Holly Shit - Tell me this is fake Jow Forums ?

>NASA Admits "LOSING" All Moon Landing Data

Im no flat earth retard, but HOW THE FUCK does NASA "lose" the most historically important space data ??


I always thought it was possible we faked the moon landing, to beat russia, but still believed it was more likely we went, UNTIL NOW....

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Other urls found in this thread:


But why would they fake it?

To...get more money, I guess?

There was a message on it from The Silence telling us to kill them all, but you don't remember.

t. newfag

Q predicted this

lurk more newfag

But wouldn’t the money be coming from the central government? Wouldn’t the government be in on it as well?

>Im no flat earth retard, but HOW THE FUCK does NASA "lose" the most historically important space data ??
Bureaucratic incompetence. The failure to understand how society works. When you have ONE guy on the planet that understands how something works and that guy dies, nobody understands how that thing works. And if you're not actively trying to figure out how it works at the time, it may be decades before you realize how badly you fucked up.
A lot of critical information is never archived. A lot of techniques and procedures are never passed on. All the documentation was tossed as trash, and all the people are dead or retired. This is part of what defines a decline.

So the soviets could waste money into their own space research. Duh!

Its called government bureaucracy and inefficiency.

Yeah that worked lol. Literally haven't done anything that would get them public attention in 20 years.

>Russia was FIRST in space
>Russia was FIRST to orbit the moon

Can you imagine the embarrassment if the US lost to the Commies?
Be a MASSIVE blow, and win for communism.

THIS IMO is the biggest reason to fake it.


It wasn't faked, but they're not going to tell us what's really there and why we haven't gone back.

fuck off with your marxist propaganda, yes they really went to the moon.

it was the largest media spectacle in the history of the world too, lots of editing and clusterfuckery.

To get the USSR to waste resources on a space race.


Remember that time the ATF lost several thousand assault rifles? How are you surprised a government agency with like 0.01% if that of the national budget managed to lose that shit?

Not to mention your source is a literally-who shilling for the flat earth in order to push sketchy sponsors like "The Money Club" to gullible fucks like you. Seriously, check the description.

Lurk moar

>Remember that time the ATF lost several thousand assault rifles?
"lost them"
You mean gave them to drug cartels > operation fast and furious

Gave them to drug cartels with the intent to track them, lost them literally within a day, then some American citizens were shot and killed with them. I'm surprised we haven't misplaced a few space shuttles by now.

The key word here is "telemetry" data. That would be things like the orientation of the lunar module and so forth, not actual evidence and findings.

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>Im no flat earth retard, but HOW THE FUCK does NASA "lose" the most historically important space data ??
by never having it to begin with

This, but also shit management.

>Gave them to drug cartels with the intent to track them
you dont actually believe that retarded lie do you?

Here's what really happened,
CIA armed /OurCartel/ to fight off competition cartel
Cartel thugs crossed over to US for some drug deal
Shoots some Americans
Police find out they were originally OUR guns
Obama's corrupt government spins more lies.

We live in a dome.

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Its also the type of data that would be too much work to fake...

You dont think it would have been useful to analysis and improve guidance systems?

Are we really saying the people at NASA are incompetent retards with no foresight...?

That is also a likely possibility.

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Not this shit again

Attached: Apollo 11 Press Conference.jpg (1377x779, 129K)

Yeah we just need to do it again - no big deal desu.

t. researcher

because they let women work in NASA now. Feminist took over, I'd be suprised if Nasa can accomplish anything now.

Attached: nasawomen.jpg (1600x1025, 2.25M)

They lost it because they are part of the government. And that means they are incompetent when it comes to keeping records.

Kek blessed the replies to your post.

That picture was taken from a Newtonian telescope. I can see the 4 support bars that hold the mirror that the eyepiece (bottom right) looks at.

t. I own a Newtonian telescope.

Unironically this, desu.

The Earth is flat and the elites will do whatever it takes to protect this knowledge for it keeps up trapped in a matrix of (((their))) lies.

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You are dumb af. the earth is round. surrounded by a toroidal field. You also have said toroidal field around you.

>reddit spacing
>rare flag
>tells me I'm wrong with no evidence.
You're a really lazy israeli faggot aren't you?


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By not having it in the first place. It was genius really.
>pretend to pour billions of dollars in your space program
>retarded Russians actually fucking go to space
>almost starve their people in the process
>fake the moon landing to top it off
>Russia got baited into space race AND lost it

We've sent loads of probes and rovers to the moon since then, it's not exactly a secret puzzle to get there.

yes it's a federal agency

>A lot of critical information is never archived.

This is the correct answer.

T. Government Librarian

they probably just mean "we dont know how the old technology works because our jewish professors taught us science wrong as a joke"

Listen to your gut op. You are 100% on point.

