>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>NSA Bolton on PBS 8/6/18
>NSA Bolton on FoxNews 8/6/18
>USDA BioPreferred Program 8/6/18
>38th National Vets Wheelchair Games 8/6/18
>America 1st Video: Confirm Kavanaugh 8/6/18
>NECDir Kudlow on CSPAN 8/5/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Indonesian Pres Widodo 8/5/18
>TrumpWave: One Giant Step 8/5/18
>KAC on FtN 8/5/18
>Pres Trump talks to overflow crowd 8/4/18
>Pres Trump Greets 1st Responders 8/4/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Lewis Center OH 8/4/18
>Mooch on Judge Jeanine 8/4/18
>SoS Pompeo in Indonesia 8/4/18
>SoS Pompeo Presser @ASEAN 8/3/18
>Dinesh DSouza @Natl Conservative Student Conf 8/3/18
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #59 8/3/18
>SoS Pompeo @ASEAN Meeting in Singapore 8/3/18
>SoS Pompeo Greeted by Malaysian PM Mohamad 8/3/18
>SoS Pompeo meets China FM Yi 8/3/18
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxBiz 8/3/18 pt1 pt2

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

to hit canada again, wasn't it trudeau that said returning ISIS fighters would be a valuable voice?

Mama, oooh
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

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Did anything other than Infowars getting banned everywhere happen today?

I thought Tucker was sitting down with Alex Jones tonight?

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can I get a rundown on why there is no Real Tucker on Fox tonight? What happened to him???

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Reminder: Communists don’t even qualify as people and that their very existence violates the NAP. That commie got off easy.

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McCaskill up by 1 point in latest poll

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>france and germany declare iraq violates human rights by jailing french and german citizens who join ISIS

This is the climax of a $32 million plus investigation

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Tech companies have taken their masks off
China is begging for more tariffs

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If trump is so bad name 3 things that he did that affected YOUR life? Checkmate atheists

>Iraqi refugee who shot cop wasn't deported because they changed what violent crime was defined as in the law

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What a fucking waste of public money.

God damn nigga these Saudis don't fuck around when it comes to banter.

Is "smoking weed" a legitimate political ideology/stance?
Why is there no "United Dope Smokers Party" or something??

Iceman is not pleased
More roundups soon

Hear, hear.

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He cute

because nobody who smokes weed wants to be a democrat but republicans don't want people who smoke weed to vote republican

Why is Trump friends with Ching Chong?

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why does drudge report still look like a website from 1995?

because that would take effort

There are plenty of organizations, NORML, theres another one made up of ex-cops that want drug reform.

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So the person on trial was actually the victim. What a colossal waste of taxpayer time and money, just to further the divide between our citizens. I hope the judge rips the Mueller team a new anus.

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i don't know about a party, but NORML is NRA for potheads

Hey, it works, don't it?

How much is your state wasting on this shit?

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Same ones that went after O’Reilly, Ingraham, and Hannity.

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>he says this on 4chins

Facebook censored a republican congressional ad for "hate speech"

>no fucks given anymore

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KAC is a great role model.

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Why does Jow Forums look like a website from 1991?

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Drudge is peak website design for what it is

preddy gud

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2431, in that order.

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At some point they have to realize they’re being manipulated - it’s negatively affecting their day to day lives and they’re obsessively reeeeing over the news, how can they not see they’re being fucked with intentionally for clicks and votes
How much abuse can a wine swilling childless cat lady take before she finally figures out she’s been scammed

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What the fuck with the last few days, guys. Dozens of happenings on a single weekend.

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>Fox reporting the "c-span death threat" as real

Much better than web 2.0 bloat

If it ain't broke...

Texas here, a fuck ton of money.

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I hate Bolton and I hate neocons. Trump don't sully yourself with these people. Listen to Miller, forget the rest.

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wtf I love the Saudis now


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is that real?

>marries an anti-Trump whiny bitch

They will never realize.

