Facebook, netflix, google, twitter, youtube all pushed hard to keep net neutrality claiming it was a free speech issue

>Facebook, netflix, google, twitter, youtube all pushed hard to keep net neutrality claiming it was a free speech issue
>liberals cried about it
>The same companies now censor free speech and ban Alex Jones
>liberals celebrate

Big tech companies need to be classed as utilities. Now!

Attached: 2017043944.jpg (350x221, 63K)

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They need to be seized by the federal government.

who do think is letting this happen?

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Trump cuz he rather drain the entire swamp at once. There's already news you can lookup about how Mueller has subpeonad multiple tech companies.

Free speech doesn't cover hate speech or speech that incites violence.

Your comment just made me punch a baby. I think you should be banned because you incite violence.

And that doesnt relate to Alex Jones at all.

CNN on the other hand...

a comment that triggers a reaction of violence is different than a comment that explicitly calls for violence. the former is tolerated by free speech laws, the latter isn't.

Even in countries where universities and schools are utilities, lefties still control speech
What makes you think it would change if social media was an utility

Punching a baby because someone called out hate speech is not a reasonable response. Attacking someone because you've heard thousands of times from a source that you consider reputable telling you that they are pure evil, to the point where you are brainwashed, is a reasonable response.

Alex Jones hasn't said hateful, uncorroborated things about people that his followers blindly accepted?

jews and money
that's your hint to figure out the fuss about net neutrality

>claiming it was a free speech issue
Net neutrality literally has nothing to do with free speech

Yet somehow thousands of leftists are getting away with hate speech and violence every single day. I guess its time to shut them all down.

Oh yeah but when CNN LITERALLY calls for violence against people, as do several political figures and influencial goys. Or that new gook NYT writer literally calling for violence against white people.
user I can't believe how much denial you're in. Alex Jones never called for violence he called for an uprising and a revolution.

>you can't call anything bad because thats hate speech brainwashing
This shit is why NOBODY respects the left.

They claimed that it was since corporations and big business could get their message out but the little guy couldnt.

>Alex Jones hasn't said hateful, uncorroborated things about people that his followers blindly accepted?

pointing out the hypocrisy of others has nothing to do with us

Still waiting for examples of AJ directly calling for violence. Go ahead I'll wait.
I bet you people wanna ban ICE too because they're "bad 4 da mexicans"


it doesn't take long to find clips of him saying he wants to kill people. take your head out of your ass

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user that video describes perfectly how I feel about you. Saved!

I miss days when hate didn't mean hurting somebody's feelings or offending them because what you said hit them too close to home.

I told you to take your head out of your ass

Yes. Very good, you're learning that only thousands of the millions upon millions of leftists are violent. I'm willing to bet the right is the same.

After the attack on the congressional baseball game, for instance:
>His recent YouTube video titles telegraph the tone: “Get Ready For CIVIL WAR!” and “First Shots Fired in Second US Civil War! What Will You Do?” and “Will Trump Stop Democrats' Plan for Violent Civil War?”

Guess what, no body cares. They keep hitting you and you keep bleeding and you can't fight back. It's hilarious to watch, I want to spit on all of you weak fucking faggots. I don't even agree with them, but I'm sick of watching you lose. Die already.

>Clickbait titles are suddenly hate speech that must be censored
Anons why don't you just go to literally any other country where people can't speak their minds without heavy censorship? Canada seems like a nice place for your kind, or the UK even.

>if I say the same thing over and over again
>and it didn’t make sense the first time
>but someone figures it out after the thousandth time
>and suddenly commits murder based on my unerring repetitive statement
>I’m inciting violence
Does this actually make sense as something that should happen because that sounds pretty retarded to me

Lol like 9/11, Iraq, and the middle east? And Russians? We should totally ban the guberment and media for hate speech!

>speak their minds
Convincing thousands that the Sandy Hook shootings were faked is speaking your mind? Seems like brainwashing to me.

You've never heard anything once, been skeptical, then heard it a thousand more times over the span of your formative years and accepted it more and more with each repetition? Isn't that exactly what "redpilling" is here??

>Lol like 9/11, Iraq, and the middle east? And Russians?
What are you trying to say?

Facebook: We are just partnering with banks


Has George Soros been on our side, all along?

Attached: Soros-Days-Are-Numbered.png (477x596, 350K)

>Implying Sandy Hook was real
What's next, outlaw 9/11 deniers? Outlaw the people who tell you about the fluoride poisoning? Outlaw anything that goes against the government/MSM narrative? Where is the line?

No matter WHAT somebody says, there will always be someone who takes it in a certain way and believe it is a call for violence.
I'm done responding to you. Educate yourself.

>Opinions that don't violate tos or US law is brainwashing and should be banned
Like how you've jumped from hate speech (which isn't really a thing in the US) to brainwashing

>Where is the line?
Not harassing parents of children is past the line. Can you not see a difference between that and a crazy sounding person rambling about fluoride?

I'm implying that hate speech can lead to indoctrination, AKA brainwashing.

Have more:
>“[Mueller is] a demon I will take down, or I’ll die trying. So that’s it. It’s going to happen, we’re going to walk out in the square, politically, at high noon, and he’s going to find out whether he makes a move man, make the move first, and then it’s going to happen,” Jones said, miming a pistol with his hand. “It’s not a joke. It’s not a game. It’s the real world. Politically. You’re going to get it, or I’m going to die trying, bitch. Get ready. We’re going to bang heads. We’re going to bang heads.”
Perfectly innocent.

Cool opinions. Except neither of those things are relevant to this debate and even if they were, wouldn't be in violation of either US law or YouTube's TOS.
