Why did they falsely portray Hitler as a racist and a 'nazi'?

Why did they falsely portray Hitler as a racist and a 'nazi'?

>In a 2009 interview, German journalist Siegfried Mischner claimed that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of the Führer shaking his hand before the latter left the stadium. Owens, who felt that the newspapers of the day reported "unfairly" on Hitler's attitude towards him, tried to get Mischner and his journalist colleagues to change the accepted version of history in the 1960s. Mischner claimed that Owens showed him the photograph and told him: "That was one of my most beautiful moments." Mischner added: "(the picture) was taken behind the honour stand and so not captured by the world's press. But I saw it, I saw him shaking Hitler's hand!" According to Mischner, "the predominating opinion in post-war Germany was that Hitler had ignored Owens, so we therefore decided not to report on the photo. The consensus was that Hitler had to continue to be painted in a bad light in relation to Owens."[35] For some time, Mischner's assertion was not confirmed independently of his own account,[36] and Mischner himself admitted in Mail Online: "All my colleagues are dead, Owens is dead. I thought this was the last chance to set the record straight. I have no idea where the photo is or even if it exists still."[35]

>However, in 2014, Eric Brown, British fighter pilot and test pilot, the Fleet Air Arm's most decorated living pilot,[37] independently stated in a BBC documentary: "I actually witnessed Hitler shaking hands with Jesse Owens and congratulating him on what he had achieved."[38] Additionally, an article in The Baltimore Sun in August 1936 reported that Hitler sent Owens a commemorative inscribed cabinet photograph of himself.[39]

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fucking kek. you should post this bait on reddit. they'd actually get mad at it

>Later, on October 15, 1936, Owens repeated this allegation when he addressed an audience of African Americans at a Republican rally in Kansas City, remarking: "Hitler didn't snub me — it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."[40][41]

>In Germany, Owens had been allowed to travel with and stay in the same hotels as whites, at a time when African Americans in many parts of the United States had to stay in segregated hotels that accommodated only blacks.[42]


keep seething

Yeah, they really should stop portraying Hitler as a nazi.
There's literally no evidence to suggest that he was

user, Jow Forums is reddit.

bunch of tinfoilers jumping at anything that looks like a swastika

FDR unironically ruined this country.

Hitler was a National Socialist, a left-wing nationalist workers party focused on economic and social welfare. "Nazi" is a political term associated with far-right racist hooligans and tattooed skinheads. The two concepts are barely related.

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>thinking "socialist" in the title makes them socialist

First, get a dictionary.

Second, you must be really confused by phrases like "buffalo wings."

>>thinking "socialist" in the title makes them socialist
what do you think the sozialismus is nationalsozialismus means?

>shake one negro hand
>this offsets the Holocaust

>angry socialist can't handle agreeing with Hitler on something

The NSDAP was definitely oriented socialist economically speaking

Look at their 25 point program

Here's an excerpt from an interview with hitler theguardian.com/theguardian/2007/sep/17/greatinterviews1

>"Why," I asked Hitler, "do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?"
>"Socialism," he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, "is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.
>"Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.
>"We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one."

If you read mein kampf he talks about how past pan-German nationalist movements has failed because they were too bourgeoisie.

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Certainly not the dictionary definition of "Socialist."

It's almost as if the Nazi party couldn't be trusted.

absolutely seething leftie

Hitler was corporatist.

>actual nazis trying to disavow their founder and his mission from god to more palatably advocate for an ethnostate

Only in the same way that what you would call socialism nowawdays isnt technically the dictionary version of socialism in that the dictionary definition places heavy emphasis on the workers ownership of the means of production which is so close to marxism it might as well be called that.

Economically his policies was similar to the social-democrats or even Roosevelt's "new deal". He instituted regulation of business, increased social welfare, and put barriers on free trade. Only two countries had greater state control over industry, those were Fascist Italy and the Soviet Union.

>falling for the democratic socialism meme

what do you think of prussian socialism?

And none of this was sustainable. Without WW2 and weapon production The economy would have collapsed in the 40s


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marxism is communism which is the opposite of socialism.

the workers certainly did NOT own the means of production in 1930s germany.

okay good talk.

