Operation W A R I N F O

All right lads time to mobilize. I want the establishment to look fondly of how they were fucked in 2016 compared what we're gonna bring.

Lets jam their culture the fuck up.
Lets out kike the kikes.
Total informational warfare.

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Other urls found in this thread:


bump for interest
what do you have in mind?

dig into the past of every guest co-host of lefty shows and start reporting digging through their past blog posts and tweets, to start with.

I plan on starting this when I get home.

What are the vulnerabilities of facebook, youtube and itunes? start reporting them for breaches of state and federal law wherever in the world you are using it.
Politicians love to have something to go, lets pit them all against each other.
I'm contacting my state and federal members regarding whatever I can make up that's semi legit
Start emailing every sponsor of any type of video on youtube and facebook
Just fuck their shit up with bureaucratic nonsense

i actually like it but we'll need more autism than just me and you

Q predicted this

Bump in hopes other autists are reading

my autism is so low it only registers as aspergers at best =(

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OP I think this shit is retarded but I'll still give you a bump
I hope you ruin some lefties even though they probably wouldn't even get banned if it was proven they raped a child

If you really want to stick it to them look for incidents of them calling for violent action. That seems to be what all the pussies are spouting about infowars

Internet is purging anything to do with sandy hoax

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Trumps a jew
Q is a jew
Jones is a jew
>inb4 "shut up Jewish shill"

>All right lads time to mobilize. I want the establishment to look fondly of how they were fucked in 2016 compared what we're gonna bring.
>Lets jam their culture the fuck up.

You couldn't possibly mean... Culture jam the culture jammers?

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This would have been a great idea if culture and the internet we have now existed back in 1992-ish. It might make a good movie though.


just support new platforms
now's the time

yep, I said it before and ill say it again

LET'S OUT KIKE THE KIKES, we are God's chosen people now

>New documentary tells biologist Tyrone Hayes’ tale of atrazine, frogs and Syngenta

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Someone dropped the enemies list
>pic related

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Time to delete these kikes.

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I think something is going to break regarding agengency conducting false flag around the country. ((They)) are freaking out. It seems though any body questioning sandy hook has been purged. Biggest being infowars

I already have. It’s a information war.

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whether sandy hook is real or not is not the point right now. There are many other attack vectors to focus on.
It's going to be easier to talk about those then bring up Sandy Hook, it's salted earth, let's move forward

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total mobilization


you have my attention.

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There are several benefits to continuing to stoop to the same level as the leftists
1. It outs the faggots who want to take the high road until there's no road left to take.
2. The first few people we find might actually get fired or in some way face some repercussions.
3. When the MSM and Big Tech start to ignore our reports and instead accuse us of being mean to rich and powerful people by pointing out bad things they've done, it serves to highlight their hypocracy
4. At some point, we'll drive at least one of these companies to accidentally do something illegal in trying to silence us

That’s the reason AJ is sensored. FF accusation is made in general public then everyone looks online only to find ”debunked” videos. FF ties back to CIA that ties back to 9/11 JFK. And every thing shitty that happens in US. Whole house of cards collaps when American public is made aware.

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why not simply blow up ADL offices/silicon valley /CNN?

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I think the only effective way is making them a public utility and government regulated. I could see it happening if we put our energy in that. Or break up their monopoly.

You know who else hated the all Jews? Don’t get me wrong there is a elite Jewish cabal that shits around the world.
>When the Remingtons, duPonts, Rockefellers, Mellons, J.P. Morgan, George Herbert Walker, Samuel Bush and Prescott Bush, as well as other representatives of America’s corporate elite decided to overthrow the government of the United States in 1934, they recruited retired Marine General Smedley Butler to lead it.
>The group intended to establish a Fascist regime that would send undesirables, including the unemployed, the Jews and political opponents to concentration and/or extermination camps.
>a tire salesman before becoming one of the biggest Nazi collaborators in US history
>Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.Prescott Bush

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hi achmed. why dont you go blow up merkel

Sam Hyde the jew is sending you goyim on a wild goose chase and is merely trolling you

go fuck iff antifa. and so what? clearly the madman keeps getting away with it

What happend to infowars happend across the board on internet. I think they just opened a case for anti trust and AJ was the willing bait. 5D chess

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SSSIP Aye! Sure is noice bein a boomah!

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>pic related
Think long and hard what you are doing and who you are associating with. Your day is coming

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Where did he go wrong then Desu... I always knew he was a nazi war profiteer, sympathetizer? I dont know about that... I think he was just a filthy mongrel making dollerydoos. The behavior of the crime family surely has not done much to suggest they want a post brown world in the nazi tradition.

you think you can out kike kikes?

oooh sweet goyim

much to learn

>why not simply blow up ADL offices/silicon valley /CNN?

