Pls ban sexbots

How the fuck are we suppose to compete with this in the future?

Why can't they outlaw this already

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Or this?

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Or these?

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I wanna kiss that thing

I agree ban these so men are forced to find REAL love and not plastic asian dolls


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>tits and not ass

will there be an andorian tay tay edition?

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I'll get one when they have realistic skin and can move around.

oh boy queue up another 15 sexbot threads tonight. the bot is going through its rounds

Tits or GTFO.
Real ones bitch.

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I want my Twilight Sparkle sexbot.

Highly doubt it is a bot. Some men get a kicked out of triggering roasties.

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wow these are so cool!

Wow, that shit is actually starting to get impressive
Those look preeeettttyy close to a set of real titties

> just get normal girl user.

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adapt or die

I suppose some women do as well

So that's it then. The last step is fluid animation with robotics and we finally have autonomous sexbots that do everything except nag.,

By not being toxic and vapid subhumans

Why not rainbow dash?

Now we just need artificial wombs up n ready and we can finally get rid of the evolutionary failure / #PARASITEGENDER aka women.


Lel the guy who screencapped this marked every answer as "acceptable" except the ones that show up in red text

>How the fuck are we supposed to compete with this
As long as you're not a cheating whore or a negress then you're miles ahead of any possible synth

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This is probably true. Yet, I've seen some tradcon women extremely jealous/angry at the idea of sexbots.

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mhmm henlo
plese show bob an vagana

robots are gonna take over the world and destroy the human race all because some fucking neets couldn't just use their hand

Attached: Japan Exclusive Summer Lesson VR.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Who actually is foolish enough to think sexbots are going to replace women? Chad and Brad are never going to stop competing for pussy, and people who never had a chance or got very few women are invisible to women anyway. So at the end of the day only the bare bottom women would have to actually "compete" with sexbots, and by compete I mean settle for someone in their league.

This right here. Watching roasties fume is comedy gold.

Q predicted this


Predicated what?

Wasn't there a picture for this? Couldn't find the pic anywhere, but it was some normie meme that actually proves a point to this argument. It was something of: A girl sees a ugly guy, says that they'll die a virgin, guy is seen with a sex robot, they say that they could just take them and that they're angry at him for not choosing them. If you could find the pic, thanks mate.

woman here
we need to ban this ASAP. this will bring a lot of problems like increasing rape and whatnot. if you disagree with me you're probably a lonely permavirgin and you don't matter anyway

How the fuck are real men supposed to compete when your pussy is thrashed out from
Let's ban dildos, and anything shaped like a dildo, which includes nearly all deodourant cans designed for women, do that first then we can talk about fuck dolls.

Any and all nations that bans sexbots and put thots before bots is well deserving of any terrorism or natural disasters that come it's way.

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Large breasts developed in Northern Europe in response to the cold. A primary white characteristic. Men who like ass do so because primates walked on four limbs with their ass protruding. That means you're a nigger.

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I'd like to fuck one strictly for research purposes.

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Look at this! I have nothing else to offer a partner! This should be illegal so men are forced to talk to me and get trapped into marriage.
Been there, done that. I wish these came out decades ago so woman would be forced to be likeable

When they make one that can clean itself I'm sold desu and I have a gf but I'd dump her for something that gives me all the things I like about her (sex) and none of the things I don't like (everything else).

Its like my body is being raped by proxy.
If you make a doll to look like a womans body and you fuck it without consent it's rape.

This is rape.

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That's not precieved as being possible to the wet ones here.

the doll was asking for it, specially that one

Am I supposed to find these attractive? It's an embarassingly large fleshlight

Still a better deal than most sluts but come on. Are you all drooling over these dickholsters?

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Facts dont lie


OH GOD. I'm actually going to be fucking sick..

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What isnt rape when it triggers roasts?

Yes absolutely fucking drooling.

do you think i care?

No wonder I'm a boob guy(handful is enough)

Ass is alright too though

Forgot to add they need to ban VR while they are at it.

Pathetic but whatever

Slutty hoes are not really better than these dolls in terms of bang for buck

Stop being thots chasing exclusively after Chad and we won't have too. ;^)

where my petite ai sexbots at. big boobs are fine, but gimme a nice a cup too

That is cringe as hell. Fake rubber tits on a lifeless doll lmao glad the ones that'll buy these will never procreate and kill off their beta faggot genes. Enjoy developing delusions and falling in love with a plastic toy while I enjoy creampie-ing my qt muslim waifu

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Because they will still never feel as good or warm as real tits.

But I don't expect you guys to understand that.

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We have a serious incel problem here.

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Kek this dude is married


It doesn't want to spend 30min preparing to talk about feelings only to pull out its fucking phone and say "I dont know" and "just listen for a minute". But cry if you pull out your phone to check the time. Always claiming some mental or physical deficiency to get you to do more shit. It's a trap guys.
These are the result of feminism.

Why are you dependent on pussy to survive?

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>butthurt white roastie detected
tick tock your time is running out

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What if biocunts are actually waifubots ancient ancestors built who decided to give them the ability to nag and be degenerate sluts? Like Atlantis waifubots.

i want this one. does that backsack come with a nice cock for me to suck? whats the sauce on this one

Why cant we ban you? You are the one trouncing on a person's life choices. Do you support LGBT? I bet you were crazy 10 years ago and now wonder where all the good men went. Typical.

what are you? a fucking tranny?

>can titfuck a jiggly nigress every night
>won't have to deal with her hood attitude or ghetto friends

Lmfao they'll just fall back to literal cactii and red rockets instead. Doesn't matter what you ban, they'll find something - anything - that they can shove up into them and get off to it.

These incels have gone so crazy they are actually living out their dominating rape fantasies through dolls. Sometimes dolls with other dolls.

Can I report these people to the government?

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It's even worse because these will actually put out. Roasties can't handle more competition.

That's actually pretty fucking gross.

That sounds excellent as fuck

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They're high quality store mannequins.

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in domestic discipline when required?

as opposed to raping a real girl

Oh god they are back

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Enjoy getting cucked and divorce raped boyo.

Not a nigress, looks either exotic or heavily tanned white.

You wont fuck them so at least let these guys have some happiness you evil cunt.

There's already producing warm skin on robots they just need to find a way to make it portable.

I'm sorry but this shit is still fucking weird, even if I haven't had a GF for a while.

This is the first thing I agree with to come out of your fucked continent

I was previously an "incel" virgin at , I met a girl last month who I'd known for 10 years from school but never connected with.

We're now in a loving relationship and fuck all the time. If I had bought one of these dolls I don't think I'd ever have met her and honestly I would marry her I can't believe how perfect she is for me. Don't buy one of these dolls. There is a girl out there for you

True. The free market of women. Perhaps with the advent of artificial wombs women will actually have to attempt to be good partners in order to compete to become one.

>Tay tay sexbot

whoops *at 23*

Please don't ever get a job where you need an actual brain.

When did anyone say any of that?
I just hate "talk time"
Go torture someone else

Ten bucks she cheated on you already.

Betas are natural and you can't escape it. Answer me this memeflaggot: If nothing but the Alpha procreates, where does the Beta come from?

One day japs will give us this in glorious 8k 144fps virtual reality.
Of course much of it in the west will be banned by faggots and feminists but we will still get it from the based Japs.
I can't wait.

faggot nasim poster kys

shudd up white boi

>It's an embarassingly large fleshlight
Same as women.

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fake doll fake wood flooring