and what I am still recovering from.
Kyrie eleison
How fucking backwards does Kazakhstan have to be for people there to look at this and not see anything wrong?
You were the gay equivalent of whore then. That's definitely your fault, it has little to do with your sexual orientation.
Or maybe it was an adult trying to think of a funny name, like "Conchita Wurst" (that one is a filthy SJW though, his only redeemable quality is his ability to sing).
Oh, so conservatives are the real progressives now? What did I miss?