Can somebody red pill me on fluoride?

can somebody red pill me on fluoride?
it seems odd to me that in a country where health care isn't free, the government is so interested in the dental health of its people.

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Plenty of redpills at Flouride Action Network site.

should i stop using flouridated toothpaste?

Doubt it's actually 99%. Many places here use fluoride in water and bottled water in France is marketed as being OK for babies, which implies that their tap water may be fluoridated too. Post a source for your thumbnail.

Flouidated tootbpaste or mouthwash is the only way it makes sense. If you are prone to cavities, stick with the flouride. Just make sure you aren’t iodine defecient and stay away from bromated bread

it's good and healthy

i don't have a source, i just found the pic on google images. The point i was making is: why of all places usa is so interested much more interested in dental health than in europe considering that they don't even had free health care?

Oy vey! Why even question it, goyim? Our greatest ally says it’s safe!

Fluoride helps prevent plaque by hardening your teeth, the catch is that it also prevents your natural healing mechanism for your teeth (saliva) from doing it's job.

should i switch to complete natural toothpaste?

its probably ok

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is your tapwater fluoridated? if so, your'e already ingesting far more on a daily basis then you would in a years' worth of brushing. and before you ask whether you should only drink bottled water or buy a filtration system for your sink - do you shower in the fluoridated water? if so, you're absorbing it through your skin and switching to filtered water is just a waste of money. itsa notso good, aye

Like I said, most people probably get adequate trace amount of flouride via unflourated tap water. Only people who have issues with cavities should substitue flouride in any way

I unironically bought the alex jones tooth paste and it works well. My teeth are whiter and they feel smooth like the dentist cleaned them. Only used it a few months, but i’m curious to see what my dentist says next checkup

Bottled “mineral” water often is enhanced with flouride.

Forget fluoride for teeth. Use Hydroxyapatite.

So this is a fascinating story. There's lots of reading you can do on this, but I'll condense this down for you.

There is a Japanese toothpaste called Apagard that uses Hydroxyapatite. It's natural stuff found in your saliva that re-mineralizes your teeth. NASA developed this in the 70's to deal with decalcification problems in astronauts. Multiple studies have shown Hydroxyapatite to be more effective than fluoride.

>With regard to restorative and preventive fields, nano-hydroxyapatite has remarkable remineralizing effects on initial lesions of enamel, certainly higher than traditional fluorides used until now for this purpose.

A few Dental products actually did make it to market in the US, but those companies were quickly bought up by (((companies heavily invested in fluoride))) and the products disappeared from the US market without any media noise about it. A Japanese company bought the patent for Hydroxyapatite from NASA, and they now produce a series of toothpastes containing the stuff, which is why you only see it coming out of Japan. Best of all, it's biocompatible and so far has not been demonstrated to have adverse effects.

>more effective than fluoride without the bullshit
>kikes tried to shut it down
>based Japs still make it

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Fluoride toxicity argument aside, Personally I would say yes, just because I don't like to prevent my own natural healing mechanism.

Fluoride isn't the holy grail and only solution to teeth care after-all.

But to say it doesn't work for it's initial purpose (preventing plaque damaging teeth) would be wrong. It works well in-fact, it just ruins your natural mechanism of self-repair..

So I guess you have to consider if that's important to you. If you want the best of both worlds (prevention and self-healing), then fluoride would be best to be avoided.

I get that fluoride is good and healthy I just dont understanid why we need to drink it and cook with it and bathe in it to get the benefits. When its already in most toothpaste, ahoulsnt that be more than enough

I did some research in Japanese on the different types of Apagard, looked up each of the ingredients (both active and inactive) and came to the conclusion that for someone concerned about teeth health (without whitening/other bullshit) the best type is:

(1.) アパガードリナメル (Apagard Renamel)
(2.) リナメル トリートメント ペースト (Apagard Renamel Paste)
pic related.

