Smartest man on earth lays out the NWO

this is the kind of people you fuckers are up against. a preisthood of super geniuses who think they have a right to rule over humanity. the NWO satanic elites are people like this and smarter whom have been selected to rule in the shadows

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the NWO satanic elites

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for having such a high IQ he has some terrible presuppositions he's trying to launch off of

I guess that's what happens when you skip all the introduction classes

I don't think he's saying what you think he's saying, but whatever, have a merchant.

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So basically he saw Evangelion and wants to make the Human Instrumentality Project irl.

what's the difference?


Evangelion wasn't fiction

It came from the future

This is the man we should all be rallying behind.

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here's where he compares somalians to gorillas

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one big langanpill:

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here he his calling Noam Chomsky a libtard

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>A group of super geniuses created an empire based on multiracialism and multiculturalism despite all evidence pointing to the fact that these always implode and destroy themselves shortly after
200 ashkenazi IQ confirmed

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>le Godel memes
So what, you let your hairline recede to the middle of your head, pick up a couple popsci incompleteness theory books, and boom you're the worlds smartest man?

pic unrelated: real physics geniuses

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I actually believe that.

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Guy's attitude about eugenics is disturbing. He doesn't understand what he's talking about. Sick fuck.

holy shit. we really are fucked arent we. ive known this for years. i heard about diversity for years and as a small child i always thought "wouldnt we all just be one boring brown race in the future" but i never entertained these thoughts until i came here

tbqh there should be more oversight on childbearing. having a bunch of kids in poverty is irresponsible and cruel

how should eugenics work then

agreed but systematically depriving people of having children from their birth is evil and anti-god.

honestly i have some pretty black-pilled posts by him where he talks about how we are likely past the point of no return and the majority of the human race is going to metaphysical hell for letting evil manifest and take over the world. i feel like most people on this board wouldnt take him seriously if they knew he purportedly proved the existence of heaven, hell, and god, in a metaphysical sense.

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you could just take the kids and give them to the church who would raise them with good values and give them what they need better than their brokeass parents could. and child abusers, male and female, should be sterilized

why? the human race has reached a point where there is no natural selection. even the most mainstream acadummies theorize we've reached a genetic peak and its all downhill from here.

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also, wouldn't god be more upset if we let his creation (the human race) essentially "go bad"?
how is it anti-god or evil to essentially raise the utility of our species without killing anything?

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>When the smartest guy, ostensibly, in the United States preaches Alt-Right talking points, thus granting every ounce of intellectual legitimacy to white nationalist movements worldwide.

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agreed, draw a boundary around (white)humanity and not just perfection

There is always natural selection. That's what makes me think this guy isn't so smart after all. He really thinks humans will overcome perceived limitations of evolution, but you can ever "get ahead" of evolution. He seems redpilled on a lot but comes to sick fuck sociopath arrogant conclusions.

christianity is their biggest enemy it always has because it outlined their plan before it existed. thats why they want to kill it. in the past they successfully subverted it with the catholic church but the protestants BTFOd them so theyre gonna kill off christianity and let society rot to the point were just a bunch of stupid brown people living on welfare concerned only about drugs, sex and little material items. the black community is what america and europe will be like in a few decades.

Honestly, anno is a prophet. He channeled weird shit a jap should not know.

yep. he consistently summarizes everything this board stands for, but every time i create a thread about him people never read the posts and just point out how he's a blue collar nobody.

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a sizeable chunk of whites will still exist, more specifically extremely wealthy ones. they will exist in between the brown hordes and the jews

no, there really isn't natural selection? stupid, unfit trailerpark/ghetto trash can have 10 kids and we pay for their inhalers, diabetes insulin, etc. What do you mean there is "always natural selection"?

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>tfw irl smartest man on earth is a unabashed race realist

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whites can go extinct tho. 1 of the myths the jew pushed is we are all the same species, but we aren't. We are for sure from different branches of evolution.

>the smartest man in the universe(210IQ) holds Jow Forums tier beliefs

Really makes you think

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anyone who is actually smart or isnt brainwashed is

Bumping you. I knew this guy was really smart and I’d heard his identity politics posts before but never this amount of blackpill.

please define what a species is, biologist.

you forget to mention that "wealthy whites" tend to marry into jewish families, essentially getting blacked by the jews. they get "nosed".

most people are retarded sheep with no original thought. we are fucked and theres nothing we can do

Well he is a nobody, a nobody that spends his time in his head thinking of big brain nibba shit, that's what makes him powerful. He is and has been historically not affiliated with the Alt-Right in any capacity, yet lays down the framework for argumentation in such a way the most prominent members of the Alt-Right have done for the longest time.

