Don't you guys get it? Now that Info Wars was shut down, you have the perfect opportunity to call the Left out and take down one of their leaders. Find someone with a big channel and an extensive reach to brainwash youngins and turn them towards of Antifa. Or, it could just be somebody like Howard Stern. Use the "anti-white" thing and it might gain traction.

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>for once in my lifetime im bumping a leaf
this sounds good, bump

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This is true look what happened when Fox tried to cancel Family Guy and Arrested Development except that those examples were obviously coordinated and faked like to give the illusion that they were against the mainstream and counter culture. Fuck Seth McFarlane he should have died on 9/11


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>for once in my life I agree with a leaf and a spic
Might as well give it a shot.

they didnt budget on sarah jeong or harmon, it doesn't work anymore. they just bend reality and dodge to protect their own. face it, you lost and the jews won.


Alright boys who's our first target

This was the rights master plan to take control of the internet. They conspired with Alex Jones, he would go too far and be banned, in return the republicans would have support to regulate the internet. In the end Alex will be back and the GOP will have passed pro republican internet regulations.

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Yes! I don't give a shit about Infowars, but silencing voices on every platform because you don't like them is plain fucking corrupt and wrong. I don't mind being just that if I can make them taste their own medicine.

Infowars website is still up. He got kicked off Jewtube. You can still get your super male vitality and water filter

Do i just kill myself then?

It is red pilling normies.

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>Fucking hell leafs are making strong points today.
Again, as hard as it is for me to admit, the leaf makes a good point.
Every time I show her tweets, I occasionally get a few Libtards who kind of see through the fog.

God have mercy. Anyway, we should shut down chapotraphouse. It's a bunch of underageb& worshiping and lining up to be raped by three middle-aged retards.

Such limited thinking. We have only one AJ but they have hundreds of shills that are replaceable cogs in the machine. A better strategy is to target advertisers.

I don't have a YouTube account, or a facebook account, or a twitter account, or a snapchat account, or a spotify account. works the same as it always has, since like 1998 when they first created it. If millenialles are too dumb to type "" in the bar at the top, I'm not sure what to tell you.

You wasted it all on the guardians of the galaxy guy, fucked up going after the rick and morty guy, and lost an easy win on the asian tweeter lady. It's over, go home

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>face it, you lost

Spoken like a true loser. Your ancestors are weeping at the scum that sprang from their genetic line. Lay down and die then dork, let the big boys plot and scheme


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