Fuck off, kike.

she looks pretty blown up already, though

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Bump and lurking



They lost the war when they went digital. That said, we need to start mobilizing in censorship resistant communities

I am a big fan of memo.cash. it's a Twitter clone that is run on the blockchain (yes even the inputs for the site are run through every transaction, so nothing can get taken down). Also, you can *tip* people in bitcoin cash, which gives an incentive for people to check it out and grow

WTF this would mean any protest could be conspiracy

we're going to ream their left wing asses beyond ER repair. boycott. everyone boycott the jew. delete or troll with your existing accounts but move to other sites. money and traffic are everything, talk is cheap. 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN!

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>everyone boycott the jew

Better than boycott, pit the jews against themselves. Pit their nig nogs against the jews
Pit muslims against nig nogs and nig nogs against muslims
Do to them what they did to our anglo-saxon lands: jam their shit up. Make them want to kill themselves

The weak point of their multiculturalism is that it can be turned against itself like a house of cards

You can't win Darth.

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I liked the dot campaign/crosshairs one. That rustled freely. But its time to be louder

That's fine and all, but if we can't talk to normies what's the point?

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can't fucking wait desu
let's get em


All of us once were normies


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This is true, we all had to start somewhere. The red pill was the most bitter pill I've ever swallowed.

We can do this!!

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is Google CEO Sergey Brin being held hostage to pay his sister in law by a weaponized feminst culture?

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If this post ends in repeating numbers, Alex Jones will be avenged.

why are mods deleting infowars threads?

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Because there are too fucking many of these shill threads

and the rest are low effort bait threads
so fucking why are they not deleting those?

this is the goblin who deleted Alex Jones

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And why not this then? Itaking down the means wich people speak is a slippery slope.
We'r trying to fight for freedom of speech here, why can't they let the tread die like usual?

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inb4 Q

>why can't they let the tread die like usual?

Because the kike mods hate freedom of speech, even on Jow Forums (which is supposed to be one of the last bastions of truly free speech).

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Bring this QT back, everything will be ok

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>Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into working at sex parties

>The alleged 'Madame' of the operation was among those detained in the raids

>Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello allegedly recruited the underage girls

>A child prostitution ring where more than 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners' has been broken up after dramatic raids.

>They allegedly raped and tattooed all their underage victims, aged between 14 and 17

>Campos Puello was said to be responsible for recruiting the girls from poor neighbourhoods in Columbia and Venezuela.

>Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into coming the Colombian resort of Cartagena under the pretence of working as models there.

>Among those detained was the alleged 'Madame' of the operation - Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello - and several unnamed Israelis who are believed to be the network's ringleaders
.......x,,,.......Based Bellagio vid on this

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So what's our game plan? We dump as much red-pilled content on (((Facebook))) and (((YouTube))) as we possibly can to overwhelm the censorship-loving kikes?

Who is this semen demon

She's beautiful

There are a bunch of normies on it already, who doesn't want to get paid to tweet?

Bump for the Lulz and for the god of chaos Kek

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> too fucking many of these shill threads
This is God's chosen thread

personal army much?

we're all brothers here, unless youre a kike

fuck BCC and roger ver
thats right roger i was banned from twitter but im still coming after you
dont think i didn't forget

The shit about Alex Jones is a warning of a coming happening Anonymous (ID: 2ty8fxTq) 08/07/18(Tue)00:16:48 No.181438417▶ I predict a Happening is about to happen. I want you young people to hear me out. youtube.com/watch?v=CDU8Fxkp4w0&feature=youtu.be

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It wasn't even spouting violence. He linked a video from ABC showing a kid get beat up with his own title "how to remove a liberal".

Also from q fwiw

Bump. I don't know what to think about this situation (and Alex Jones himself), but free speech is under extreme siege at the moment (more than usual) and we need to do something (anything) to stand up to the dirty kikes.

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Sure thing CIA nigger, then we go glow in the dark


as you know, we dont discuss these things on the pol public page. we discuss these things in pol 2.0 with our gold accounts. i appreciate you are new, but if you want to carry out plans, use your gold account to get into pol 2.0. i do suport the sentiment, but this is not the place. we do not want the normies, nor the news, having any idea of what is going to happen. you know what to do now. i included a picture of where to select pol 2.0, but you will only be able to see the image if you have minimum of gold account. platinum works too obviously. if not, the image is hidden. if someone can post the details for other newfags on how to purchase a gold account that would be great. i typed enough

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People should start with this guy. Jew'd to the max.

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This. Also, bump.

moving from digital to physical mobilization is the step which is needed most. Sacrifice.


keepin hope alive



bump for necessity

Bump to stop this here and now, bc or else this'll fucking spread into Asia

Bump or else I'll join isis

I'm in for anything, we need maybe some copypastas to send them? we can rile up r/the_donald too as henchmen for anything we cook up here, they're certainly going for blood now