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We nordics stole all their good looking women a millennium ago. They still have not recovered.
>We nordics stole all their good looking women a millennium ago. They still have not recovered.
You are so full of shit.
Bongwhores still look hot when you're plastered.
>author of the article
>where is her (((philtrum)))?
Not just the philtrum homie, the teeth too.
What's interesting is that white americans, the descendants of the brits are quite beautiful. Guess it has to do with majority of them being from west england (more celtic, less nordniggers). Also chavs couldn't afford to leave
british girls are ug-
good eye
To a burger, yes. That's the effect of a lowered standard.
A normal everyday waitress in Sweden or Norway is about as good looking as a brit or american photo model. Just visit and see for yourself.
>Not just the philtrum homie, the teeth too.
Tea was just an excuse.
Bongs colonized the world to find fuckable broads.
>Just visit and see for yourself.
So the irony is that now muslims are stealing them from you
You could at least post the link.
Based Germany
>Poortugal was too poor to ask any questions.
At least you're not a bong.
>"English is a greek dialect."
Greek retardation never ceases to amaze me.
Answer this questions, Jow Forums, I'm interested now
I love the continentals.
>What do Scottish people look like?
wtf Ireland?
what the fuck, Im half greek and I've never encountered anyone claiming that English is a Greek dialect, what the fuck really
>Greek retardation never ceases to amaze me.
That's why you're part of the third world.
Greeks lost their Mojo when they lost Constantinople.
>MUH civilization
Even Odysseus found his way home after a decade.
It's a fact that races prefer people of the same race.
>Americans think they are white
>hear what is supposed to be another person of the same race speaking English
>dissonance occurs
We could always ban Americans from the internet.
"Why is british flour so strange?"
Uh Polan that is not of flower but of many tiny swimming babies going quickly down your throat.
>We could always ban Americans from the internet.
>200 years ago
lmaoo my sides
Or we might just be a higher form of life all-round.
The UK is a living meme and thats what it will be remembered for or not at all.
1. England is a country
2. Yes, England is known for sailors
3. It became fashionable in the 18th Centaury in the gentry and as the Gentry were the only ones able to become judges at the time it stuck.
4. Because we beat the shit out of the Welsh, Irish and Scots and forced them into the union
5. The English are well known for roast beef and so it became a slur.
6. Class system, lower class are stupid and there are many of them.
7. No.
8. To sweeten it without sugar as sugar used to be stupid expensive.
9. Like the English, a bit shorter, and with less blond hair but more ginger hair.
10. Cleaner than you Italy.
11. Because it's the proper side of the road.
12. No idea, it's made of wheat.
13. Fuck you.
14. Yes, yes we are.
15. St Georges Cross, we wore this during the crusades and latter during the Baron's war and so it stuck. Union jack, the flag of the unified Isles.
>The Italians are asking “Why are the British dirty?
>The Italian said this
my sides
ahh, poor dad.
Karma's a bitch.
No, in 9/10 cases they take our uggos and dumbasses.
This is an eugenic process.
>poor dad
It's about time we had a proper discussion about putting mum in a home.
Those beasts dress like gypsies...
Can all be summed up as “Why do Americans have fun and use unique words?”
I’ll take that over “Why are British people ugly and dirty?” lol
Fucking Ireland lmao.
nonbrits are all fucking nigger tier. No wonder japs only care about us. You are all like those comments on black youtube crying about "white devils".
not at all i find you rather amusing.
>why do we call english "rosbif" ?
>british boy
>black youtube
You're reaching harder than your pets, M8.
This is the reason isn't, because we 'export' shows like Jeremy Kyle. Where the fuck do you find some of those guests? My local cities really don't have many uggos, most of the people I've known from school and work look human.
*isn't it? It comes from our 'exported'
Well I don't think about you at all. You have no cultural output other than holocaust films.
Pets? I wouldn't have to read this shit if white Americans could pick there own cotton.
You tired too?
>Pets? I wouldn't have to read this shit if white Americans could pick there own cotton.
Parlez vous francais, Peter?
no sleep desu. This thread has my nerves shot through.
if you go to the zoo to watch the monkeys do you care if the monkeys watch back?
Ofcourse not.
Cuz yu ave no loisence fo dat.
>posting non archived link
>giving fake news ad revenue
>ake news ad revenue
It's Poortugal, M8.
