Daily reminder that if your country was an member of the allies...

Daily reminder that if your country was an member of the allies, your have no right to complain about 3rd world migrant overrunning your country.

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Why haven't you produced any anime

Why should I?

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based gen z!

how does Ireland work for this

Oh thank fuck, i have the right to complain

You are allowed to complain since you were neutral.

Think this counts

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We had no fucking choice when Germans were too busy killing us Poles instead of taking care of their own Nation and developing it into an economic superpower.
If you did that then Hitler would have not only been a National Hero but many other Nations (such as the Highly Nationalistic and Anti-Communist Poland) would follow suit seeing how successful National Socialism was and how happy people were in 1930s Germany.

But you had to fuck it up didn't you

If not for the Anti-Slavic Sentiment then I would have thought Hitler was a good guy a long time ago.

He changed his mind about Slavs later on.

Mussert was a loser but the movement in of itself was all right and I would have supported it until they started cucking to Germany. I would have voted for the party Zwart Front to be really honest. Dutch fascist party which wanted to reunite Belgium with The Netherlands and but the party was destroyed by the Germans after they invaded since they were pro-Dutch instead of pro-Germany.

>but the movement in of itself was all right and I would have supported it until they started cucking to Germany

What do you mean cucking to Germany?

I'm going to complain anyway.

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NSB's Mussert went to a meeting with Hitler in which he stated that he saw the Netherlands serving Germany in all their efforts. I love their propoganda posters though.

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Here is the wiki article for some clearification.

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While he was killing us and colonizing our Westernmost villages?

In what way was that statement wrong?

The main split within the party was between Mussert and Feldmeijer. Mussert being the generally weaker side that wanted only a union with Belgium and a loose European brotherhood. Feldmeijer was a Germanicist and support a Germanic state under Hitler, of which the Netherlands would be a part.
I really don't see how the NSB would've cucked towards Germany. If anything they rebelled where they could.

Pic related is an amazing piece written for the Dutch SS. Basically mandated reading for Dutch people on Jow Forums imo

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Absolutely, understanding the truth about Hitler/WWII is one of the biggest eye openers to what is going on in the West

Germans wanted their land back, Polish refused. Your country should have just given them back the land taken from them in the 1920's

Do we count as Axis?

I am always interested in changing my opinion. Will read the pic. thanks.

Sauce pls?

The Cockpit

If you want to. Most Baltic users on Jow Forums seem to be divided about being pro-German during WWII. One Latvian in particular is quite autistic about being anti-German. But you do you Estland.

Much obliged, thank you.

By what right was it 'their' land though?
is it before Versailles?
Land and history changes borders all the time so why should have the Polish given away land that the Germans LOST in WW1.
Bismark said that Poles are an eternal threat to the greatness of Germany and that they need to be annihilated.

You sure? We were the only country which fought against _everyone_ in WW2: First Soviet Union, then some more Soviet Union and it's Allies (they failed), then finally we fought the Nazis.
>we forgot to fight against the neutral countries.. well, that is quickly fixed, be ready Sweden and Switzerland!


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its prussia you nigger.

Germany is a nightmare for aspiring content producers because of corruption, (((guilt))) and state-censorship.

"I'd rather hitler or the japs win than work beside a nigger on the assembly line"
My grand fathers, and the fathers before them would take up arms and revolt the night if they knew what this country would become

No they wouldnt, now the world is how you made it.

I agree with this message.

We weren't fucking brain dead German, fucking destroyers of Europe. We had fascism as well. You attacked our country first you absolute rot of Europe!

The basic gist:

The NL became independent through an accident of history, and would not have left the HRE were it not for power plays and inherintances outside of its own reach making life impossible inside. The early stages of revolt against the now Spanish Habsburgs was not meant as the establishment of a state. The Union of Utrecht/Atrecht even saw the Netherlands as still a part of the HRE. Slowly a nation developed out of half of the revolt, that abandoned the other half in search of empire. The southern NL had to continue its fight against latinisation, whilst the north chased empire. At this point the national conciousness still focussed on the Germanic against Latin, but with a buffer zone being created, that quickly faded.

We called ourselves (Neder)duits until well into the 18th century, but the standardisation of language destroyed the dialect continuum we shared with the wider continental west Germanic world. The NL and northern Germany spoke Nederlands, and the rest of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland spoke Overlands. Quickly the German romanticist upmarch replaced the northern German language and a harsh cultural and linguistic border was formed, cutting off both the northern and southern Netherlands from a cultural realm, our true separation. All this happened long after other powers had replaced Dutch power, and the Netherlands remained not much more than a useful tool of the three surrounding powers.

The idea is that our true national conciousness does not lie in only the NL, which is only truly a regional identity, but rather the Germanic world. Since our departure from the German(ic) world, definitions have changed and culture has developed. We cannot turn back time. To see ourselves as Duits again would require at least some adaption, but we have remained Germanic throughout. Therefore a Germanic identity is the best path forward for the Dutch people, romantically. There's also a utilitarian argument, but that's another story.

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I wish Germany lost but the Japs won and took over the world

What're you gonna do about it?

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Jesus Christ, Anglo

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You realize that pandering to Jews killed your empire right? Why are you so hell bent on self destruction?

"why where they so successful! if only they hadn't killed the jews!"
Thats why they were successful you fucking boomer

>you are responsible for things that happened 40 years before you were born


I'm pretty sure the French were lowkey on the Nazi side but they didn't want to join the Axis forces because they would eventually get steamrolled by the USSR.

Not an Anglo Fritz, I just hate the dirty fucking Germans like every other sane human being

>Its land of the Balts
based American

>Poland won't give German clay back
>Genocides Germans instead
>Declares war on Germany
>Germany fucks up poland
>Poland cries that Germany started it all

your people are a collection of conquered tribes.
German? You mean gauls?
LOL then you guys LARPed the Holy Roman Empire after generations long wars
fucking kek dude

>>German? You mean gauls?

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