Trudeau = 4D chess champion 2018

>virtue signals about hating Muslims
>does whatever Saudi Arabia wants

>virtue signals about loving Muslims
>literally just made Saudi Arabia force thousands of their nationals out of our country

Attached: trudeau trump globalization.jpg (620x748, 168K)

literal 40D monopoly

>Fundie muzzies hate Saudi Arabian royalty
>women finally get right to drive
>Trudeau govt goes after them hard over human rights out of nowhere
>thinking this is based

wew, Achmed.

500 million per year gone. some universities will go out of business

shills try to spin it as good

>Rich shitskins leave and take money with them
>Poor Paki street shitting hotel mongers stay.
Absalooootley baste

o, its a good thing alright
kind of funny, how pulling out all these kids, will make them lose a year of education

teachers overpaid gimmick at uni level

they are also pulling patients from hospitals

what's your spin on that? it's now good right? justl ike any time you lose money or investments it becomes 'actually good and heres why'


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Universities are nothing but god damn kike communism indoctrination centres
Nothing of value was lost.

Oh no, how will the Jewish professors pay for their vacation.
At least asian students get PhD and work for nothing. Saudis just do pot all day.

Thats true, Trump isn't very smart


is losing 100 billion in energy investments also good? trudeau lost that in 2017

doesn't saudi arabia own canada largest refinery? will losing that be good?

>Trudeau govt goes after them hard over human rights out of nowhere

There was a flurry of arrests recently. It wasn't "out of nowhere". And it was a pretty standard diplomatic comment. It's the Saudis who are chimping out.

dude weed lmao

>500 million per year gone
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did you get this figure? There are like 5k-10k Saudi students in the country (plus any dependents). Unless you're referring to Saudi donations, in which case, fuck them, we don't need them.

not really going to lose it, unless they are going to move it brick by brick

just means it would go to the second highest bidder, not a big deal

>not a big deal

how many times you gonna play that game

MbS and Trudeau are faggots, lets be honest

those two lovebirds will be hugging and kissing each other by the end of the week

MbS will have to, he just had to shakedown his family for money, and torture them when they wouldnt give it up

they will be forced to become fuck buddies with Canada again

go away you cucked shill

Does your pussy hurt? It’s a pipe dream anyone other than America will buy your dirty oil.
Russia has Europe, and china already. Do you really think they will pay top dollar for your oil when Russia has cheap plentiful oil on their doorstep.
Go choke a terrified baby farm animal you cowboy kike

every time something that wouldn't be good happens, you say it 'ACKSHUALLY GOOD, HERE'S WHY'

you're the shill. pic related: it you.

Attached: canadians.jpg (1600x900, 414K)

We told you we were going to hold you down and fuck you in your holes for inflicting ZOG on Canada. Now shut your bumpkin mouth and take it.

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someone end this ride. he needs to go

only good thing left about canada is the massage parlors

Recycling Jew still hasn’t figured out we know he’s a filthy kike by hiding his flag

Wait, wait, wait. Are we seeing literal paid LEAF shills now? How shit, it really must me habbening.

yea ok, meme flag

Ok Ching Chang chong

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you asked for it bitch

american working in leafland. not even close.


all shills

As if there aren't hundreds of thousands of international citizens pounding at the door trying to get Canadian university degrees and Canadian healthcare.

Nice try, Abdul.

Rub and tug are all Chinese
Whatever floats your boat

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I wish, dude. I wish.

The shills are the ones who keep posting old anti-Trudeau memes every single day, for months on end (some have been posting them for a few years now). This thread is based on news happening right fucking now.

Attached: saudi arabia threatens canada.jpg (692x825, 148K)

Send the Semitic filth back to the shithole from whence they came

Attached: B138C071-E71A-421E-8D8D-D0BF407093F3.jpg (320x427, 41K)

Didn’t quite have the traction you had hoped for did it

Some Polish retard has been shilling nonstop for months to pretty much no effect

fuck you

spotted the drunken boomer abomination

threadly reminder if you take a random user posting ITT there is a good chance he / she would be way more qualified than Trudeau for any job except maybe snowboard teaching.


>tfw it was all his life long plan to have revenge on his cucked dad after finding out about Castro to larp as a liberal faggot to push the entire cucked country toward far-right.

So based getting rid of the richest of them and their students who are only here temporarily, meanwhile the permanent residents and soon to be citizens (if they're not citizens) of Muslim origin get to stay and they're generally much poorer in comparison.

>some universities will go out of business

WTF i love Trudeau now?!? Will he Make Canada Great Again by getting rid of those marxist indoctrination shitholes?

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>he actually thinks most international students will just go home after they graduate