Have some decency.
kys stinky mutt
>I hates bongs, nigs, and spics the same
Good for you.
When's the last time you saw the prince of Poortugal smashing a nigger sow on live TV?
Save your energy for the Bongs and the Canuks.
They worked for it.
It's not even a joke. Anglo women are fucking disgusting. I can't comprehend how England got to this point but majority of their women are obese, disgusting pigs that have absolutely 0 self-awareness when it comes to their looks - being asked out by a bunch of fucking landwhales brings me nothing but contempt to this country.
>inb4 hurr durr nice try Ahmed
I'm a Slav, objectively good looking Slav that is constantly hit on by my English female coworkers and birds that I meet at my local pubs and nightclubs - and every single one of them wouldn't classify as a 4 in Eastern Europe.
We don't have fewer people with blond hair.
I mean as a percentage.
>Your greasy Italians are basically non Muslim Tunisians.
>Anglo women are fucking disgusting. I can't comprehend how England got to this point but majority of their women are obese, disgusting pigs that have absolutely 0 self-awareness when it comes to their looks
This explains the 'British Empire'.
You cunts DIDN'T go searching for tea.
English are the result of century's of mixing, the ultimate mutts
mutt who wears shoes indoors talking about hygiene
because autism/adhd is associated with criminality autism/adhd is associated with opposition defiant disorder autism/adhd is highly genetic and is associated with higher test in the womb higher test in the womb is associated with being better looking brits sent criminals away to Australia and lost alot of the oppositional good looking autist genetics
The last time Aussies were british refuse was in the early 1800s.
Breeding with roos, dropbears, and abos only confirmed your true nature.
ive seen plenty of hotties in england, tf is this
i dont need to save my energy because im not a low energy cuck like you
More "Nordics" (Danes, not you) settled here than left and Sweden barely had any interaction with England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
>ive seen plenty of hotties in england
Austrians confirmed cretins.
I guess if memes are to be believed every single American looks like pic related then. Are you willing to accept that?
dont ask me. ask the retards beside me.
Why are bongs cannot into banter lately?
>mutt says meme
>bring up a meme in response
Oh yeah it's the mutt meme i forget how super effective that is
So hot she got burned
I dont like burned food
We're.. not ugly!! we.. we're... quintessentially aesthetic!
I'm not crying, you're crying!
>pulled over by council workers
They don't have any authority to do so. Sounds like fake news so daily fail readers can keep living their lives at peak outrage.
>because living under ZOG and having your land flooded with sandniggers isn't outrage enough
Mainlander filth are fucking weird.
La bonglinas de la desgracia física
>White man: no, it is just banter for fun
>Britmutt: OMG Triggered by muh maymays
You don't have to believe the memes to post them, bong
And it's about time we had a proper discussion about putting you 6 foot under the ground.
I feel like I'm looking at a European version of gyarus.
You're India tier Mr 56%.
>white man
>trying to "no u" with a maymay because you're so butthurt
Thanks for proving how super effective the mutt meme is user, it really hurts you on a fundamental level doesn't it?
I chuckled. Sharting in the mart is a national treasure. Same cannot be said for being attacked in London
Lol the spanish one is the least insulting ,I expected the opposite
>Those questions
I thought the meme about schools were being bad we're supposed to be about Americans? Looks like Europe is even more retarded.
Slide thread
Lol, look how much brithurt this thread has generated, hilarious! You "people" really can't take much banter, can you?
Everytime I see this picture, I think of the chick in the crowd who fucked the horse.
>France and Spain tho
Kek’ed out loud.
So, why are the Brits called rosbif?
Here you go. archive.is
>someone creates a meme against burgers
>it's extremely effective due to how close to reality it is and causes endless amounts of butthurt
>extremely rear rustled mutts start to try and no u with the meme and turn it on others even though it makes no logical sense in that context
How does it feel to know you're a rootless mutt with such a convoluted heritage you'll never be respected or accepted by any percentage of your very mixed blood?
British women are ugly but British men are the most handsome in the world.
yeah because your niggers are so peaceful
I need to know what every European country is googling about the others. It's like a fucking sitcom.
The funny thing about that story is, in Dutch media it was reported as "Dutch boy killed in Sweden", because he originally migrated here as a refugee, then his family went to England, then to Sweden.
I wish I remained ignorant about this.