Be me
>The top end of Gen X
>Wife passed 2 years ago in accident
>Kids are grown, and successful.
>Going through some bizarre empty nest shit.
>So I start checking out online dating.
>Witness more personal train wrecks than stars in the known universe, and possibly the adjoining parallel one.
>Too liberal, too used up, too much baggage, and a rainbow of shitty life choices.
>What the actual fuck has happened in the last 30 years?
>I don't want to hear from faggots in a relationship, I too was in that bubble.
> I want to hear from those with boots on the ground for 10 years plus, to get an unclouded opinion of where it all went horribly south.
Pic related just one of many I have ran across.
Be me
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I'm 38. It's been like this through my entire 30s. What the fuck happened? Kikes. That's what. They were told they were better off getting divorced in their 20s and it's not going well. Your best bet is young submissive girls with daddy issues (assuming you get a vasectomy) who want to play house for a while or other widowers.
>Too liberal, too used up, too much baggage, and a rainbow of shitty life choices.
>What the actual fuck has happened in the last 30 years?
Single people your age will be train wrecks, outside of widows and widowers like yourself. They failed at the nuclear family thing, you'll need to do as suggested if you're looking for sanity or decency
this and also weird people are over represented in internet dating
M8 at your age, it's only the dregs leftover. Basketcases that can't stay in a stable relationship and divorcees. Is there any sort of dating site for widows? If I were you I wouldn't want to date a bitter divorced woman or one too crazy to have ever been married/in serious relationship
She meant "untested" not "unterested".
internet dating is still the butt of a joke to me and not something people actually do. despite knowing a bunch of people who met online and have been together for a time.
I just cannot wrap my head around it, one of the focal parts of a relationship to me is that you run into each other in person somehow due to a shared interest.
Had a similar experience as you do. Honestly shit is too fucked up. If you didn't get a life partner young you're in for bottom barrel or divorcees. I'm not nearly as old as you are, I'm 29 but I've experienced the same shit. In some cases they still think they're 21 hot shit and only want chads in economics or think they're going to become a millionaire by the time they're 30 and unless you're on that same path you're not worth looking into even though they're usually less wealthy than you are. It became such a sad reality that I stopped dating and accepted the single dad life.
I have to say I agree, All I see is a virtual ocean of looking for a good man commentary. When statistically they possibly had one to begin with, yet were too vapid to realize it.
Not going to generalize, but most single guys I do know IRL aren't womanizing Chads run rampant.
Yet they are divorced or have been.
I can also see where women are literally being brainwashed out of a classic family model.
I am just in my mid 20's so i don't know how helpful i can be, but try to date widows.
They went thru the same shit as you, and where intelligent and normal enough (well for the most part) to marry and have kids (i think that the widows with kids are better especially if they have a good relationship with their kids).
Basically try to find a Conservative widow with kids, i am mean you have to fit together and all but i think you get what i am trying to say.
Good luck man, and sorry for your loss.