Pic related is CNN's top 10. laughable. who can they possibly run who would stand a chance? the last reasonable candidate they had was jim webb and they chased him the fuck off.
they cant not run a minority of some sort so all the white men are out except for bernie and biden who have have distinguishable enough personas to not be dismissed as 'white men'
all their token minorities are already criminals and none of their women have even an ounce of hillary clinton's "star power". eric holder would be second rate obama and get dragged through the mud for fast and furious.
none of them could stand up to trump against trump in a debate. his first election campaign was already unprecedented, he wiped the floor with dozen republican opponents in the primaries and completely crushed hillary in all the swing states he prioritized.
the ONLY person i can see having a chance against trump would be OBAMA but legally he cant run and even he still seems shell shocked with his pathetic self doubting 'what if we were wrong?' statements.
the DNC has NO ONE! some of them must know it will now only be a choice of who's career to sacrifice running against trump in 2020.
I don't want to give them any ideas. fuck the dncommunists.
Evan Evans
It's up to the super-delegates to decide who wins. who knows which one they will pick. The dnc primaries are not democratic. they're rigged.
Anthony Sanchez
Whoever China gives the most money to
Alexander Nelson
I think that it's going to be Biden. Think about it for a second. >Centrist Democrat. >Not too horribly woke outside of the "It's On Us" nonsense. >Working class whites like him. >Nostalgia for the Obama era. >Decent foreign policy. >Not as batshit crazy as Harris, Gillibrand, or Bernie. >Name recognition. In the face of Trump's constant fuck-ups, he has a decent shot.
Evan Lopez
>he has a decent shot. Nah, no control over urges.
Kirstin Gillibrand is a literal slut who slept her way to the top, and it will spill out all over the place in 2020. Those who know her say she will do anything for campaign financing.
Jordan Bell
That's his only real problem. >Gillibrand covered for Weinstein. >Harris is an identity politics-loving retard. >Bernie is a fucking idiot. When compared to Trump, Biden looks like a goddamned saint.
Michael Johnson
Hillary runs again
Jack Peterson
>Kirstin Gillibrand is a literal slut who slept her way to the top, and it will spill out all over the place in 2020. Sauce? I'd like to torpedo her candidacy if she runs.
Grayson James
She's a fan of Bernie and a total idiot when it comes to foreign policy. >Yeah, let's just let Assad destabilize the Middle East and use chemical weapons. Jesus fucking Christ.
Christian James
Julian Castro
William Turner
Shit. Trump might get a second term just because of that.
Benjamin Evans
Jim Steyer but whoever they roll out it will be as late as possible so they can gauge public opinion. Regardless of who they will lose to trump.
Kayden Green
no you wont you retarded TRS turboqueer
Benjamin Lee
Everyone at the Slut Walk is a Democrat. Her trading sex for cash would be seen as female empowerment. She'd lose the general election but easily win the party nomination. Provided of course that pedo Joe isn't yet considered a higher level minority for being brave enough to fuck kids in a pedophobic world. If pedos are normalized on the left by then, he has a strong claim to the newest oppression card.
Andrew Murphy
you cant win a presidency with only democrats, independents are the biggest voting block and they mostly voted for Trump last time
Jace Evans
Jim Webb was based. They got rid of him because he was basically /ourguy/
Oliver Allen
True but you can win the party nomination.
Xavier Kelly
he was the last of the dying breed of blue dog democrats. now its the party of race-baiting darkies, trannies, communists etc
Gabriel Carter
I agree. she stronk blak woman. Jesus.....If she won I'd have to move out of the country.
Brandon Howard
What about the following candidates? >John Kerry >Amy Klobuchar >Tammy Duckworth >Martin O'Malley >Alec Baldwin All of these people have been mentioned at some point or another. To me, the most palatable may be Kerry or Duckworth.
Isaac Lopez
They're gonna try to meme one of the who choices into relevance. Failing that, they'll go for Biden/Gilibrand/Holder/Warren/Booker, likely in that order.
Part of the issue they're having is the identity issue. They're memeing Cortez to pretend they've changed because it's a rep seat and safe blue, but let's see them back a socialist at the ballot for a swing state or senate seat. It isn't going to happen.
Ayden James
Military police? Get an officer who joined a respectable branch.
Colton Ortiz
>Alec Baldwin Please make this happen Dems
Carson Butler
how do i get her to ask me to vote for her?