"Toss up" Senate seats the Republicans are polling ahead in:
>Florida: Scott vs. Nelson (+1.2)
>Indiana: Braun vs. Donnelly (+1.0)
>North Dakota: Cramer vs. Heitkamp (+0.5)
>Arizona: open race (+8.0)

and behind in:
>Missouri: Hawley vs. McCaskill (-1.0)
>Nevada: Heller vs. Rosen (-0.6)
>Tennessee: Blackburn vs. Bredesen (-4.5)

Assuming everything else goes as expected, this would leave the Republicans with 52 seats, a slight improvement of their current 51 seat majority. Which wasn't enough to get jack-shit passed, even health care, much less being able to pass major immigration legislation.

This would be a tremendous victory for the Democrats, considering how vulnerable they are this election. They have so many seats up for grabs, in states that Trump won, if they managed to pull even this election it would be an incredible victory.

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RIP leafs

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>based iraq

They are dumber than the average Chinese robot


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Yes. Signed, too.

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good question. big if indeed

Is this really the new narrative
This is weak as fuck

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Because it's objectively superior to modern horseshit web deign with unnecessary slide shows, high res pics, and retarded categorization in shitty menues

still less than cali

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90s confirmed for best website design era

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272 million dollars, Iowa. And reminder this is only for one year!

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>when the camelfucker's roastin' on you an u try to play it tough

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Fuck smoking, but hemp is something farmers should grow for gov subs instead of onions. Straight up gods plants.

Some time ago I probably would have been enraged, looking at this level of idiocy. Now, I just feel sad.

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I think we’ll lose Arizona but win Tennessee and Missouri.

Don't let the BS polls trick you into thibking this Ohio race is competitive, also, don't look at Results Pre 2014, because before that, the district had alot of black neighborhoods that have since been moved into another district

2014-40 Point Republican victory
2016-37.7 Rrpublican victyory or 138,628 votes
The district isn't even in play for the Dema. They are doing the same bs over and over again. Show Republican up by alot and then by the last two weeks, show the Rpublican only being up by one point or the Dem up by 1 point to try to get Dem turnout up. It reminds me of GA and AZ again. And this district is way more conservative than those two, and doesn't have the same Demographic Problems. The district had only gotten redder since 2014, because of the rezoning. And before you claim "Muh Connor lamb", yes, they had a social liberal GOP House member representing them in PA, but that district had a long hisroty of being won by Dems in Pres,Senate, and Gov elections by double digits.

>Losing is winning

Dems are really a bunch of fucking Leafs.

Go away zoomer


What's the worst thing that can come out of this Saudi-Canadian brouhaha?

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Yes if Rs get an additional seat, then truly the Ds have won.

The year of the Rake hasn't been kind to the Leafs

God fucking damnit I wish this was televised
This would have been Zimmerman 2.0

These are the same shitlibs who talk shit on conservatives for being emotionally manipulated by Fox News. It’s staggering how they don’t see it when it’s happening to them, they’re barely even useful idiots

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And autoplay videos for no fucking good reason.

Despite not being Christian, I hope they are successful. No nation can survive for long without a strong spiritual backbone.

>Atheists driving chinks into the embrace of god
lol dumb cunts.

you can't just take into account the dollar cost of the programs

think about what those numbers mean- that is direct financial support of a class of labor that isn't even supposed to exist here and they hold all of the low-skill working class jobs- those jobs are SUPPOSED to be a foothold for normal citizens to pull themselves up into the middle class- even if they are very poor.

we pay all this money to KEEP American citizens poor and unable to improve their situation through hard work.

The ABSOLUTE worst thing?

Nuclear war.

The polls IN AZ have McSally down by 8 which is total BS. Yes, the Dem can win but it would be by a point of two. And guess what, in a state that has gone blue since 2008 on Nevada, the Dems only managed 1,000 more primary votes. What does that tell you?

>I was so nice to China but they want to keep ripping us off
>But I said NO ! America first !
Trump is all optics

Dems have almost double the number of people up for election as the Repubs, many of them in risky red states that Trump won

pulling even this election would be an incredible upset, as it would almost certainly mean they could stop all Trump's immigration legislation

Already Information About German Government trying to free them diplomatically?

she's got big balls

>Yes. Signed, too.
I'm a little jelli.

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