The Jews are planning to SHUT IT DOWN

>Alex Jones virtually gets banned from all platforms
>shadowbanning and censorship from Big Tech, Google working with the Chinese to censor
>(((Banking Institutions))) blacklist the NRA, causing great damage and is struggling to keep its head above water
All of this sets a dangerous precedent for all of us.
I'm sick and tired of these god damn kikes.
When will we strike a blow to the Jewish Menace?

Attached: 84c.jpg (400x523, 76K)

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Shitpost in real life user. It's the only way.

Alex Jones is a Zionist he had to go

That artwork kek.

Attached: 1512720425420.jpg (1367x855, 314K)

doesn't matter, you're shilling for censorship. He was a threat to kikes so they shut him down

Yup. I've had to. It works though

i suppose so.

Praying to the Nasim Goddess to send her soldiers to eradicate these toxic (((companies)))

We already know (or should know) that they can shut down all Cell Phone signals.
Government has done this during riot situations.

Attached: Internet Kill Switch.png (536x903, 374K)