why havent Hiro banned youtube links on Jow Forums yet?
And allow embeding of bitchute or other Jow Forums approved streaming site links?
I think one of the reasons why youtube is so omnipotent is because Jow Forums lets you embed their videos here.
why havent Hiro banned youtube links on Jow Forums yet?
And allow embeding of bitchute or other Jow Forums approved streaming site links?
I think one of the reasons why youtube is so omnipotent is because Jow Forums lets you embed their videos here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hiro is an enemy of Jow Forums
The only reason this board is still here is /ptg/ bitcoins and the FBI has admin access to the servers, so .gov bitcoins.
bitchute is nice but they have an issue with their search engine
it needs serious fixing
People are too dumb for that here. Go look. About ten threads posting YouTube links. Most of the people that are so upset Jones is banned, have used youtube, Facebook and google today. This site is full of hypocrites.
I agree that embedding for other platforms should be implemented.
Yeah, we need to ban YouTube wherever we can.
banning youtube won't really solve a thing
they have hundreds of millions of users.
what we need is to make sure there is a big free speech alternative to it or that they are regulated as public utilities
or at the very least give a page on channels to let creators promote other creators. Even just the old thing on youtube where you could thumb through someone elses subscriptions. Finding other channels similar to the one you're on, THAT is the biggest thing they are missing.
bitchute never stops buffering, and the magnet link hooks a torrent that never starts
After the attack on free speech i think it is time to scare some faggots. These giant corps have tens of thousands employees and i consider them fair game, and so should you.
After the useless vegan whore scored zero, the offices have become much harder to hit, but there are many alternatives.
The main alternative should be BUSES. They have fleets of buses carrying people to work, these people should mercilessly made a target. It is IMPOSSIBLE to protect all the buses, and the compact nature of this vehicle makes it easy to score at least 5 to 10 for each bus with proper weapons.
Yea i glow in the dark etc. You pussies think you can fight these companies with trillions of dollars in any other way?
Make it scary to work for the censors, make it clear you will die.
>Now that youtube is an enemy
What, it wasn't before?
>Why haven't hiro banned youtube links
Because just about everything is on youtube for now
>Allow bitchute
Hopefully soon
Bitchute's player is also pretty fucking processor intensive on my end, at least for lengthy videos.
When will bitchute have an app on the Apple store? I use it while I’m on PC but their site sucks for mobile, YouTube is just way more convenient
lol, when will Apple allow a subversive hate speech portal on their platform? A cold day in hell user
>Having an apple product
You've been fucked for a long time, user
hahaha like anyone is going to do anything
Just canceled my $13 a month premium membership to youtube. Thanks for the heads up.
>premium membership
Explain yourself
All we need to do is just non-stop bully jewtube faggots every day and eventually over time people will move away and start making better alternatives. It's not hard but it's about stamina
Problem is, they'll just call us out for being Jow Forums
nah. alex jones was a loud mouthed faggot.
I was watching a video on bitchute and left it paused for half an hour and it hardly moved at all.
It lets me listen while I phone post here and I follow new music pretty closely. Otherwise youtube will stop playing if I minimize it. Lots of bands aren't on Bandcamp which is my strongly preferred platform.
That is another issue indeed
The shills are out in full force today.
They took Alex Jones down and now
BitChute and Gab have been removed from the App Store!
Google is trying to silence alternative media and us before the mid-terms!!!
Rally your horses and send the message: we are getting suppressed!
gookmoot doesn't necessarily give a shit about whatever narrative you're decided to shriek about on any given day
Jow Forums made Jow Forums relevant though kike shill
go back
If you can find me a site with as much mainstream appeal as YouTube, link me. Otherwise I'll keep using it no matter how ridiculous their terms of service are.
>obligatory post of my own videos
Its up to you fucks to boycott it. Fight censorship with censorship? come on
he probably dont know who the fuck alex jones even is
glad I could help
this delusion lmfao
t. post 2016 user
Jow Forums was a mere porn sharing site before Jow Forums existed. without Jow Forums noone wouldve cared about Jow Forums. this board should decide the rules of Jow Forums and must be treated as the master board.
This place had already been doing operations like that and discussions before Jow Forums when it was /new/. It just broke into the mainstream and brought faggots like you. It was never about being popular.
Quality has tanked with so much new users, and Jow Forums is literally considered as cancerous as /b/ in other boards because faggots like you keep trying to change their board culture.
Get this man a Beer.
For unembedding youtube
And embedding bitchute
Ban this ban that how very authoritarian, OP.
> No thanks no more bans.