>Last month, news broke that over 100 people in Iowa and Illinois had gotten sick due to a parasite found in McDonald’s salads. A week later, that number jumped to 163 sick individuals in 10 states, with three hospitalizations.
>Now, the number of people who have reported illness in response to the parasite continues to grow. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported an additional 105 cases -- bringing the total number to 395 affected individuals across 15 states. Sixteen people have been hospitalized. Patients in Connecticut, Tennessee, and Virginia bought their contaminated salads in Illinois while traveling.
>While the FDA linked the illnesses to the Cyclospora parasite -- a foodborne contamination associated with fecal matter -- Fresh Express, based in Salinas, California, is now also on the hook. The company supplied McDonald’s in the Midwest with bags of mixed lettuce that had been tainted with cyclospora.
>ever eating and mcducks they save on food like no tomorrow, the quality is lowest of all fastfoods
also >California >supplying literal feces checks out
Jace Phillips
I literally don't know one person that orders a salad from mcdonalds. This has to be leftists ordering this as a guilty pleasure
Anthony Nelson
they just hired some pajeets
Ryder Young
Lo siento, amigos! Raul, he need to caca en the fielt!
Lincoln Hall
What kind of settlement would you be looking at if you were one of the ones sick?
Liam Peterson
Haha you got poo'd.
John Reyes
mcdonalds footlettuce
David Martinez
...is that a joke?
Brayden Lee
This is what you get when you don't use pesticides you fucking morons.
Robert Brown
Mexican workers shitting in the field and wiping their asses with their hands.
Juan Brooks
>I eat bags of lettuce and baby spinach >Find out that fecal contamination of lettuce and spinach bags occurs in pretty much every country in the world
More like using animal feces as fertiliser and a lack of modern pesticides because "mah all natural family factory farm duhhh"
Chase Lee
USA is 3rd world tier
Owen King
So throw them in a strainer and run them under water you fucking savage.
Aiden Smith
bioterrorism, round up the commies
Samuel Anderson
they used pooicides
Jose Turner
This happened a while ago with store lettuce from Arizona. The farm use water that was infected. Don't know who that lands on, the farmer or water district
>doesn't wash his food because he trusts the label
Brody Cook
Mexicans, working in the fields, dozens of them infected with these parasites, blowing diarrhea all over the crops for weeks at a time. By the time the initial group is well, everyone else has been sickened. It's a literal shitfest. All because Mexico has some of the worst sanitation on the American continent, and carry diseases only seen in 3rd world countries. They bring in plague, tuberculosis, roundworms, all kinds of disease. They should be denied immigration for this alone.
Oliver Nelson
Holy shit are you really supposed to do this?
Kayden Collins
Luis Ross
If you're dedicated you rinse them in a vinegar/water solution.
Caleb Johnson
Oh for fuck sake user, please tell me you're joking
Aaron Morales
Yes with every vegetable and fruit from the store
Blake Green
Really you should rinse everything that doesn't get peeled (and even then because it takes 10 seconds to wash a potato or carrot).
Even apples and shit you're supposed to, that shit gets doused in pesticides and literal shit daily dude.
Jeremiah Taylor
because americans are idiots and think calling something organic because it was grown in shit makes it better? in the past decade america managed to make a farming industry that goes back to pre 1960's levels of food safety under the moronic guise that it is better for you because they aren't using the nasty chemicals that were actually stopping things like parasite outbreaks in your country and helping more food be produced as less was being thrown out as waste. funny how millenials are making America go backwards lol.
Elijah Sanchez
>stop parasites >give you cancer >give children tits and micropenis
Wyatt Stewart
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Adam Baker
You have no idea how much food would be thrown out because it is infested with bugs and other disease without the use of pesticides. even with the use up to 20% or more of any crop is thrown out as waste and that is before you consider how many vegetables are thrown away because they are odd shapes. pic related are diseases potatoes get for an example, the only way to stop a disease like that from destroying an entire crop is to dip the seeds in a chemical bath.
not thrown away but recycled as feed or compost or other biomass applications
Nathan Perez
Are they getting the water from San Francisco?
Landon Adams
Most salads are the same for me, however it really depends on the plant There are some salads that I really like, but others are just fuck-horrible. You're not alone.
Ian Wood
This, its mostly legit human shit nowdays
Jonathan Smith
Jack Sanchez
People dont get sick from ground beef in Europe... weird but true.
Julian Richardson
McDonald's is equally to blame. FDA regulations legally require the washing of all produce before handling/preparing to serve.
Just more proof that only the worst people work fast food, fast food companies are evil, and you're a disgusting self-abusive idiot for eating there.
Logan Anderson
>California grower supplied McDonald's in the Midwest with greens contaminated with fecal parasites At least he was using bio fertilizer.
Liam Cooper
>shit on the streets >shit on the lettuce Is California trying to steal the title of most DESIGNATED place from India?
Sebastian Williams
>Really you should rinse everything that doesn't get peeled
You need to wash ALL produce, you fucking mong. Even watermelons.
>be spic meztizo undermench >pic watermelons for 5 usd a day >shit yourself in the field >keep on picking
You might not eat the rind, but you cut thru it with your knife.
Jason Wilson
>go to McDonalds >decide to "eat healthy" >literally eat shit
protip: don't go to fast food joints for sustenance.
Evan Jones
We don't chew our food, so we don;t know what we are missing.
Start buying organic leafy greens, and then just chew the leaves. You would be surprised what you find.
I regularly get a side salad and diet soda with my burger. Actually not that bad, the macros and brotein are so good it isn't even considered a cheat meal.