Maybe you just get bombed by shills from time to time, but he is a nobody, and that's what's important.

It is the opposite

The Jews fell for their own race-mixing propaganda now they will be extinct LMAO

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That generation is a small time scale. Genes and mutations don't have to operate over just 1 generation by law. Do we understand enough about genetics to know their chain events? You can think of the collapse of civilization as a purge of some kind of hereditary virus if only non SJW whites survived it.

>get nosed

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He also supports Trump and compared niggers to apes. Smartest guy in the world is definitely /our guy/. Wouldn't be at all surprised to find out he posts here.

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if you want to help, save these langanpills and drop them more often. even if you hate chris for other reasons, its hard for anyone who isnt unabashedly shilling to deny the points he brings up.

Also, he has a Facebook group for his CTMU where he posts somewhat regularly. It's not always about politics (remember, he has also purportedly proved the existence of GOD) but he will occasionally drop some woke white wisdom.

its sad isnt it? most average normies are just gonna continue their zombie sleepwalk into the grave and attack anyone who wants to save them

he doesn't post here, i'm certain of it. he's very busy (runs a ranch, works a job at a bar i believe, and also writes a theory of everything metaphysically proving the existence of god)

i believe we are merely catching up to him.

i dont hate him hes pretty interesting, you dont have to agree with everything someone says 100%. i cant stand vargs antichristian sentiment but other things he says have merit


Not to piss on anyones parade here in sucking the lad off for saying the very obvious regarding race and politics but has he ever talked about realistic solutions outside the forced evolution idea, which isnt ever going to be available to the mutt people who are not part of the party leadership?

I just checked out his ctmu facebook page. Sounds like he's actually redpilled on the Egyptian priesthood. Damn I'm impressed. I honestly thought he was just a meme.

this kind of thing keeps me up at night. how long do we have?

I can't find the screencap but when he gets to what we should do in the here-and-now, he gets pretty black pilled. again, i can't find the exact post, but he usually says something along the lines of "we are either past the point of no return, or very close, and in order for humanity to be saved there needs to be an ACTUAL happening. armed revolt, civil war, military coupe, etc."

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Quick question. Why isn't he dead yet?

did you not notice how he said the bell curve? hes our guy, hes read Murray, he knows that non-Europeans (and the whites enabling them) are destroying western civilization

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I'm sure he puts aside at least a half an hour a day to read racist imageboards. A man of his intelligence must crave truth and honesty and the only places you can get it these days are on sites like this.

Not sure. Trump bought us a lot of time though that's for sure.

i haven't seen that post. there are a few pages claiming to be the true CTMU page, make sure you're on the right one, just to be safe.

he lives in the middle of fucking nowhere, and has flown EXTREMELY under the rader his whole life. he's only really expressed his political views in recent years, and if he ever gains momentum, he could very well be in danger. fortunately he is known to flex his second amendment rights, and knows many like minded individuals.

>Super geniuses
Please be ironic

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yeah he's said something along these lines before. trump is simply a speed bump for the inevitable conflict.

I think the only thing that would be able to beat them is a person with enough training and an unbelievable amount of raw power to just go in and psychic the shit of our global elite. enough mind games- we need a literal human nuke.

so who volunteers?

we need to nationalize the banks like hitler andrew jackson and pinochet. then stick up a middle finger to israel.

Hm I guess I'm not sure. Which is the real one?

i've thought about a scenario where an extremely righteous and disciplined individual slithers their way up the political ladder and as they get sworn into office they call out the jews. only if we had martyrs like islam, minus the islam part.

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Absolutely. The real conflict is going on as we speak. The current elite have to be rooted out and their values rejected.

/ctmurealitytheory/ in the url.

use the search feature to search for his posts.

This is the same kind of mentality behind all totalitarian ideals; from the early priestly class, monarchs through to dictators, managerial intellectual marxism and the eugenics movement you guys love so much.

These "elitists" not only control society and want to reshape it according to their will but they have the power and have already been doing it for centuries.

Conspiracy guys talk about the NWO, Agenda 21 and so on but this all part of the same umbrella. The Bilderberg group for example will determine how western society is shaped for the forseeable future.

Their eugenic policies is our reality.

People like to hunt gorillas though. They don't fucking care about its IQ. But Chris does make a convincing argument.

yeah Chris definitely gave me those vibes at first. he (as most hyperintelligent people do) tend to speak without considering the viewers frame of mind. all of the shit he said is under the presupposition that the current NWO is overthrown and his CTMU is adopted in place. i usually lose people when i mention the CTMU and how it functions as an all encompassing metareligion that facilitates a common set of morals between anyone of any logical religion.

same here. the only problem is- and the zionists are unfortunately the only ones that really realize this- is that this is a process that takes a lot longer than one lifetime. This power structure the elites have is a result of centuries of clandestine manipulation and economic hijinks, and won't come down right away. they have a plan b on a plan c on a plan d.

tldr; some people will have to devote their whole lives to taking the NWO down. that takes inhuman perseverance.

