Gun running should not be illegal, there is no reason you should have to posses a license to sell firearms if any kind...

Gun running should not be illegal, there is no reason you should have to posses a license to sell firearms if any kind. Discuss.

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I agree.

Based leaf

Get 3D printed on nigger

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You need a license to do anything commercially. Just a consequence of a regulated Capitalist economy. Gotta spend money to make money.

niggers..... got to make sure niggers aren't buying guns
also on a more serious note guns shouldn't be painted to look like toys.

Woops, forgot to announce that tribalism! Grabbed for future mocking.

But what about knives?

Bin that knife get a life

>on a more serious note guns shouldn't be painted to look like toys.
fudd detected

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I was legit having a chat with my burger mate (texan) the other night about why gun trafficking isn't just fucking rampant out of the US.
>Really I was just trying to talk him into mailing me gun parts.
His only real theory was fear of jail.
>LE never check if you still have firearm with serial#XYZ123 in your posession.
File off the serial & mail it?
I don't see the problem here.

unironically tactical

you got me

Well if dudes get caught with something you made, they could rat you out. Niggers aren't exactly loyal and the "snitches get stitches" rule goes out the window at the first opportunity.

I agree, but unfortunately we live with niggers and a flood of Muslim immigrants because our "government" is a hostile enemy.

isn't this illegal or something?

Not without an orange tip, but I'm sure dude would get fucked if there was any reason for this to be noted by police because DA's are stupid assholes like that.

the rule is guns cant be made to look like anything but a gun. ( cane guns, and such). so maybe because this one is painted not just colorfully but like an actual toy it might be.

Nothing like that.
I want him to go to his local gun shop, buy a glock, file the serial and mail it to me.
Had guns in the 90's but don't have any anymore and lately I'm feeling rather naked.
Also know for a fact that customs is fucking terrible at their jobs.

firearms should have zero regulations and zero taxes. discuss

taxes on your rights are illegal

you have a right to eat but the food is taxed.
you have a right to own a gun, but not aright get a gun.
you are being taxed for the product, once you own it you don't get taxed on it (the right part)

permits and licenses are infringements

because you might be a nigger

not only that, private citizens should be allowed to own any weapon the goverment owns ... not even joking.

The social contract is this: The goverment maintains a monopoly on use of force, but the people must be able to overthrow the goverment if the government oversteps this contract. To do that they must be allowed to possess the same weaponry.

The founding fathers of America (in my humble lea opinion) did not construct the 2A so that americans could go hunting and fishing, they constructed it so that, if neccessary, a majority of citizens could challenge the goverments monopoly on use of force (by force, there is no other way to challenge it!), to do that, it is neccessary to have equal weapons. At the time the 2A was written, that meant private ownership of firearms, but they never said "guns" or "rifles" or "swords" ... they said arms, and imo, that would mean all types of arms for muskets to attack helicopters and nuclear weapons.

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read up on Thomas Jefferson. the idea that this what 2A is for is kind of a joke. he really just wanted to not have to pay for a military, so taxes could stay low, and America could recreate the glory of Rome.

you think citizens should have nukes? seems like a bad idea

How about we don't give your average walmart shopper nukes?
I think that's quite reasonable.

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Discuss what?

then just dont pay them... stop crying, and dont pay them.

No bayonet lug? KYS

Citizens should be required to have nukes, you raging noodley armed twink faggot.

>we arnt free enough
> should be required

Taxes create a need for the government backed currency.
The need for government backed currency creates markets which accept government backed currency.
Markets accepting government backed currency creates a value for the government backed currency.

So taxes are actually the opposite of theft.

>lol this faggot coming at me with a nerf gun lmao

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Good point

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nice thumb nail

Giving people blinding laser cannons and railguns sounds great. Not to mention private nukes.

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if you take government assistance of any kind you should be banned from owning firearms and voting


Nuclear proliferation has been the single greatest tool for ensuring lasting peace in the history of the world.

how much would one person need for that.

Ah yes the new Nerf N-kike blaster line

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Some citizens do own battleships and aircraft carriers tho

They should make an amendment to cancel the 2A. I'm not against guns but Americans are not pulling their weight and just want the "muh guns" without forming a proper militia.
>be American
>have unlicensed vegetable garden
>PIGS storm in, kill your dog and hold you at gunpoint
>twitch around under the tasering
>get shot
>at least I still have muh guns, against tyranny.

Then, any and every gun that isn't in/from/for a museum ends up on the black market, where they do no good and even more harm than before...
France and even the universal human rights declaration thought adding the right to keep and bear arms was evident enough they didn't bothe adding it to their constitution, yet here we are

Gun registration should be enforced, why can't there be a law where you must obtain a license to purchase firearms, but yet the government doesn't keep track of what firearms you buy? It would keep the degenerates from obtaining firearms.

Think of it like buying alcohol, you need to show ID to buy alcohol, however there is no registry that is available to authorities on what alcoholic beverages you purchased.

nice nerf gun faggot

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Yasss. Dis here is trooof