Seems like Indians are way smarter than any other group in America, they have real family values unlike us. Wish I was born Indian so I could be a doctor and have a cute wife to make me samosas. Pic related.
Why are Indians so smart?
You're only seeing the top 0.005%
Go to India mate. See actual Indians in their own environment. You'll see your thinking is so far from reality.
Indians cheat their way through everything. Just like Asians. Whites need to stop putting themselves down in this respect.
I'm a 3rd year medical student. Test Questions from previous years were passed around in a sort of network composed of, you guessed it, asians and indians.
Indian doctors?
What the fuck USA. Don't you have basic hygienic standards in your hospitals?
I dunno I'm always skeptical when I hear people say shit like Asians/Indians cheat and aren't creative or whatever. It just sounds like sour grapes.
Indians have a caste system. Higher castes (e.g. Brahmin) have been self-selecting based on desirable traits pertinent to intelligence, just like the Jews in Europe.
Doesn't everyone self-select based on desirable traits? I doubt there's a difference baste on caste, even the Muslim Indians seem successful.
Lol you wish to be born a shit skin lmao
Native Indians are Indio tier stupid.
>networking is not allowed
How are you finding a job, user?