Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves.

Go to the gym and don't be afraid to cardio or lift more than one hour.
These chad workout mixes will help:



Stop believing in memes like "lose all ur gainz after 60 minutes of gym". Not even close to true. Look at all the greatest bodybuilders.

Stop listening to degeneracy.




BloodSoil - Sacred War

Legionarii - Aristocracy

Across The Rubicon - Ghost

Stop consuming too much carbs and fast food. Have a glass of good wine, no more cheap shit. Eat fruit. Eat fish. Eat your damn vegetables. Cut the carbs. Eat clean meat, no mystery fast food meat. Always cook chicken and pork very thoroughly. Don't eat feminized products. Don't breed with roasties. Find a wholesome waifu. Do cardio. Go running. Stockpile food and buy a truck/SUV to survive The Coming Ice Age. Don't do ignorant nigger things like stealing and acting like a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degenerate feminism.

Download a cryptocurrency app and invest. Even a little will go a long way. Invest in multiple different coins. Sit on them for 10-20 years. Brush off the haters and jealous cucks. This is your life now.

Comrades, remember THE POWER OF VISUALIZATION. Want to fuck some broad? Visualize you fucking her constantly. Her brain waves will respond and want to jump on your cock!! Trying to start a motherfucking race war? Visualize it constantly. Trying to wait for your bitcoin to reach ten million dollars? VISUALIZE IT YOU NIGGER.

Welcome to /SIG/ 2018.

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>go to the gym goy
>buy our health product goy

Everything you need to improve yourself is at home. Stop falling for this meme of having to buy your fitness at a gym.

or you could get a job that pays for your gym membership and actually get strong, I'm not saying calisthenics are inferior but they do not build strength the same as lifting.

>but they do not build strength the same as lifting

Factually wrong, stop talking.

You know grape juice does everything wine does but better?

>buy crypto


Crypto is not an investment. Pennies saved are pennies earned - real incestment doesn't involve pie in the sky financial gains.

>Comrades, remember THE POWER OF VISUALIZATION. Want to fuck some broad? Visualize you fucking her constantly. Her brain waves will respond and want to jump on your cock!! Trying to start a motherfucking race war? Visualize it constantly. Trying to wait for your bitcoin to reach ten million dollars? VISUALIZE IT YOU NIGGER.
Could someone with a tripple digit IQ make these threads like they used to?

>Go to the gym and don't be afraid to cardio or lift more than one hour.
Do NOT fall for the lifting meme like I did. I've been lifting weights for 6 years. In those 6 years, I have not gained a single iota of strength. In that time I have wastled countless time, money, and have developed debilitating joint and bone damage. My life is miserable from knee pain, hip pain, back pain, sternum pain, and even neck pain caused by weightlifting. All these muscular bodies are caused from steroid use or genetics. Only people lucky to be born with the right genetics will be muscular. Sage for disinfo that will harm others like me

You didn't eat enough.

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Read faggots

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I technically have one but I'm a thot so I'm pretty sure it's a kike lie. should I do it anyway?
SIG is basically the best thread on Jow Forums right now. I don't want to be presumptuous.

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t. either didn't eat or is a shill

>>Jow Forums

Nope. Report sig posters, ban sig threads.

No blackmail for you today, kike scum.


>improving yourself is jewish

>same replies every time

How pathetic. Sad kikes. No blackmail for you. Off to the trash, where you belong.

Hey sig, good and bad news. I'm just retarded, I might have another shot at the scouter who tried to offer me a position of some kind. Meanwhile I'm actually looking around at better places to live. turns out there are some cheaper places nearby on the market, dunno if I'll have a chance to get there first but I'm trying desperately. I want out of this shithole of a home.

With a clean home and decent kitchen I can resume feminine goals. I don't forsee them going anywhere, but I think it will significantly improve my temperament and behavior to be a home maker. Friend is struggling on the flight thing. They have to pass a FAA exam after all. sounds obvious but we've been faltering on that because he has a long history of pain and anxiety.

Any pilots here have any advice? all they care about is having wings and I think its probably the only job that will make him happy. we're already working a little bit on getting exclusions from medical professionals, but more advice or anecdotes are appreciated. I know its probably unlikely to see a pilot ITT but one leafposter was the catalyst in saying the first liscence is rather affordable as far as education goes.

my goals still haven't been fully met, and I admit I am floundering a little on keeping my room clean and excercize. glasses are already on their way though and I can't wait to start wearing them and doing my driving lessons. Hope your goals are also going well pol.

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The foundation of self improvement lies in avoiding these poisons: Masturbation/porn, internet/phone/tv, and every drug except caffeine.

>off to the trash
Looks like you're already there user

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I like seeing this thread come back, but I think it needs some more /self sufficiency/
Posting some farming, survival and off grid infographics

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Attached: holzer cultivation.jpg (1003x638, 109K)

Grape juice doesnt make my wife look more fuckable user

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alright that's all I got guys, hope they help

How did you fuck up something so simple so badly?

CHecked. Great stuff- thanks a lot. Gonna try that square foot garden

Is mathematical mentality applicable to non-mathematical problem solving?

I was never good at math, but I excel at general problem solving.

No, math / science can't be applied to morals or philosophy, unless it's nihilism caused by how big the universe is.

Maybe you misunderstand my meaning.

I mean that critical thinking about objective problems and solving them through troubleshooting or brainstorming solutions is something you don't necessarily need math for. My question is if someone who is mathematically gifted might have an altered mindset that might aid in non-mathmatical problem solving.

Non-philosophical. Objective.

Oh yeah for sure, that's absolutely critical to mathematics

Hmm... Thanks!

Learn how to build. Buy a small building technology book. Find out more about foundations, bricks blocks insulation. How to tile a roof.

God bless you all

Can recommend Varg's advices, go to forest and grab some pieces of wood lying on ground and bring it back to garden, etc. It's actually really good for soil but if you don't have big garden like I do, you better cut it into smallest pieces as possible.


Keep doing these

the many neckbeards lurking and shilling here need wholesome advice like this unironcally

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>My question is if someone who is mathematically gifted might have an altered mindset that might aid in non-mathmatical problem solving.


I'm terrible at math but general thinking is slightly above or at average normie

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Let's do this.





99% of all programming jobs is reverse engineering and process of elimination.