Attached: AccountGotLocked.png (874x533, 36K)

Please go on....

Happens to every twitter account if you say any of their banned words, happened to me after I said "Faggot"

oy vey, nothing is for free, goy

Im completely ok with this

twitter is a saudi company


Eh, I'm fine with losing my twitter. Only ever used it to practice debate and gain social confidence from it.

It happened to me immediately after saying s0iboy. That's the most offensive thing I've ever put on Twitter

>Guys, why won’t this website let me post whatever I want?!?!

They're begging to be regulated as a public utility.

Did someone say giant ass?

This is a perspective many of us have:

Imagine if BP, Exxon, Chevron and Sunoco all moved, on the same day, at the same time, to charge $5.00/gal for gasoline at their service stations. That would be illegal collusion to take advantage of a monopolistic position. That’s essentially what happened today when Facebook, YouTube, Apple and Spotify simultaneously banned the Alex Jones broadcast from their platforms; in an effort to purge him from the internet.

Attached: Q and alex .jpg (632x352, 89K)


Yep, can confirm. I've had probably a dozen accounts and never had to give my phone number until I violated their tos by saying bad words. Now everyone just uses asterisks or types


My twitter name has been faggot retard since forever and i havent been banned because it yet

Hell, they've already labeled it as such when they argued that Trump couldn't block users

Q and Alex Jones secretly moved to so that they could expose the Jews. It's true, just look at this thread. It's proof.

Yea they bitch about trump """colluding""" but business collusion which is a crime, and they're fine with that. Liberals are the true ancaps today

Want to know how to get your twatter banned 100% of the time very quickly? Find some kike in the IDF and start harassing him. 20 minutes tops before you are banned.

You disagreed with a blue check.

>using twitter, kikebook or any (((social media)))
not even fucking once. know how many fucks i give about this "purge?" zero

That's what happened to me. Glass jawed kike couldn't handle being called out for being a sweaty puss.

but it would be racist if twittered banned black people for using the word nigger
is twitter going to verify if users are black?

verified niggers

Attached: 1532870973167.jpg (700x888, 115K)

You're retarded and don't belong on this website

Lit 3+ year old news. Twitter uses what they call "automation detection". It is a bunch of rules that triggers phone activation. They add shit here all the time, but some concrete examples is that ie if you have a really long password and copy paste that in, it will trigger this if you have registered a new account. Follow to many people at once on a new account, automation. Tweet to much, automation. And so on and so forth. And as many posts here, they think it has reacted to certain phrases which it most likely has.

Heck even 3 years ago basically only isis knew how to register new accounts without trigging this shit

They build a database so they can use it against in the future. Ever want to run for public office? Now a number-verified tweet of you saying faggot suddenly appears in the media.

Happened to me on a google account when I tried to use it from a different machine/IP. The truth is that big companies don't want to get into the trouble of recovering stolen accounts, so they force you to comply to their security policies.

maybe on purpose to get tax shekels