Oliver Hall
Hes still the most sensible choice but they're going to double down on racial and/or female nominations. Except for Biden because they'll be able to hide his creepyness behind his popularity with millennial "memes".
Kevin Collins
>Please make this happen Dems It'd be hilarious if he showed up to the debates dressed as Trump, but that's a meme for the dreams.
Dominic Martin
It's obviously going to be Joe Biden and you're blind if you don't see that
he will have a minority vp (Kamala Harris) to ensure minority vote. Biden will seem like a statesmen compared to Trump, and his weird hugging of girls wont matter since they will bring up Trump walking into Miss Universe pageants when girls were changing
Dylan Gomez
Friendly reminder that Kirsten Gillibrand's father was a member of NXIVM
Austin Edwards
It'll be a brown, a woman or a brown woman. There's no way the DNC is electing a white male when they've turned their base on that demographic, I doubt even a white fag would work.
Eli Myers
do you guys have any self-awareness? Anything you attack Biden with, Trump has done
Im a Trump supporter, but normies will dismiss this like they did with Trump
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>It's obviously going to be Joe Biden and you're blind if you don't see that I'd bet on him if he runs. He'd also have Obama out there campaigning for him.
Luke Lewis
He’s a white man and he’s ancient. Dems painted themselves into a corner
Andrew Jones
All you stupid hick Drumpfkins just need to deal with the fact that she WILL run in 2020 and SHE WILL WIN! Your fat little god emperor will spend the rest of his miserable, pathetic life in an orange suit for treason he has committed. AND ALL YOU RETARDED DRUMPFYS WILL BE SPENDING THE REST OF YOUR MISERABLE LIVES IN FEMA CAMPS NEAR THE SOUTHERN BORDER JUST LIKE THOSE INNOCENT CHILDREN DRUMPF SEPERATED FROM FAMILIES AND IMPRISONED!!! YOU FUCKERS WILL PAY!!!
Kerry was in the same yale secret society as Bush you dumb fuck
Evan Perez
Joe is only one who standsa chance
Chase Jackson
>...fewer than 50% of the people in america, from then and on, will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing, that's a source of our strength. This faggot could turn into Hitler himself and I'd still vote against him out of spite.
>He’s a white man and he’s ancient. They don't have a choice. And by the way, they can't really use the bad economy argument against Biden either. The Obama era was marked by straight, sustainable growth and lower deficits.
>Kerry was in the same yale secret society as Bush you dumb fuck He still looks like a goddamn statesman when compared to Trump, and he hasn't said anything that's retarded.
Jace Foster
and it's different than Hillary since Hillary seems like an evil ice queen bitch. Not even Democrats like her, while Biden has the reputation (again, imagery is important) of a Scranton working class appeal guy. His gaffes are just as humanizing as they were for Trump.
Robert Johnson
Mitch Landrieu plays the role of Captain Barnes, the police chief in the later seasons of Gotham.
If Biden actually decides to run he's the obvious choice the question is if he will. He's an old man and I could see him choosing not to run because he doesn't feel like it, despite hating Trump.
If he does decide to run he'll of course get his share of shit dug up. His association with Obama will be used to galvanize both sides. He'll likely pull decent minority numbers because he'll be seen as more OBama.
Nicholas Allen
>Biden Early lead, but knocked out by feminist groups and whisper campaign alleging pedophilia >Eric Holder Stays in too long, grabbing some delegates but haunted by Fast & Furious and lack of any other name recognition >Gillibrand Can't get enough delegates early on due to Biden, does poorly in the South and Midwest, tries and fails to angle herself as a kingmaker at the convention >Kamala Harris Does well in a couple states, but not seen as a serious contender after Super Tuesday >Elizabeth Warren Remains a dark horse all the way to the convention, but divided field means she lacks a clear plurality of delegates and is consistently hurt by far-left and Native American groups. Mainly gets votes because Trump keeps making fun of Pocahontas. >Bernie Sanders Drops out by Super Tuesday under pressure to stop crowding the field >Merkley Refuses to bow out, but only wins Oregon and a handful of proportional delegates. Basically the DNC Kasich. >various minor contenders Literally who? >Hillary Clinton Didn't run, but nominated in the fifth round of voting at the convention. >Trump Wins ~340 electoral college votes
Screencap this.
Aaron Johnson
>Not even Democrats like her, while Biden has the reputation (again, imagery is important) of a Scranton working class appeal guy. Right. All he has to do is the following: >Not say anything that's mind-numbingly retarded. >Be as hard on immigration as Obama was. >Develop a plan for universal healthcare. >Don't chicken out on foreign policy. If he can do that, he wins.
