Unironic trump supporters, I'm curious about your rationals to relieve the cognitive dissonance

Unironic trump supporters, I'm curious about your rationals to relieve the cognitive dissonance.
Inb4 stupid leaf
Inb4 Trudeau did this or other deflections, spot lights on you, How do you justify such a Idiot?
Bizarre right wing unironic nazis who support Israel. I just dont get it.

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Israel has the same solution to the jewish question as hitler originally did, have them leave europe and north america. I'm against wars for them and giving money to them, but why would I care about it's existence?

Yeah hes giving them money and fighting wars for them though

Cmon nazis. Let's hate Israel!

There have been no wars. Any president would continue giving them money.

lurk moar fagit, we're here for the chaos

Antiwar, antineocon- Clinton was a shill for both. I don’t want war with Russia and I didn’t like us bombing Syria, under any other candidate things would be worse. Trump is Ralph Nader and Michael Moore with better solutions and better messaging. The economy is doing great. Suck my dick Op. Trumpslide2020

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Your troops are still stationed in the sandbox for them, the fuck you mean no wars.

He continued the Syrian agression with the same pathetic gas narrative, which he explicitly said he wouldnt do. He is now ramping up for war with Iran on some good ol Israeli intelligence, like the Israeli intel of WMDs in Iraq. If he does this, he will literally be starting WW3 for the Jews to take complete power. Sorry bro trump is a kike agent. Still better than hilary though, I know

Hitler didn't want Jews sent to a wealthy and nuclear-armed Israel. Zionists please go.

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You know what, I'm going to have to agree with you on the not actively engaging in more proxy wars despite the bait. First time in the history of the internet I will admit I was wrong. But the economy? The media is in full damage control to keep investors from liquidating there stocks despite numerous companies feeling the heat of a trade war. Not a harley fan my self but to see them rebrand like that, ouch. Facebook? tesla?

Syria lead to nothing. War with iran is not happening.
Hitler lost so it doesn't really matter what he wanted. I am not a zionist, I'm simply more concerned about domestic issues that are destroying america than some desert country on the other side of the world.

YOU said Israel's solution is the same as Hitler's. But Hitler's solution failed, which means Israel's solution -- deportation -- is a Zionist trick. Right? =]

Israeli Jews don't like American Jews anymore and aren't as bad as made out to be. A lot of shit USA does "for Israel" is actually for Saudis. But Israel is a better sell to the US public. US Jews are secular Obama worshippers

>>nb4 is a magic word

Trudeau is a faggot you stupid leaf. Why don't you worry about Canada?

>Bizarre right wing unironic nazis who support Israel. I just dont get it.
Your cognitive dissonance will dissolve the moment you can recognize that Israel is funded by a Nazi-like ideology, Jews replace Aryans, and the Holy Land replace the Fatherland, which must be expanded.
Israel is a far-right ethno-state, with a high wall with machine-gun turrets, OF FUCKING COURSE we like Israel here. We want ethno-states everywhere.

He’s the most conservative president of the past 50 years (Reagan was for amnesty and banned certain guns!)

He wants to stop illegals and cut down the welfare state (congress is what’s stopping him)

Wants to ban affirmative action

Build the wall (again congress gets in the way)

In short he wants to stop most aspects of socialism while cutting off low skilled immigration

The only argument against this is “he says dumb things!”

this. My npr-listening boss can only say "well, drumpf is evil" as his only argument.

Trump makes all of the people I dislike really really really mad on a very regular basis to the point of it affecting their health. This pretty much outweighs all of his bad traits. Not to mention he makes life a lot more interesting. Just imagine how dreadfully boring everything would be with a Jeb! in office.

Wouldn't a fiscal conservative want to stop the exporting of American jobs? like this is a increasing trend under his administration. seems to be helping the brown people you people are so easily race baited into.

Massive companies eating huge losses is objectively a good thing

Trump might not have accomplished much, but I can't honestly think of a single thing he's really fucked up either. He gets a solid C from me so far, which is a huge step up from Obama.

How do you define conservatism? The man isn't socially conservative. Married multiple times, aggressive and prideful. He isn's fiscally conservative either. Lowering taxes is certainly one thing he has going for him, but increasing tariffs and spending isn't compensating. He is already outspending the Obama adminsitration. Even if we don't compare him to other presidents the whole conceit of the wall isn't a fiscally conservative ploy. The republican parties current stance on the old guard of conservatism should tell you that the party's direction is something entirely new.

I get you there. You must be doing something wrong if your not profitable. And a decrease on lobbying power from a monopoly is something I agree with.