Most intelligent reply here and also very sad

Watch the whole doc - "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon" ( still on YouTube to my knowledge ) if you really want yr mind blown

they sold it to china under bill clinton.

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>b-b-but they lost it all
kys kike.

If you look at the current staff you would know exactly why nasa is going to shit.

It’s not fake.

They didn't fake it, or else Russia, China and every other country that has a telescope would call put bullshit when they look at the moon for the moon landing equipment

>Im no flat earth retard,

Yes you are.

Telemetry data =/= science data.

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>If you believe Nasa or think they are lying either way your a flat earther stop asking questions conspiracy theorist.
Next your going to start threatening violence.

This! The cold war was fought economically by out spending them on space and military.

>Flat Earth

How can one lose that which they have never had?

you don't have to believe in flat earth to realize we never been to the moon


Huh, seems every other country faked it also, like when you watch the footage from Russian space walks and the whole helmet turns when the astronot turns his head to wave, and the air bubbles in the water while another space walk is ongoing. You're right, nobody faked it...

Well, in the UFO movement, the ones who are well-researched always conclude that if aliens do exists, they are malevolent and have been here on Earth a VERY long time, even controlling world affairs. Therefore, they don't want us going into space to find out all the interesting things, including real footage of the dark side of the moon.

Conversely, the normies in the movement are waiting for the greys to save them so that they don't have to go to work in the morning. Yeah...

LITERALLY How do you fail to pass down pieces of paper? This brainlet post only works if we live in a society that only passes down information orally.

Keep in mind the govt seized some lady's vial of moon dust a month or two ago... it was a gift given by lance. She has a signed letter from lance fucking armstrong that the moon dust belongs to her. Awfully strange of the (((government))) to claim the moon is federal property...

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The correct way to look at it is this:
"Was Apollo 11, and JUST Apollo 11 a Hoax?"
Meaning the other landings were true but we weren't ready in 69'

The moon landing was faked

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Things get lost all the time, don't worry about it.

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I met Neil Armstrong at a TGI Friday’s in Ohio as a kid AMA.

This is probably the case.

Can you sum it up in a few sentences? I'd rather watch AMSR videos before I sleep.

Old news, user.

Also, we didn’t do it to “beat” the USSR. The Cold War was a total meme and our space programs (the de-facto military development branch in a world with nukes) openly admit to ghost the Cold War.

Guess what? Everything else you learned in school is also a lie.

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That's what happened to all data back then. There was no widespread attempts to archive large amounts of data in the 1960s. The BBC deleted all of the tapes of the original episodes of Doctor Who, NASA deleted all the moon landing data, everyone did. Storage space for data was scarce, tapes were expensive.

On the contrary, if you RELY on passing information orally, you listen.

If you pass down information in writing, you don't remember shit because it's written down somewhere. Writings get forgotten, and because no one bothered to remember, people can very quickly and easily find themselves in a position not understanding the importance of what they have and just throw it out.

You're undervaluing oral tradition, and over valuing a piece of paper.



Nasa fakes their ISS footage, flat earth or not. This is proven, pay attention to the actual info that is technical in nature and provides solid arguments,. and stray from the bullshit that they want you to see.

fact is nasa get 60mil a day in taxpayers money and provides zero balance sheets. start there.

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This. It's not like all the photographs and audio and video and samples are gone. Who cares about the raw telemetry? That wouldn't convince anyone one way or the other.

Reminds me of the US Army losing their two T28 Super Heavy Tank (weighting 95 tons) prototypes after world war 2 and then them being found again in some old warehouse decades later

Why do you go on the internet just to spread lies?

Is summer vacation almost over little guy?

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Visible cables

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they saw y shaped floaty things. thats what the logos for all space things have on them. its not a forked snake tongue. i could tell you more but i think you all should dig.

white small y shaped alive floaties everywhere in the raw footage

Attached: 1496152153550.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>4 americas including texas can fit inside of texas

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Attached: 1496151011140.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>does not spin remotely close to a suspended axis
>webm clearly shows his pinky catching pocket.
>It's a cable everyone.
I can't wait for summer to be over and all (((you))) faggots go back to junior high.

Attached: 1525621614148.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Its easy. You put a bunch of niggers in charge and they disappear your history.

Hey man, I lost like forty million dollars last week. Trust me, I totally had it

Member when the Air Force lost a nuke in the Atlantic ocean just off the Georgia coast?

>how could a government agency be so incompetent

We could be mining asteroids but we're too busy funding diversity quotas and climate change """research"""

All these flat earth people are fucking shitskins. The people who deny the moon landings. Its like next level denial.

>Gave them to drug cartels with the intent to track them, lost them literally within a day, then some American citizens were shot and killed with them
Not random citizens, it was a Border Patrol Agent that was killed.


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Zero g backflip by Tim Peake

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