Jaxon Hughes
Julian Castro. He's going to get it. >hispanic >young >new face He just screams Obama 2.0, and Democrats and moderate Republicans will cream themselves for him.
>hurr durr my evil Assad I bet you thought toppling Qaddafi and invading Iraq were just spectacular.
Ryan Hall
Biden's "whiteness" doesn't matter since he comes from being a vp to the Dem's god (Obama - who will def be campaigning for him) but Biden will also have a minority VP. And you can bet your dollars that he won't do any cringey pandering like Hillary's hot sauce shit.
Noah Jones
>ayyy lmao
William Cox
As for a serious answer, back in 2014, no one thought there was a single Republican who could possibly win, and so the person who won was someone from outside of DC.
Dems will do the same. Expect a potential President Winfrey, Stewart, or hell Dwayne "the President" Johnson. #throwarockatwashington
Levi Martinez
>I bet you thought toppling Qaddafi and invading Iraq were just spectacular. Qaddafi and Iraq were half-assed from the get-go. By contrast, we have the confirmed usage of chemical weapons in Syria. That should set off alarm bells, especially since Iran, Russia, and China are also in the middle of it.
>He's an old man and I could see him choosing not to run because he doesn't feel like it, despite hating Trump.
the thing is, I can see him running as a one-term President since Dems are really that fucking desperate to get Trump out and he is literally the only chance they have. If they can defeat Trump in 2020, Biden can serve one term and retire, and Dems will never need a white male candidate again due to demographics.
Jack Robinson
The main strategy isn’t to win over normies who already hate trump, that isn’t going to be practical. It’s to splinter up the left voting base. If the dems put up joe biden, then we have to turn him into the very thing the extreme left hates, they are the most vocal and they seem to have most of the left in goosestep at the moment.
Jayden Lopez
I agree that Biden is probably their strongest candidate, good name recognition and popularity plus positive associations with Obama. Party him up with token a young token female minority for VP (really doesn’t matter who, just that they’re right color and sex to tick all the diversity boxes).
user also has a good point that shit will just wash off because normies will think it’s no different from Trump.
Oliver Kelly
>I am on the brink of victory, time to gas my own people that will inevitably result in foreign intervention. Yeah, sorry i'm not retarded enough to believe that.
Benjamin Watson
They might if they get really desperate, but in the end the swamp wants its own. Trump was not a choice, he was fought kicking and screaming on the parts of both parties. If the RNC had had existing rules like the DNC to stop Trump, they would have.
Maybe, we'll see. I think Biden may not ultimately run if the dems think they can run somebody else. He'll be in if they draw a blank, though.
Connor Lee
she is good
Samuel Reed
Wtf no Rand or Ron
Nathan Diaz
>Early lead, but knocked out by feminist groups and whisper campaign alleging pedophilia
Nah, Biden will not go out that easily. Media will tamper/downplay any #MeToo shit against him and they will band together for the greater good of him winning.
Look at people destroyed by MeToo allegations (Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, etc). They were all of no use or not affecting of the bottom line. Look at how allegations against people with clout and in important positions get treated.
Jack Peterson
You're assuming that people are always rational actors. They're not. >While we're at it, we need to find a way to take out Maduro.
Ethan Campbell
I guarantee Oprah would steamroll Biden so hard not even every single Super-delegate combined would stop her in the primaries.
Julian Morgan
and he can explain any old positions away by saying he evolved just like Trump did, and that Trump changes his mind more
Sebastian Gonzalez
They ought to BEG Jim Webb on hands and knees to come back and run again. But they won't. He hates them, imho. I don't think they could convince him anyway.
David Richardson
San Francisco fag (no homo) here. DON'T EVEN SAY HER FUCKING NAME. Bitch is incredibly corrupt, ruthless and evil. She and Gavin Newfag want SO badly to be the new Bill and Hillary Clinton.
She must be stopped. I'm serious. You have no idea. Don't even let her get started.
Kayden Rogers
Kerry tried in 2004 and got beat by Bush of all people. Wouldn't stand a chance against Trump.
O'Malley got no traction in the 2016 primary. No reason to see him do better.
Samuel Carter
but look at the Dems side in 2014. Hillary was leading the polls by a huge margin and everyone knew she was going to be the nomination. If you look at every single Dem poll, Biden LEADS the pack by huge margins. Anything else is just speculation and theater. Dem strategists obviously see him as the key to getting Rust Belt back and "stability" back in Washington.