1 is used as a toothpaste, and 2 is a concentrated form of Hydroxyapatite stripped of most other ingredients strictly for the purpose of treatment, for infrequent application. They are both non-abrasive and not for whitening. They are for remineralization and maintaining healthy teeth.
These types are recommended over the other more popular types, such as the Premio type, because the Renamel type uses better ingredients and has less unnecessary crap, like sodium lauryl sulfate.

You can look up all this info yourself, but I thought I'd put it here for anyone interested.

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most groundwater west of the mississippi is naturally flouridated, often in high concentrations.

Look for non-smoking boomers with brown stained teeth; this is what flouride does in heavy concentrations.

i drink bottled water and i don't think we flouridate our tapwater in italy, but i'm not so sure

You literally can't unless you make your own toothpaste with peroxide, baking soda, and reverse-osmosis-filtered water.
There are literally zero tooth products available for purchase without fluoride.

Is there no filter you can put on the showerhead?

Fluoride does physically cause tooth enamel to be acid-resistant, so the mechanism isn't bullshit. On average, dental health in places with fluoridated water is better than those without, but other factors may be at play. Either way, tooth protection is especially useful when there's so much goddamn sugar in everything we eat in the West.

On the other hand, I don't like the idea of government delivering mass medication via a utility, because that sounds positively Jewish. I'd rather take care of it myself than trust a public worker to deliver meds to my faucet.

This is some nigger tier logic. You don't ingest nearly as much fluoride through your skin as you do from drinking it. Distilling your drinking water is not a waste of money, it's very cheap to do. I spend less than $20 a year on electricity to make fluoride free drinking water. If you can't spend a few hundred dollars on equipment then you can buy distilled water from the grocery store in refillable containers.

Regardless of fluoride, distilled water tastes a lot better to drink and to cook with.

Floridating water was started by Edward Bernays. Fluoride is an by product of aluminum processing, and they had massive amounts of it they had to store after the government made it illegal to put it in the atmosphere. So they decided to sell it to local governments under the guise of dental health, so that it is processed by the populace. They make money and don’t have to responsibly do away with waste.

What equipment did you buy?

New home owner, trying to outfit my house

Distilled water can cause vitamin and mineral deffeciecies to become worse. Eat a good diet or take a vitamin supplement and don’t worry

Thats not true at all, the tap water here is all fluoridated.

Go to the hardware store, get whole house charcoal and particulate filter, and install a reverse osmosis system under your sink for drinking water. Probably cost you $250 and some time if you have basic tools

Yeah big berkey makes one.

Fluoride is a brain retardant. They put it in water to make you imbecile.
In the Greek army the cook put bromide in our tea to make us retarded, same thing.

There's naturally occuring flouride and the industrial waste from flouride manufacturing that is also flouride. The waste is what is put in your water. Convince your community to stop putting it into the municipal water supply, but be forewarned, the industry will spend whatever it takes to keep your politicians from removing it.

Aluminum manufacturing

The scheme was introduced when fluoride toothpaste still wasn't common. They recently reduced the recommended dose for that exact reason.

This , from cryolith

I remineralize my water when I haven't been eating enough of the right foods.

It's a scam from the 50s hatched to get rid of a large amount of a useless and potentially harmful industrial byproduct.

How often do you change the filter?

no, you don't absorb as much through your skin as you do when ingesting (drinking) it directly from the tap? but, yes, you are still absorbing fluoride when you bathe. now, how much are you absorbing? that depends on how long you are showering and at what temperature. hot water opens up the pores and allows more absorption. and how much absorbed fluoride is too much? well, we don't know - the government and university system will not allow such research to be published. i happen to think any fluoride is too much fluoride. but, then again, i live in a fluoridated city full of retards and i can't avoid it. so maybe i'm retarded too.

Which is why you're circumcized goyim. The glans is a membrane to absorb toxic shit like that.

they exist - but are not cheap and require new expensive filters constantly. it's probably worth it, but it's gonna cost you.

Fluoride isn't free, you have to pay for water and toothpaste in the US.

Fluoride replaces calcium in the enamel structure. Making it more resistant to caries. This is do e in 2 ways...systemic fluoride through water as the tooth is forming. Or topical to replace surface ions with fluoride through toothpaste etc.

