Bernie is Against Mass Immigration

How is this man not going to win in 2020? He is against the invading shitskin hoards, and against the wealthy and corporate corruption. He understands things on both sides.

Attached: download (1).png (225x225, 7K)

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Yeah and then he's gonna turn HUD into overdrive and blacked every white neighborhood

wtf I love commie Jews now

Wtf I love multiculturalism now

Bernie unironically carries the water for the big banks and federal reserve.

After 2008 he consponsored onto an audit the fed measure with Ron Paul. Then ended up signing onto what the. If banks actually wanted in Dodd - Frank. And Ron paul called him a sellout.

His top issue is income inequality yet doesn't ever mention going back on the gold standard and having sound money. Income inequality wasn't even a thing in a gold standard because prices were cheap as fuck and a min wage worker 60 years ago had more than twice the purchasing power as a min wage worker today.

Fortunately for bernie..... his supporters are too stupid and don't know what food frank is or sound money. So he can get away with using them to ultimately get the commie system that this Jew kike sanders wants

No refunds round 2? Let's do it!

(OP) #
Bernie unironically carries the water for the big banks and federal reserve.

After 2008 he consponsored onto an audit the fed measure with Ron Paul. Then ended up signing onto what the.m big banks actually wanted in Dodd - Frank. And Ron paul called him a sellout.

His top issue is income inequality yet doesn't ever mention going back on the gold standard and having sound money. Income inequality wasn't even a thing in a gold standard because prices were cheap as fuck and a min wage worker 60 years ago had more than twice the purchasing power as a min wage worker today.

Fortunately for bernie..... his supporters are too stupid and don't know what dodd frank is or sound money. So he can get away with using them to ultimately get the commie system that this Jew kike sanders wants

>implying Bernie will be alive in 2020
Better hope he drinks extra baby's blood from now until then.

bernie is just controlled opposition