Don't touch B's flute

Don't touch B's flute.

Attached: b.jpg (960x720, 152K)

Child D is the only rational choice.

Attached: lolingl.jpg (1254x720, 146K)

B is the libertarian choice. Inaction is usually the most correct choice, let life and its narrative play out without interference.

Attached: 1533415784616.png (700x600, 65K)

You posted this thread like 5 times in 3 days already. Go choke on pasta.


I'd give it to A, nothings worst than a kid making random noises with a flute.

Kek fpbp

child D being a jewish holywood pedophile

cook the flute to make a spaghetti noodle

B is the right choice, but you can tell it was made to match communists ideals, the whole means of productions meme.
What communists don't understand for all their inferior intellect, is that when they're workers they're the tools of the ones actually making it. Nothing prevent them from using their own company to truly owning their work.