So let's get this fucking straight, IS ATOMWAFFEN DIVISION ACTUALLY SATANIC?
Glow in the dark faggots.
There are Satanic subverters called 9 something that probably are trying their assery in it.
What the fuck does this mean?
Order of 9 Angles.
Do the leaders still have any power? Didn't rape get arrested?
O9A is the term you’re looking for.
hadron collider
HAARP shutdown
blood moon
look into it
fucking sucks dude, they used to be based af but now they are turning it into a kvlt philosophical bullshitery group
everyone should read siege but not everyone should commit to siege
K....keep me posted
YES, yes they are. had them raid a discord server of mine. spammed child porn, and satanic themed torture/gore.
Satans behind this shit lol
Any way to keep contact? I need to know the truth about them.
No, they came in to the server (a christian prayer server btw) dumped a bunch of shit then fucked right off.
Did you know ODIN?
that sucks, I'm a Christian and I've been looking into AWD but they seem like larpers
paganism is big gay
What denomination are you?
Meme flag fuck off
Satanic is a boomer meme, but Atomwaffen isn't helping any movement by advocating for terrorism. Nobody likes terrorism, and it won't win you any political favors or respect in this day and age.
Violence/revolution is different than terrorism and indiscriminate killing.
I don't recall them being satanic in the begining. I don't know when this started
They were not satanic at all in the beginning. just a bunch of larpy fags.
They weren't satanic in the beginning, however when the muslim race traitor killed the other leaders, Rape (satanist) got the be one of the greater leaders and he fucked shit up.
Yep, I remember when that happened
Nice, hit me up on discord if you want: Gudru#2323
We agree
I knew them both.
discord friend request sent mate
Tell me pls
The Atomwaffen people worship a white demon girl as their goddess and they're led by an Uzbek BDSM enthusiast.
Imagine being so galaxy brain that you will rot in prison because you have a black neighbor and want to sacrifice him to Satan.
Black people are not the problem. Satanic honkeys are the problem.
WN chatroom, I wont say anymore Devon pissed me off when he started shilling for ISIS.Considering ISIS =Mossad . Its' a shame he was a smart kid but went full retard.
WN chatroom? Dude just add me on discord so we can talk
I deleted it do you have skype?
Do you feel comfortable posting it here?
perhaps 1 sec alright?
You fuckers know that they have girlfriends, also Adolf Stalin said that Rape was using the O9A faggots saying that O9A wants to kill Fascists after they get what they want...which is control and they will be killed like the Commies who joined the Nazis.
It's in our best fucking interests for them to succeed.
they being O9A. He talked about it on the /fascist/ board on 8ch, He said he knew Rape before the NAZBOL GANG thing.
damn what the fuck happened to skype please just make an account on discord
I am going to bed, Find me in SG I post there all the time.
actually Farajj Onethouzand
No but they are...
says the tripfag. turn that shit off
Not hiding my location and letting everyone know who I am . Why is that wrong.??
please you can use discord on google!
muslims in a white nationalist group?
wtf nigger
Does this tie back into ANUS from the late 90's?
No. Just listen to this.
I know that it has cantwell in it but just ignore that. The answers are in there.
I really have to go to bed, We can talk another time. I lurk here every night
but I posted my skype :Farajj Onethouzand
They're infiltrated by the ToB, a nexion of the O9A
Yes, they are more satanist than racist.
Lucien says nein.
No but it certainly is cringey. WHO THE FUCK THINK USING THE NUCLEAR SYMBOL IS ANYTHING BUT LAME AS FUCK? Get some decent aesthetic like genuine national socialists do. Half of it is pure image to be brandable, and running around larping as Nazis using the fucking atomic symbol is just pure laziness.
tob are just satanists infiltrating any organization they considet to have sinister potential, here's one of their videos where they larp as communists
What the fuck did I just watch? How is this larping as anything other than stupid? I didn't see any communist angle here.
That really takes me back but it does seem like some weird O9N shit here.