Or he cheats on he's friends IQ testing program.

autists have inhuman perseverance and pol is the hub of internet autism

for some fucking reason brits are always the first to take verbal shits in chris langan threads. is it because their country is irreversibly cucked? who knows.
yeah but Jow Forums is home to Elliot Rodger / Nikolas Cruz tier autists, who might manifest enough will to go self destruct in a public place (which ultimately serves to help the NWO), but never enough to commit themselves to doing what is actually right.
1min 30 mark.
IQ showboaters

Guy seems to be American making the video.,
Stop been little bitch

Weaponised autism is required. Regular autism is quite useless.

so you disagree with what Chris has to say?

Kind of what we all suspected, thanks

fake and gay

youre fake and gay

this is as real as it gets, buddy. it got him banned from posting on facebook for a while.

also, do you honestly think some 18 y/o Jow Forumsack with nothing better to do could write that good?

heres a good pill where he calls out jordan peterson.

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He really hit the nail on the head. Gays don't want equal rights, they want special rights. Chris also mentioned the link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Bloodshed is the only way out of this nightmare faggotry.

Why do you think bloodshed is the only way out? Just stop treating gays like they're something special. We just need to stop voicing support for their privileges and stop encouraging them.

> peterson gib me attensn of ur audeence
What a fucking beta male, build your own audience buddy. Is he in a way implying that Peterson willfully ignores Chris out of threatened self-interest?

>Why do you think bloodshed is the only way out?
Because the vast majority of people can not be persuaded by reason or reality.
Its not an issue of education or winning some debate.

that post is in response to being asked about his opinion on Jordan Peterson. the original statement was on his Quora, i believe. and its not like Chris gained much for saying those (true) things about Peterson.

This is what a Ph.D. physicist on another forum said:

"Let me see if I can clarify why no intelligent, educated people can think of Chris Langan as anything except a fool, a charlatan, or, possibly, a prankster with a somewhat eccentric sense of humor.

The problem is not his polysyllabic jargon per se. The various sciences and mathematics all have a lot of jargon. But the jargon serves a legitimate purpose there: it is easier for a topologist to refer to “homologous cycles” than repeat each time the hundreds (or thousands) of words encapsulated in that phrase of jargon. Most importantly, other practitioners in the field know what the jargon is shorthand for, and newcomers to the field can find out what the jargon means from standard textbooks. If someone in the field finds it necessary to introduce new jargon, he has an obligation to explain to everyone what it means, and he should not introduce new jargon unless it is really needed.

That’s Langan’s problem: his CTMU masterpiece consists largely of undefined jargon, not known to real experts and not explained by Langan himself.

That is the sure sign of a crackpot.

The other problem is that those of us who have some real expertise in some of the fields about which he pontificates find his musings to be nonsense.

I have a Ph.D. from Stanford in elementary particle theory: I know a great deal about quantum mechanics. I also am co-patentholder on several patents that apply information theory to various problems in computer and communication systems.

Quantum physics and information theory are two of the subjects Langan appeals to in his CTMU work. Part of the point is to make it sound as if you would recognize the profundity of his writing if only you understood all of the technical background as he does. Well, in those two fields, I do understand the technical background, and his use of those subjects is a sham: it only seems impressive to people who are as ignorant of those subjects as Langan

i agree that the room for civil discourse is pretty much over. its clear that evil has and is in control of nearly every aspect of society. you cannot reason with that which will do anything to destroy you.

>he's friends IQ test

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>worldwide ethnic minorities
Whites are 70% of the world population...

Langan actually has an absurdly large skull.

I have to disagree here, I think the greatest threat to the citizenry is a paramilitary forces that can be used under a modicum of plausible deniability. A good example is the gangs (called Black Nationalist) that were used in the takedown of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Against these small arms are effective. Not that the police aren't too armed, but keeping perfect parity with the state can be distracting from the goal of basic self-defense.

Damn the cyberpunk future of the US is going to be crazy

Go read rest at

>calling out Kalergi
our fucking guy


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okay so you agree with this other intellectual who disagrees with Langan's writings on quantum mechanics

that must mean that the new world order doesnt exist and its okay for my daughter to marry muhammad

its like i've said, the CTMU is one thing, but for the most part Chris's politics are completely in line with the views of this board.