They've been trying to tarnish the idea of an outsider ever since Trump got elected, but if it were, I'd bet on Oprah or Mark Cuban.
Samuel Powell
They will try to run him and Harris, or him and Gillibrand.
Parker Bennett
Nice Triplets. Let's not forget what was said about Corey Booker on here the other day. He's got skeletons in his closet!!! Pic related.
People keep mentioning Oprah, but I really don't see it. I get the base appeal, that she's a popular black woman, and that she's obviously liberal, but beyond that I think that she wouldn't run out of self-interest.
Why? Because as it stands if she does basically nothing she'll cement her legacy as the first self-made black woman billionaire and be more or less universally beloved. Running, whether she wins or loses, will instead turn her into a controversial and polarizing figure.
Joseph King
>They've been trying to tarnish the idea of an outsider ever since Trump got elected, but if it were, I'd bet on Oprah or Mark Cuban. Oprah is not running. Mark Cuban is a Republican. >On top of that, Trump is going to be primaried by Brad Thor of all people.
Chase Sanders
>Trump has hours of film of him on CSPAN feeling up children nah
Zachary Thomas
yeah, which means trying to trap Biden in similar things that tanked Hillary
we have yet to see if he will fall for bait as easily. He certainly doesnt have the 90s crime bill that Bill Clinton passed and locked up a bunch of black people hanging over him like Hillary did
Brody James
Being on TV is literally all you need to get elected. 9 times out of 10, the celebrity beats the normal person with decades of experience.
Why do you think Trump won instead of the hundreds of other non-politicians? Nobody ever heard of Herman Cain. Trump was on TV.
Sebastian Morris
>Why do you think Trump won instead of the hundreds of other non-politicians? ...because a lot of voters are fucking retarded?
Daniel Morgan
It'll be Biden, and I have to think he'll win in a landslide. All he has to do is pick a minority woman as VP, smile, and shut up.
It will be a constant struggle, but enough feminists and alt-lefters will continue to complain that it's a woman's turn that he can't win the progressive vote and the whisper campaign will alienate just enough of the centrists that he can't get more than 30% of the delegates overall.
He'll think he's going to win until the second round of voting at the convention, when he utterly fails to win over delegates from the other candidates. The superdelegates will choose him almost overwhelmingly, but it won't be enough to settle it. In the third round, half of the superdelegates defect to various other candidates and he taps out after the fourth round of voting.
Hillary steps in at the fifth round, taking most of the superdelegates, all of Biden's delegates, and most of Gillibrand and Warren's delegates, giving her a narrow majority. A sixth round is demanded by progressive groups, who briefly turn the convention into a circus, but they are rebuffed after order is restored. Hillary makes promises that no one believes she will fulfill, alienating independents and giving Trump the first GOP popular vote victory since 1984.
Brandon Johnson
Like I said, it's not that I think Oprah would lose, it's that she'd rather maintain her existing almost universally positive legacy rather than bet on the best case scenario of winning and suddenly becoming reviled by almost half the population.
yeah you make a good point. She probably sees what running did to Trump's image and doesnt want the same.
Her appeal is to minorities and suburban housewives who watched all her shows and see her as an educated, non-threatening black. She doesn't even seem to care for hip hop like Obama did, so white women might be more assured to support her.
What she brings is a massive star power that is enough to actually rival Trump. Like if you thought 2016 was divisive, Oprah running against Trump in 2020 might cause a civil war in this country.
Kayden Nguyen
If CNN posted this, none of them. It's a decoy.
Lincoln White
Meh, the only people who would hate her are the people who already do.
You're kidding yourself, there are tons of people that either didn't notice or decided not to care about any of Oprah's political opinions because she had the best daytime show and made a huge success of herself.
The moment she runs her name turns to shit for anyone who votes hardline conservative and becomes a figure of controversy instead.
>not putting actual money on michelle obama to run on the dem ticket
its like you dont want to be rich
Dominic Bell
>her name turns to shit for anyone who votes hardline conservative
AKA the people who already hate her for being black and rich and female.
Connor Ward
>What she brings is a massive star power that is enough to actually rival Trump. ...and just as many (if not more) flaws. >The Secret >Dr. Phil >Woo shit. >Anti-vaccine nonsense. >Deepak Chopra. These things can be tied back to her.