Capitalists absolutely annihilated®ion=opinion-c-col-right-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-right-region

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>whats driving the appeal of socialism

college brainwashing that prays the youngs naive idealism.

Socialism is like natsoc - build on stupid theory. For socialism it is LVT, for natsoc it is jewish conspiracy.

It's modernity, stupid.

It's a good article

>shilling for communism
Of course

I dont subscribe to most of the tenants of Natsoc but Hitler was right about the Jews

Down with capitalism. National socialism now.

I ain't clicking on that racist bullshit, user.

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yea lets archive this one

>I dont subscribe to most of the tenants of Natsoc
You probably do more than you know

Yeah yeah until the next financial communist / socialist bankrupt collapse then cap in hand back to the IMF like back in the 70's, whatever.

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> now mainstream newspapers are promoting communism
what the fucking fuck

The red plague must be stomped out forcefully. At least they have established firmly which side they are on. It’ll make the rest easier on us

>bringing attention to the weimar republic and the communist revolution in germany that led to the nazi party winning and ww2


"Socialism" as a word is like the word "pornography" and can mean totally different things depending on who is judging. Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition is "porn" to a Mormon. Likewise simple social democracy is "socialism" to American idiots.

marxian socialism is materialist not idealist

Why is that surprising? There's a reason why they shill for open borders and the minority status of Whites; Whites will never support communism, and (((they))) need foot soldiers to fight the Whites.

Fun times are coming.

I haven't read the article but from just the title and the pic it's about the overthrow of the Russian Imperial family by the ((((((((bolsheviks))))))))

This. They most likely think that Nordic model which is capitalism with gibs is socialism.

lol, "they" aren't striving for a social utopia or some shit. The globalism agenda is worldwide feudalism. BOTH capitalism and socialism are superior alternatives.

Nigger the NYT was shilling for communism in 1917. They helped cover up Soviet genocides, and for years stuck to their position of "Pol Pot wuz a gud boy who dindu nuffin".


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>Globalism is destroying our middle class, which is keeping wages suppressed for younger workers
>Better just ignore the leftist globalist causes and just go full open borders socialist lmao

Capitalism and Socialism (communism) are the same coin.

That and the steady increase in income inequality.

Socialism sucks, but one dude being worth $100B+ does too.

>Capitalists absolutely annihilated
Capitalism is just as Jewish and anti-White as Communism is.

> literally every jew is bad

>Socialism is like natsoc - build on stupid theory.
Well you're an idiot if you think NatSoc and Socialism are the same thing.

>for natsoc it is jewish conspiracy.
So you're saying the Jews aren't behind everything bad being done to the White race?

>NatSoc is built on stupid theory

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>marxian socialism is materialist not idealist
Marx was a kike and Communism is Jewish.

As we all know, the Jews are inherently anti-White.

>it's not a rule of thumb that jews destroy nations

>> literally every jew is bad

Name a pro-White Jew in a position of power, authority or control.

>socialism was literally created by capitalist to stop communism from happening.

>give the nigger a few gib and security so he will not go full on October revolution on you.

most of these communists are white people, while the niggers are not and just want gibs.

>most of these communists are white people,
Communists aren't people.

Since Communism is Jewish and anti-White, any White person that is a Communist is a traitor to the White race.

> So you're saying the Jews aren't behind everything bad being done to the White race?
I am saying that not every jew is responsible for it.
> Well you're an idiot if you think NatSoc and Socialism are the same thing.
I never said they are the same

The basic arguement if this article seems to be:
>Capitalism is creating socialists because capitalism isn't socialism

It wasn't limited to Marx. Communism is the most jewish ideology ever, only surpassed by neo conservatism, which is literally just trotskyism

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NYT always promoted communism.

>I am saying that not every jew is responsible for it.
Every Jew does not do a thing to stop the Jews who are actively responsible for it.

Regardless, Jews are not White and for that reason alone do not belong in White nations.

>I never said they are the same
You said they were "like" each other.

>Left wing parties in western world BTFO in recent ellections
>Le growing appeal of socialism
Retard writing opinion pieces based on his own small bubble. NYT is a garbage newspaper

>It wasn't limited to Marx. Communism is the most jewish ideology ever, only surpassed by neo conservatism, which is literally just trotskyism
Oh I agree, Communism is wholly Jewish and modern Capitalism is Jewish as well.