Different mechanism. Systemic leads to overall stronger enamel throuought the tooth but really has little effect after the teeth are formed. Topical can strengthen surface enamel that has come under acid attack.

>teeth are the only exposed bones in the body
>teeth are wired directly to the pain receptors of the brain, unlike every single other nerve ending in the body which is interpreted first by the spinal cord
>teeth are a perfectly suited organ for detecting upper-level vibrations
>fluoride conveniently hardens the teeth and dampens this vibrational sensitivity

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There does not appear to be any evidence whatsoever that the teeth of people drinking flouridated water their entire lives are any better off than those who have not. None.


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>Teeth are bones

1: 99/100 people don't swish before they swallow tap water
2: see #1

thank you based japbro/english teacher man, whatever you are your posts are appreciated.

Fluiride calcifies the pineal gland. This part of the brain has a multitude of functions, including regulating your circadian rhythm, releasing DMT to induce dreaming, and regulating melatonin levels.

More importantly, the pineal gland had been know historically as the so-called third eye - the key to experiencing spirituality. It is the pineal gland which people are seeking to activate with meditation and an organ that becomes highly active during periods of fasting due to it's highly effective use of ketones.

Fluoride in water is there for one reason - to mentally circumsize the populace.

brb ordering some right now

Toms of Maine, anyone? Fluoride free available.

Why would you just lie like that? I have a feeling I already know friendo

Jasön and Tom's both make fluoride free toothpaste and you can get it at places like Publix even

I just go off the reccomendations and change the particle whole house filter early if preasure drops. I think i change them 3-4 times a year. Water taste great though. Totally worth it.

pardon me, i dont get out to the store much

That's very interesting, thank you, based Japan.

this. but no one put this forth as the reason for dumping fluoride in the water - they used the arguments that over-fluoridation creates a more docile population be creating a brain-fog (as discovered by the soviets in the gulags, and replicated by the nazis in the camps - it was their tech that the Americans brought to the US) that causes a lack of concentration. add to this the additional bonus of creating an artificial market that allows aluminum producers to sell what is essentially toxic waste to nearly every municipality across the nation.
the purposefully calcification of the people's pineal glands is the root of the reason for fluoride (extinguish spirituality by dulling the human's built in connection to a higher power) - but it is not the only reason.

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Flouride is ok for your teeth, which is why it's in toothpaste. I'm not sure how they justify it for general consumption, though. Industries need ways to dispose of harmful chemicals instead of just dumping it into local rivers. It's free money for the govt and technically it's not hurting anyone

I have cavities will be ok if I use it

Thats a pretty shaky conspiracy theory considering how easily you can turn flurorides into something water unsoluable that you can actually dump into rivers.
>make it basic
>add calcium

>free money for the govt
Except municipal governments have to purchase fluoride compounds from the chemical industry. Chemical and fertilizer plants don't pay the government to take waste off their hands.

You need a mild abrasive for teeth to clean them.
plaque gets hard very quickly.

it will slowly heal them.
very slowly. Like, very very slowly.

Healing cavities only works if you stop injuring your enamel with shit food, fluoride alone won't do.


the fuck

do they prescribe

fluoride TABLETS


Industry would have to pay to dispose of their fluoride as toxic waste if they could not sell it to the water system. It is not that they make money selling it, it is that they avoid the costs of disposing the toxic waste, which is expensive.

by "they" i mean dentists, and yes ive looked into this, they literally give some fucking asinine nonsense about you being """"deficient"""" in fluoride as if actually ingesting it as opposed to using it topically on your teeth does anything but harm

what the FUCK is wrong with the medical professions in america?

we have psychiatrists drugging kids with hormone drugs and cancerous tranny idea shit

heads need to fucking roll

Calcium carbonate is like 150$ per metric ton.

This is the only correct answer I’ve seen so far, good job leaf!

Just like everything else, we’re being poisoned on a massive scale. There is no reason this chemical, among hundreds if not thousands of others, should be in our water supply