>communism which is the opposite of socialism

Lol no. Germany has the worlds second largest industrial output in the 1930's. Hitler had just founded Volkswagen which was set to dominate the world car market. Only problem was the huge public debt and that was only due to military spending. It was no where near as bad as Germany's economy in the 1920's, and if Germany survived that, they could have survived the public debt crisis. Living conditions and social welfare massively improved under Hitler

>Jow Forumstards can only defend Hitler in this instance by literally saying that America was bad for having racial segregation policies against blacks


Also he is right. Socialism was popular. Fascists started using it to ruse people and brainlets on Jow Forums, almost 100 years later, still fall for it because they don't read books.

That is from 1920. The party in power was not left at all which is what got Röhm killed.

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I am pretty sure they are trying to demonstrate the fact that even those who believe in racial segregation can have a healthy respect and admiration for others of a different race without integrating them into the fabric of their nation. Nice meme though, almost made me think.

1926 kam es zu heftigen innerparteilichen Auseinandersetzungen mit dem linken Parteiflügel um die Brüder Otto Strasser und Gregor Strasser, die Hitler auf der Bamberger Führertagung für sich entschied. Anschließend wurde das Programm für „unabänderlich“ erklärt.[19] Um klarzustellen, dass das Wirtschaftskonzept der NSDAP weder antikapitalistisch noch sozialistisch war, ließ er 1928 dem Parteiprogramm die Erklärung hinzufügen, nach der „gegenüber den verlogenen Auslegungen von seiten unserer Gegner … die NSDAP auf dem Boden des Privateigentums steht“.[20] Dennoch blieben Änderungen nicht aus. Hitler erteilte zum einen der Forderung nach Kolonien (Punkt 3) eine Absage: Im zweiten Band von Mein Kampf, der Ende 1926 erschien, kündigte er stattdessen die Eroberung von Lebensraum im Osten auf dem Gebiet der Sowjetunion an.[21]
> dass das Wirtschaftskonzept der NSDAP weder antikapitalistisch noch sozialistisch war, ließ er 1928 dem Parteiprogramm die Erklärung hinzufügen, nach der „gegenüber den verlogenen Auslegungen von seiten unserer Gegner … die NSDAP auf dem Boden des Privateigentums steht
>not anti-capitalist, not socialist and in defense of private property

They massively improved compared to the shitty 20s. GDP per capita in Germany was still a lot lower than in the USA

how can the nazi be socialists when real socialism has never been tried?

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or it's just that nazi germany had almost no black people and national socialism was mostly concerned about the primacy of the germanic people over jewish and slavic peoples, but retards in modern day american think it was your current concept of pan-european white supremacy that's really only a US thing and aut-right kiddies try to defend this false premise as not that bad

Nah man all that shit was finanzed through deficit spending via "Handelswechsel" and literaly fake companies.

nazis treated blacks better than americans, got it

bismarck was a leninist?

No, but Lenin loved Prussian "war communism" and you didn't say what you were talking about. The welfare state created by Bismarck is not socialism tho since it doesn't change the status of private property at all. Redristribution of wealth in a capitalist enviroment is not socialism. This is why literally no one calls that time "prussian communism" and why Bismark persecuted the Socialists.

People itt are having a semantic argument.
I'd wager that 90% of people would call the redistribution of wealth (if by that you mean tax-funded social wellfare programs) socialism.

>I'd wager that 90% of people would call the redistribution of wealth (if by that you mean tax-funded social wellfare programs) socialism.
90% of Americans with Jow Forumstier-youtube education, yes. It's a buzzword with a lot of power from the cold war. Interestingly enough it works to protect very rich liberal elites too.

>90% of Americans with Jow Forumstier-youtube education
well... to be fair, democrats in general and bernie sanders in particular also seem to think that this is what socialism is.

Yeah, I was just about to write the same.

>Du muB dem Privateigentum widersprechen, um Sozialist zu sein

Verpiss dich du bolschewistischer ScheiBjude.

>Why did they falsely portray Hitler as a racist and a 'nazi'?

jeez, I dunno

>you should post this bait on reddit
he did
>they'd actually get mad at it
they did

>they did
of course they did, truth hurts

>he did
