Sky News Blair Cottrell Interview

The media is screeching over this interview.

Sky News Australia statement: "It was wrong to have Blair Cottrell on Sky News Australia. His views do not reflect ours. The interview has been removed from repeat timeslots and online platforms."

That said, thoughts on it?


Attached: blair.png (570x700, 390K)

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can i get a qrd of the qrd thx

Fuck hes boring to listen too.

Some rando based bruce is getting deplatformed for wrongthink

can i get a qrd of the qrd of the qrd thx

Based. The Aryan man all over the world is starting to wake up

Attached: 643920489246.jpg (600x838, 99K)

who is he and what did he say?

he just wants to keep austrailian culture in austraila. Why is that such a problem?

he gave a very tame interview where he subtly advocated for white Australian interests. hardly a bombastic interview, they were probably more upset about the interviewer than what this guy said. and apparently a bunch of leftist freaks from down under view him as an evil neo-nazi.

Can't wait for Labor to lock this guy up after the next election.