I'm a high school teacher - the Marxism is insane

I teach at a charter school in the usa (imagine a mix between a public and private school) and even here the marxism is insane. Nearly every woman worship big gov. We have one token black who everyone thinks is the funniest thing ever (he's not). We have a bunch of trainings, and I catch all the subliminal stuff where its like 1 white guy who's the cook and three black teachers sort of thing.

We have to COMPLETELY bow to all the various retard/minority/ADD/ADHD shit where it ranges from things like having to read the test aloud to the kid, to letting them express their culture while in class or not have to do homework. They pass these compensations out like candy.

A couple of the male teachers are physically strong, but mentally basedboy through and through.

It's my first year here, but honestly its pretty disturbing. I am expecting it to just be babysitting minorities most of the year.

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Are you that guy from that show, you know the guy from sunny

Dont know anything about that

I'm in the exact same situation. I'm getting out ASAP. No one understands what it's like.

how do you save your country from the marxist indoctrination of the children? thats the core issue

Yep, and I don't think most parents have any idea just how much this has infiltrated our education systems.
We were all taught educational subjects that benefitted us academically. Now that still happens but with an unhealthy dose of teaching kids to become marxist faggots who should be fucking each other while crying every two seconds over microaggressions.
I've lost all respect for teachers. They are lower than prostitutes imo.

Get ready for your first public school redpills. I've been there senpai.

If I were you, I would look at getting out of education ASAP unless you are working for a blueblood independent school.

What age range? Sounds like 6-12?

Homeschooling unfortunately. Ron Paul has a good curriculum and you have to make sure the kids are socially adjusted as well.

how do I save my children from this fate? I don't want a SINGLE fucking nigger at their school. fucking apes drag everyone down with them. Do I invest in an expensive private school that niggers couldn't afford or are private schools cucked too?

Where does one go to escape it? Because I can tell you that the most prestigious corporations and law firms behave the exact same way. Hospitals aren’t even safe from it. Only the trades appear to be somewhat masculine and anti-PC, but for those of us with professional degrees, it doesn’t exactly make a lot of sense to learn how to weld...

no-viable for most parents and frankly its only an avoidance - trying to run away from the deep systemic issue, you think you save you children, but the society still keeps on being ruined by all the mass-subversion and indoctrination and the most abysmal situation in the public schools

it's strange that the trades haven't been infiltrated yet, considering how undermanned they claim to be you think they'd be clamoring for anything with a heartbeat and as a result easily subverted

is it because they're expected to produce actual tangible results that must withstand some objective degree of scrutiny?


The academics basically think tradesmen are subhuman reprobates beyond saving and will necessarily, rightly be destroyed as the rising tide of color carries us into a diverse, equal, and inclusive future.
t. knows many academics

Prove to us you teach at a charter school.

I think you're right objective standards protect people from leftist ideology. That's been my theory why professional athletes, including minorities, are way more conservative than their respective populations.

Nice meme.

conservative beliefs correlate with industriousness too, liberals are all the creative types who are practically averse to hard work (high openness to ideas, low conscientiousness by big5 personality traits)

>practically averse to hard work
Try telling that to a classical musician or writer. They often practice for 4+ hours daily. Sometimes more if there's a big event coming up.

Its data from large sample size studies, not anecdotes. Liberals are better at innovation but bad at making things work and running business - conservatives are batter at it.
I bet that hardworking musicians would be more conservative than "hurr durr I got arts degree and now have no job, gotta protests the capitalism" types

It's so weird, I'm always seeing kids learning math & science I went to college to learn, but on the internet everyone is complaining about how political it all is. Did I go to the wrong schools? I want my kids to go to easymode school.

+ hours daily
Not the coaldiggers who regularly take 10hr shifts underground, or oilriggers. Not even the factoryworkerks or the engineers who makes the maschines run. Yeah,its the poor opressed creatives who are suffering all the hard work.

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I dunno man, public school being so palpably awful is what made me Jow Forums in the first place.

4+ hours? That's insane! How could anyone do anything for such a period of time?

The jews have long been pushing their degenerative practices onto our nation’s. Have you ever considered national socialism my friends?

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Until of course their AC or heat isn’t working when they need it most. Then they begin to realize their game is an illusion that doesn’t work unless we believe it. The same solution applies to the Marxists as the rest of the nightmare. It only works when we play along and we don’t play along, they look like idiots. They only thrive in the habitat they have created, when we destroy that habitat of comfort their house of cards falls.

The only way we can enforce the sanctity of our children’s futures is by preserving it for them. And if this can not be accomplished, then we must raise them to be the most radically devoted revolutionaries against the Jewish indoctrination and subversion of our civilization.

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Did you know that whites used to make up more than 30% of the world population? Now we’re less than 10%.
Or, that 70%of American/european jews vote for leftist policies such as open borders,then run away in the tens of thousands to israel to runaway from the mess they’ve conjured. Why are more than 20% of billionaires jews when they make up 2% of the population?
How come every race on earth gets to exist 300 years from now yet whites will be racemixed into extinction?

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If you’ve had experiences with inner city public schools, I don’t even need to tell you what you already know about the nigger infestation. Why are our children being pushed around and harassed, and often killed or seriously hurt by packs of these animals that are let in by traitors who have never hadn’t to live amongst the very animals they praise. Things must change, no one can think of leaving their children and future descendants to a world run by those who look at us as nothing but oppressors.

