Why are they pooshing the tattoo meme

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Don't worry about it goyim

Google just changed the layout of their images section. Im gonna start using Bing. This shit is trash.

>switching der ewige Google for Billgoatse

wtf is wrong with u

Q predicted this

How come that
>most people with tattoos are left wing cucks
>that worry about healthy stuff they put in their bodies


>give no actual fuck about the paint pigments they inject themselves with

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Yandex.com has a really good images section. Very easy to find alternate versions of an image in different resolutions and the 'related images' feature is also very good.

A tattoo is a great sign that you have no foresight, no self respect, and no taste. It's also a good sign that you're emotionally fucked and financially retarded. 99.9% true.

Nice. I'll try that one too.

Attached: 1526705432592.jpg (1039x929, 860K)

>10% general french pop
>20% 25-30

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Wolf angel is better.

Follow up - can you imagine actually paying hundreds of dollars for a shitty meme level tattoo permanently on your forearm? One that will haunt you 60 years from now looking like the most cringe fucking old person crap on your arm. Can never actually remove it. Just blow your fucking brains out. You're a joke with a nasty cringe marked skin that you can never fix. A permanent marker of your childish retarded behavior 24/7. Enjoy being poor and overlooked professionally!

>Sooner or later they will start pushing it in schools.

stop posting these threads u weirdo
this is like the 5th day in a row

marking the cattle for the day of the rope

Underage detected

Retard with a shitty tattoo and depression detected. Go drink another one. You're making everyone so proud.


Tattoos are completely unacceptable, and so are any other unnecessary body modifications such as piercings. At some point our "side" in this global conflict will have to take part in offline action which might not be entirely legal. Hell, you might even be targeted for your speech, public or private. There's no telling where things are going. Tattoos and other abnormalities are an easy way to be identified. Do not get them. If these fucking left wing nuts don't try to kill you for being white and straight, they'll definitely try to kill you for your non-kosher political beliefs. Do make yourselves easy to identify. If these Orwellian fucks end up killing you and they don't have your name or dental records, a lack of tattoos will make identification of your body 100x harder still. By abstaining from tattooing, you can waste the resources of your enemies from beyond the grave.


I use Duck duck go

Yeah well you're using a search engine run by an israeli

Ok, sure. You do when an increased risk of blood diseases. But this is such a bullshit piece. You have an increased risk of blood diseases when you use a public bathroom with a cut on your hand. This piece is misleading and is vague for a reason.

Bing wins

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I have 4 tattoos, none of them can be seen unless I want you to see them. I can go out in shorts and a t-shirt and you wouldn't have any idea. Not all of us are dumb just because we have tattoos. I have them in places that can't be seen and identification is one of the reasons.

Tattoos are trash. Anybody who has a tattoo is trash. Unless you are a soldier during wartime or served a prison term there is no reason to have a tattoo.

The kikes push tattoos because they literally make you stupider. The ink gets into your brain and makes you a pozzed retard. Just like marijuana.

The only upside to the tattoo fad is that it allows us to easily identify roastie trash we wouldn't want to breed with and braindead retards we wouldn't want to associate with.

What happens when you end up in the hospital and they take your shirt off? What happens if you're arrested as a political dissident and stripped naked and photographed for records, and then you're caught again with no ID? They'll have your tattoos. If I were you, I'd invest in laser remove as soon as possible. It doesn't hurt and some places aren't that expensive. I had a small one removed from my arm and I have no regrets.

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Well if I get caught then I did something wrong anyway, right? That's my sentiment. I know who I am. If something does kick off in that way, I'm just another boot on the ground. I'll fight for my preferred cause, and I have intention of dying, getting injured or getting caught. If I do, I'm just another statistic in some history book. If I don't, my tattoos won't matter much anyway. Besides, I like my tattoos. Identify me if you must. If it comes to the point where I'm involved in war, it won't matter much anyway.


Tattards showing off their great intellect.

It's getting normies ready to accept the Mark of the Beast.

Lrn2meme fgt pls

Ok there snowflake. You can pretend you're more than 1 in 7 billion plus people. You're not.

all the tatted people I know are sjws though