Long nose tribe say we should smoke maribunga. Boom boom generation agree, said it was fun at woongastock...

Long nose tribe say we should smoke maribunga. Boom boom generation agree, said it was fun at woongastock. Now tribe lazy. Grug no want to pick berry. Grug want to smoke.

Attached: grug weed.jpg (235x214, 8K)

kussolj the buziarcu telefonnyalo alsogatya.

>regular, hard working people are for legalizing weed
>incel neet autists on Jow Forums are against it

wew really nogs my joggin nogs

>if you like maribunga, you smart and good
>if you no like maribunga, you bad and weak
Wise man make good argument

Attached: grug.jpg (800x450, 38K)

Nobody says you SHOULD smoke except rapping niggers. If Jews actually wanted everyone to smoke weed it would get legalized decades ago worldwide.

Why rocktendo tribe say rockstation 3 has no rocks? Have they no play tallabunga nights?

thats right goyim drink your beer

Dark tribe say purple potion is good i see drak tribe people drink potion and sleep. Long nose tribe draw tablet of dark tribe sleeping with potion, he show it to Grug;s tribe and now all are drinking purple potion.

based and redpilled

nice buzzwords you niggercum gurgling swedefaggot