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>I am expecting it to just be babysitting minorities most of the year.
So just not give a shit, sounds much easier than having to be hard on them and get results from a bunch of retards.

They look at us as slaves. Oppressors is just their convenient projection. Things are going to start getting awkward for jews and they just can’t help stating their jewish. How convenient

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Did you know the average exposure to pornography is between 10-11 years old? The Jewish influence has done nothing but morally poison our generations’ minds with perversion, materialism, and hedenism. Why are we allowing youth to be indoctrinated into the pop culture myth of acting like wannabe negros? What kind of future is being promised here? Crime culture? Sex and greed? Nihilism?

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I'd like to see then try to wire a house, or do they think niggers will do it for them? Lel

t. Electrician

You're too retarded to comprehend that Marxism is an adherence to a specific doctrinal lens, not a fucking catch-all for being pro-state, as such sentiments have existed for at the minimum as long as some of the earliest examples of human writing currently known.
You are not a teacher. If you actually are employed, it is as a babysitter.
But you are very likely a neet as you are clearly not currently being educated, and you are likely too useless to be employed.

unrelated, but I'm a drafty and so far, every single sparky I've met is pretty much insane, which begs the question... are all sparkys mental?

You bet your arse we are.

and they all think they will be in charge of the glorious socialist republics

>practice 4+ hours a day
>hard work
holy fucking kek
Have you ever worked a 12 hour day?

Show yourself in a hot school teacher outfit, even if you are a man. Bonus if you’re a man.

You could always send them to a Jewish school.

This is what sucks. My wife and I homeschool but we have a very lucky set of circumstances that allow us to do it. I’m seeing more and more soccer mom type families now homeschooling. And nobody bats an eye about it like they did 20-30 years ago. Even up until the 90’s and early 2000’s homeschoolers were basically families had lived on compounds and had beards and braids down their ankles

Niggers can absolutely wire a house, it's monkey work. They're fucked when it comes to power systems or troubleshooting though.

Been a semi successful musician for years. Became a very successful businessman completely unrelated to music as I got older.

Always was slightly conservative from a young age, became more conservative the older i got. Now im 40 and I’m borderline natsoc with a slight dash of the fash.

I can’t even play a show anymore without looking at everyone around me and thinking how degenerate they all are.

I love our modern world but I am anxious to see how it’s going to all come crashing down one day so the world can be reset somewhat. I feel like Lot living in Sodom and Gomorrah

Dude. I would practice at least a few hours a day as a musician. That’s just standard. Serious musicians practice much more.

Just try practicing the same scale over and over again for hours. And that’s just for one scale or pattern.

>letting them express their culture while in class
lel what exactly does this entail

Can you tell us anything about questionable stuff in the curriculum? What do you teach?

This sounds about right. Too bad tradies are so naive. They have money, which can translate into political power.

Basically this

>tfw I work with lots of title 1 schools in inner cities.

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New aristocratic class of tradies when?

If tradies made a national blacklist of lefties, I would be soooo happy.

god i wish i could work in the trades, i hate effeminate office work, but that's the only option around here if you don't want to live in a favela

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That’s not what subliminal means.

He doesn't look Chilean.

yeah this is what happens in public schools full of black/hispanic, its a gang turf. the teachers cant handle it, the administration does nothing
the system is rotten to the core, all the normal students suffer, its a system that produces more criminals and social rejects, all these kids either snap or join the gangs to survive

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boomer marxists took over the education system.

damn my hands would get sweaty as fuck firing that
its worth more than his entire village

Ask a Marxist anything.

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When did you realize that you were gay?

wow bro that's pretty Marxist better shoot the place up MAGA

Do your parents know you're gay?

4 whole hours of tooting a flute or writing in an air conditioned room?

this is slowly happening over the west too.

>Nearly every woman worship big gov.

That's just true in general. If women were never given the vote, the Democratic party probably would have died off.

There are a lot of good private schools, but they will cost you and if you live with a lot of shitskins you may have to drive elsewhere

> classical musicians and writers
These are hobbies, user. Not jobs. Everyone is willing to fuck off on their hobby 4+ hours per day.

Haha best trips of truth ever.

I knew pollacks were uncultured but goddamn so much for traditional values. Guess it's burgher thought through and through, 'productivity' or nothing

Even Benjamin Franklin had to pay the bills.

I've worked as a middle school teacher on and off and as a sub and the levels of indoctrination here is frightening.
I was thinking of a career in this field but i quickly changed my mind
Fuck that

The trades inherently involve actual work. Asking why they aren't full of niggers and SJWs is like asking why the garlic and wooden stake warehouse isn't full of vampires.

>They often practice for 4+ hours daily.
whew lad

For most people they are. The number of musical gigs that pay well enough to support a decent standard of living is miniscule. And a lot of the ones that do exist require you to be willing to spend almost as much time on the road as a trucker.

Greetings tovarisch. Become a real communist and use the power of stalin to purge the liberals

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My wife is a teacher and she just got the list of new students. She told me there's only three Anglo-sounding names in a class of 25, a bunch of Hernandez's and Garcias, some Taqyashias and a few Muhammads. She says every year the Anglo sounding names get shorter and weirder

I'm a high school teacher in China and it's great. No one gives a fuck what I do in the classroom. If two boys are talking I ask them if they're gay.

>become a communist
>purge the liberals
Are you referring to suicide?

it means letting niggers do their nig thing in class so whitey cant get a decent education anymore because he's had enough after HS and decides; fuck it i'm gonna flip burgers, fuck school(niggers)