Always run away from homeless beggars/crack heads.
A few days ago I was harassed by a "homeless" fat black man at 2am. I was in a rush, walking on a main street and he begged me to give him money. I tried to walk away and he said to me "Well first of all: STOP." I told him I'm in a hurry then kept walking but he still kept harassing me and following me the whole time, constantly begging for money. He asked me how much is 100 (yuan) Chinese currency(some one gave him money), wanted to look it up on my smart phone. I said No. Then he kept begging. (He was in his 20s, dressed in normal street clothes, didn't look homeless). I told him I was attacked by a homeless man the night before *(it was a white crackhead. I felt sorry for him so I gave him a coin bag full of coins, then he screamed at me and threw the coin bag at me as I ran away from him). The fat black guy asked a few questions about it and said "Don't worry, I'm not gonna attack you." Then he asked me 3 times: What's your name? What's your Name? WHAT'S your NAME?! He wanted to shake my hand, etc. So fucking annoying. I reluctantly shook his fat disgusting sweaty black hand. Then he asked me 3 times: WHERE are you FROM?! And he carried on begging for money. I gave him a bottle of tap water. After about 15 minutes we walked by a hotel with people smoking cigarettes outside, so I stopped and tried to shake him off. He kept asking me where are you going? where do you live? etc. I refused to answer. I just told him I'm in a rush.
Then as I was about to leave, he accused me of being a liar - said he doesn't believe me when I told him where I'm from. Can you believe this? For 15 minutes: asking me to STOP, then harassing me, following me, stalking me, begging for money non-stop, interrogating me, asking me my name, where am I from, where am I going, doesn't care that I'm in a hurry, then finishes things off by accusing me of being a liar.
FUCK THIS ! Next time a homeless person asks me for money I'm fucking RUNNING AWAY straight away. I suggest you do the same. As soon as I shook him off I washed my hand with a bottle of tap water.
nah, start working out and tell them to fuck off All this stuff they are chucking at us these days is designed to make you into an individualized beta cucked consumer robot. It doesn't have to be that way.
Nicholas Moore
>I told him I'm in a hurry There's your mistake. Never speak to them. Don't even look at them. They don't exist. Just go about your business as if they were never even there. They'll eventually leave and try for an easier target. Every word you speak to them gives them the hope they can manage to get something out of you, whether it's money, drugs, the time of day, a friendly conversation with another person, whatever.
Beggars are subhuman. They're like little gnats. Even if they're bothering you, attempting to swat them away won't do anything. They don't even deserve your attention.
Also, try not walking on foot through a main road in what I assume is a city at 2 am.
Asher Smith
Russies just fucking clock em and they’re out cold.
Lucas Foster
If you haven't learned to defend yourself and don't carry the proper equipment in this current age you're a fucking idiot and deserve what you have coming. Only the strong will survive these times. It is your duty to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your tribe.
Women you must stay close to strong men you can trust. There's a reason your instinct is to scream when you're attacked, it's to alert men of your tribe or your lover. Despite what the media shills you you're not made to fight, and that's fine. We will protect you, you just need to find the right man who can do so of which there are few these days unfortunately.
Alexander Morales
Carry a pepper spray with you, op.
Landon Martinez
>Then as I was about to leave, he accused me of being a liar - said he doesn't believe me when I told him where I'm from.
OK so what happened next? He just accused you of lying and you're pissed enough that some worthless nigger you probably won't see again thinks you're a liar to make a post about it? I don't believe you, you're lying.
Parker Rivera
>I'm fucking RUNNING AWAY
Coward. How dare you fly the hooked cross. If you're a bitch boy you must start training now, both to look strong for intimidation and for fighting so you can actually fight. In the meantime carry around a knife or a gun. If you just whip out a big ass knife and start walking away filing your nails with it I doubt that gorilla would have given you a chase. If you run, it will chase you. Animals are that way. Never show any sign of weakness or submission, and be excessively able to defend yourself/good people around you when the need arises.
Justin Flores
ITT: OP fails at shooting the breeze with another human, claims he was attacked and ran away like a crazy person