I'm pretty sure Netanyahu and a lot of Israeli leaders were big fans of white run states such as South Africa or Rhodesia

communist groups make promises that sound appealing, but in order to carry out these promises, they must be given great power over the country.
when the communists are granted this power, all the promises are thrown out the window and the communists do whatever they feel like doing.

Democrats suffered their greatest defeat after Obama yet they think they're winning. It's a testament to how deluded and out of touch they are with the average person, whether it's in the US or Europe.

Ashkenazi Jews are basically white. They're not like Swedes or Irish but a lot of them have pale skin, blue/green/gray eyes, fair hair, or pink nipples.

well maybe this is a good thing, a little blood letting now and then is good for the soul.

too many people in the world this is one way to bring down the population. we just need to control it and at the right time squash the shit out of the commies again.

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>I'm pretty sure Netanyahu and a lot of Israeli leaders were big fans of white run states such as South Africa or Rhodesia
No, they weren't. Because the Jew hates White countries being White.

>Ashkenazi Jews are basically white
You need to understand race realism before you tackle the JQ or I don't think the JQ makes as much sense.

Capitalism doesn't exist. There is no capitalist ideology. It is just a bullshit blanket term for everything that isn't communist or socialist. I suppose you could call international finance capital "capitalism", in which yes it is Jewish.

Why do modern western gay right lefties apropriet the symbols and achievement of soviet russia?
Lenin wrote that homosexuality is a bourgois sickness.

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Then why was Israel one of the major allies of Apartheid era South Africa during a period when everyone else was imposing sanctions on them?

>Ashkenazi Jews are basically white.
No, they're not. They're a non-White race and they're all inherently anti-White.

"Basically white" = non-White.

>They're not like Swedes or Irish but a lot of them have pale skin, blue/green/gray eyes, fair hair, or pink nipples.
Race is more than skin, hair, & eye color. Jesus Christ just how new are you?

In the sense that a Jewish loan shark is a "big fan" of his clients, sure.


>Then why was Israel one of the major allies of Apartheid era South Africa during a period when everyone else was imposing sanctions on them?
Probably because they were getting something out of it like food and yet another goy country to support them internationally.

Christ, do you think because Israel is friends with the USA that makes the Jews pro-White?

>whiteness is determined by nipple color
You've been on Jow Forums for too long.

>You've been on Jow Forums for too long.
and watch as that poster next claims the irish and the italians aren't white because "LOL BOARD CULTURE MEMES!"

These young fucks aren't even socialist. And I don't mean that in the "hurr they not practising REAL socialism", I mean they have literally no fucking clue what they're doing.

That Ocasio-Cortez chick was interviewed the other day and asked why she calls herself a democratic socialist and what it means to her and she answered that it means in a country like the US, no person should be too poor to live. But that's not socialism, that's not anything. Fuck, who doesn't think this? Capitalists don't think there should be people too poor to live, it's just stupid.

These fucks don't know anything about anything, socialism or capitalism.

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So the only excuse is goalpost moving. There's also Netanyahu on Hungary. Maybe your concept of the Jews shouldn't be some infantile Saturday morning cartoon level of deduction as its far more complex than all Jews hating whites.

That's why they're called useful idiots.
Have you seen the people demanding socialism? They all have iphones and nice clothes.

When they get (not real) socialism they'll beg muh gun clingers to save them and bring back capitalism.

We have the highest standard of living in the history of mankind. Wealth is not a zero sum game.

start sending ricin and bombs and such to nyt hq

>marxian socialism is materialist not idealist
That's even worse.

Steve Miller

2 things
1. Muh intersectionality
2. It probably stems from old communist propoganda from groups in the US back in the 50s supporting gays to bring down the US’s family unit and promote societal destroying degeneracy from the inside. Those communists probably brainwashed younger communists, and the tradition probably continues today without anybody even realizing the ill intentions of yesteryear.
That’s probably what helped form intersectionality today, but the result is the same...
Personally, if I was gay, I would be disgusted by it, but few realize.

>So the only excuse is goalpost moving.
You are attempting to claim that the Jews are pro-White despite no real evidence proving that they're pro-White.

>Maybe your concept of the Jews shouldn't be some infantile Saturday morning cartoon level of deduction as its far more complex than all Jews hating whites.
Every Jew hates Whites. There are no pro-White Jews. Jews are inherently anti-White.

Get that though your head, you cuckservative civcuck nationalist.

Netanyahu is an anti-White Jew that supports the genocide of the White race, like all Jews.

So fuck off with your kike defending. It doesn't work on Jow Forums, Republican.

New York Times. Your argument is invalid.

