Gun running should not be illegal, there is no reason you should have to posses a license to sell firearms if any kind. Discuss.
Gun running should not be illegal, there is no reason you should have to posses a license to sell firearms if any kind...
Jonathan Morgan
Noah Brown
I agree.
Ayden Bailey
Based leaf
Caleb Jenkins
Get 3D printed on nigger
Gavin Jones
You need a license to do anything commercially. Just a consequence of a regulated Capitalist economy. Gotta spend money to make money.
Dylan Brown
niggers..... got to make sure niggers aren't buying guns
also on a more serious note guns shouldn't be painted to look like toys.
Nolan Gutierrez
Woops, forgot to announce that tribalism! Grabbed for future mocking.
Adrian Green
But what about knives?
Jacob Diaz
Bin that knife get a life
Kayden Myers
>on a more serious note guns shouldn't be painted to look like toys.
fudd detected