>put all Jews in one place
>turn world against them

It's all laid out in their prophecies my ignorant ass honkey dude

>israel controls all the nations capable of destroying the jewish state
>the world will destroy the jewish state
pick one

Tell us more about your own cognitive dissonance.

Republicans impeached a president for a blowjob. Remember that

Republicans impeached a president for lying under oath.

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The Zionist plan is to destroy Israel dipshit. They need to stage another holocaust 2.0, read their prophecies, their true zion is "in the far north", true magnetic north, Antarctica, this is where they intend to control from.

Because pic related.

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Exactly. Misleading the American people and the Justice system is a crime worthy of impeachment. The moral outrage of should still be noted. How did we get from there to Trump? He lies with such frequency it boggles the mind. His lawyers have gone on record saying they don't want Trump to meet with Muller because he constantly lies.

>justify this candidate without making comparisons to other candidates

Fucking dumb setup to start.

I support Trump because he is the lesser of many evils.

Trump is far from perfect. In fact his personality is quite buffoonish. But he is the only candidate in the entire GOP wing who will do any semblance of what the American people want.

If there was a candidate better than Trump who had all his strengths and less of his weaknesses, we would vote for them, but they aren't here. All we have is Trump, and everyone else.

Trumps biggest strength is that hes impermeable to the media. If any of the media vitriol we see happened to any other candidate, they would back-pedal, apologize, step down, be impeached, succumb to social and political pressure.

Instead, Trump is unapologetic, bombastic, and smug. You might think these are weaknesses. But they aren't. They work.

Every criticism of trump is not deflected, it's disregarded, because there is nothing better in it's place.

I'll agree. Trump is too buddy-buddy with israel. But what is the alternative? Who do you support in his stead? There is simply no better replacement for Trump.

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But to what end? All you did was boast his bombastic nature and media pull. What are the pros? What is he doing that nobody else would do? How is that aligning with your overall interests?

>What are the pros

Trump has succeeded in redpilling normies that the media is left biased VERY SUCCESSFULLY.

The fact that he is a bombastic cock who will tell it like it is is making the media overplay their hand in trying to take him down.

There is a new holocause every week, and normies are growing tired of the crying wolf of the media.

This alone was Trumps biggest success, and is perhaps even causing one of the biggest conservative movements in our youths to surge.

No other, and I mean NO OTHER candidate has the fortitude of Trump, and could take on the media like this.

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obama played the media and the foreign relations game so much better than Trump its not even funny...all the conservatives had to try to defame him was obviously bullshit birth certificate shit

most of the economy shit trump is praised for now started with obama

so please tell me trump is the best we got when he isnt even better than the last shitty president we had

*how trump is the best we got

and let me guess, you are going to say the media was already biased in his favor so he didnt have to do anything...if he made any mistake at all he would have been torn apart by conservatives but he didnt because he was so much smarter than good ol trump

>being this retarded

>youth movement in conservatives

only in the already c.ucked christian communities...i work in several high schools and the majority is against trump

sage and hide all leaf threads

>obama played the media game better than Trump.
>being this fucking retarded

Fuck no you retarded kike nigger shill. You should kill yourself you dumb nigger.
Obama did not do a single thing about the media.
The media was on Obamas side from the start. Obama did not lift a finger to "deal with the media" in any way shape or form.

Obama sat back, and let the media praise him.


>if he made any mistake at all he would have been torn apart by conservatives

now im convinced this is bait, no one is this retarded

The majority of young people will always be left wing.

The point is that there are more conservative youths than before. That much is definitely true.

Im just a grad student in a STEM field, but I'm definitely seeing a conservative shift. And this is in Canada, where we just almost wiped liberals from out provincial elections.

Faggot leafs still ass-blasted about their food costs nearly doubling because they thought they could start a trade war with the US. Enjoy that $10 dozen eggs niggers.

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literally triggered as fuck

nigger detected

haha sad because your great president literally dumber than a nigger president? obama =8 years, Trump= 3 at best

>muh empty airfields

>Zionism is about establishing and protecting Israel
>Zionists want to destroy Israel

Oh shit I forgot it was Canada that started a trade war between all of the US's closest allies. Seriously, take a look at the rate of sourcing american jobs under trump. Its almost like the cost of business has gone up in the states because it costs more to import stuff. But hey its better then a black Muslim from Kenya. USA USA USA!!!111

Truth, religion plays a big role if not the biggest decision in conservative voting, pretty much anywhere. Its almost like being brainwashed your whole life allows you to be further brain washed to vote against your own economic interests.