>Steve Miller

They did it for our uranium. We developed Nukes together

>A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates
who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

Translation: Free shit will always be eternally popular, this is nothing new.

>modern western gay right lefties
wew lad

Once again, you have such an infantile viewpoint. The world is more complex than you think it is.
They've done studies on this. The male lineage seems to be at least half Levantine, while the female lineage is mostly European. Combined with the written historical record, this suggests that Jews from the Middle East fled to Europe in Roman times (probably by or around 70 AD) and married native Southern Europeans who converted. Over the next 1100 years or so these Jews moved northwards and settled in Northern and Central Europe, where their language developed.

you know (((why)))

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Irish and Italians are white. They're European.

Socialists are utter retards, is probably what capitalists are thinking.

On the contrary: she knows perfectly well what it is, which is why she'll never say it out loud in the United States, knowing exactly how revolting most would find it outside the ghetto. Also note how neither she nor Sanders ever actually use expressions like "tax increase". The US still has a very large middles class with a lot to lose in a revolution from below.

That's part of the reason why they're practicing entryism and coopting the Democratic Party.

I am russian. Here communism associetes with strict facist like order, military strength and space exploration.
In the west we funded the existing communist parties like the very large one in france.
Today moscow doesnt fund them anymore but they still existe. Who does then

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Didnt Marx make up the word capitalism?

Isn't the PCF the third largest party in France by membership?

Same thing happened to nazis. From aryan stormtroopers you turned into kekisrqni reddit zoykuks who support israel

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>look this Jew doesn't openly hate White people
Their interests are fundamentally opposed to ours. This does not mean that every Jew runs around punching every White person he sees. Your infantile strawman is not a counter-argument.

Not sure if you’re larping, but you are correct.
>who does then?
I feign you know the (((answer))) to that already.

So it's a 200 word article about declining wages and job stability that doesn't mention globalism once? Every single thing it ascribes to capitalism erroneously can be addressed by limiting globalism, an ostensibly socialist movement. Well, it plans for the poverty of socialism for the workers, put it that way.

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Right, they cluster the closest to Italians by Fst, but any two jews are more related to each other than to their host population. They're an extremely insular small population, if you understand the heritable nature of behavioral traits, you can start to understand why something like an intrinsic jewish nature exists.
>The shared genetic elements suggest that members of any Jewish community are related to one another as closely as are fourth or fifth cousins in a large population, which is about 10 times higher than the relationship between two people chosen at random off the streets of New York City, Dr. Atzmon said.

>Different communities of Jews around the world share more than just religious or cultural practices — they also have strong genetic commonalities, according to the largest genetic analysis of Jewish people to date.

But is it so big and strong. Who funds it?
The politburo doesnt existe anymore.
And now they support modern western leftist ideals. They deffend gays, muslim extrimists, imigrant invaders... anybody but the acerage working frenchman.

are gonna put in a gulag now or later?

>who support israel
No one "supports" Israel, we just don't want to nuke it. (for pragmatic reasons)

>the growing appeal of socialism
I'd say fascism is far stronger than socialism these days.

how long did it take venezuela to go from good to shit

>Didnt Marx make up the word capitalism?
No, but prior to Marx the word was only used to refer to the method of using large amounts of capital to alter an industry or economy. It was a very specific term, Marx turned it into a phantom ideological opposition in order to make his retarded ideas seem to be a visionary alternative.

I saw a picture here once. One says its the jews, the other its the americans. No its the government, no the rich.
Combine them all you get: rich jews in the american governament

You "socialists" of Jow Forums know that socialism is the intermediate step between capitalism and communism right? If you advocate for socialism you advocate for communism, and I am thoroughly against communism. I do not like the idea of getting a bullet to the head for not being a parasitic druggie bum and I do not like the idea of starving to death because commissar believes all tractors must be painted red and cannot be used to harvest until paint arrives.

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>Socialism sucks, but one dude being worth $100B+ does too.

Implying that people like Kim Jong-Un, Stalin, Chavez and Maduro and their most ardent bootlickers aren't equivalent to the billionaires in their respective socialist countries.

Usually I’m slow to say Jews, as I don’t like to blanket. But it really is Jews.

Every Jew contributes because they maintain a separate tribe within the nation. Its like the fucking Muslims. Small percentage actually do violence but the bulk will defend or protect them given the chance.

I’d agree with that.

>Youngs naive idealism

I used to be like that when i was a kid, yet i've never been attracted to marxist ideals. I never seen the appeal