Describe Black people in america without being "racist"

Describe black people in present-day america, in one senetence, without being 'racist' according to it's libtard definition.

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>describe black people
>don't be racist by liberal definitions
So you want us to lie, user?


Black people exist.

subverted, useless idiots

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>I can't do this. Because my skin color. If I did it, it'd be inherently racist because it's considered white.

Not really black people per se but you know what I mean


Correction: Describe black people in present-day america, in one senetence, without being 'racist' according to it's libtard definition as least generic as possible.

an oppressed people struggling to make it in a society that hates them.

Brainwashed by the establishment to push the ZOG agenda.
On that note, I know all the stuff about IQ and criminality, but I believe if their family unit wasn't completely fucked up and they weren't infected with the ''black culture'' mind virus they could be turned into somehow productive, respectable members of society. They were well on their way to become that after WW2 before MLK came along and sabotaged everything. We have a bunch of blacks here in Ireland and they're not nearly as bad as American niggers. I don't live in Dublin so I might be wrong though.

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Not people.


low iq

Nice. An hobest librul for once. Listen to him anons. This is what you'd call projection.

The mind of an undisciplined child in a 6ft, 200lb adult body is a dangerous thing.

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"OMGOOOOD! You're so cuuuuute!" pat on a black's head.

Doesn't play well with others.

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mentally inferior

ungrateful. blacks in the USA won the lottery - left behind a god forsaken hellhole full of war and starvation, now living in the literal land of opportunity. every year 10s of millions of immigrants try to get into the USA and are turned away. blacks got a first row ticket.

and after 200 years they still haven't made a go of it. ungrateful cunts. shoot or deport them all.

Socrates was put to death for saying pretty much that.
