Chinks in Canada don't want refugees

>Many Chinks in Canada protested refugees coming into their neighborhoods.
What does Pol think, and are chinks based?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Toronto#Crime

What a pieces of shit, chinks too are immigrants

They live in a area of Markham that has a huge Chinese population. They want to keep that area mostly asian.

Canada is not Asia, they have no rights to create unlawful ghettos.
Chinks are yellow niggers

So they want a homogeneous community within a heterogeneous country? Sounds like they want actual multiculturalism and reject the melting pot model. The former is like communities under an empire and the latter is like what America aspires to be.

They only want other chinks.

The standard of living in predominately asian areas is rather quite high, they fear the immigrants will ghettoize their hoods.

Chinks and Quebeckers are the backbones of this country
Face it squareheads you lost

Not even Arabs here want refugees. Kill yourself shitstain

If the cost of livin in asian ghettos are too high, then the government should pay for somalians and muslims rents in these areas.
You can't allow to create a fragmented society, everyone should feel at home and accepted.
Some of you will be killed, some kids raped, but in the long run a multicultural society will benefit everyone.

I don't think you know the meaning of that word.

asians and whites can live together peacefully. Asians are way more racist and speak up first because they want to have white neighbors. Based Asians

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and why aren't they Kung Fu Fighting?

>Markham chinks
Yeah, thanks for the new asian supermarket in Aurora you slant-eyed fucks

They don’t fear, they know.

savage af

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Chinks are literally fucking white people in the ass in Australia, buying them and effectively restricting them out of the real estate market. Gentrifying entire cities and filling them with bugs, fuck these niggers

They are acting in their own self-interest, as anyone would.

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But if white people did this kind of protest the anti-nazi pitchforks would be out.

so they'll save canada from its own retardation

Whats their fucking plan and why is this happening simultaneously in different countries other than to crash the housing market again? I dont get it?

>Irony explosion

Chinese are in Canada to stay whether we like it or not at this point. They'll take economic advantage of us, but that's nothing we can't learn to overcome or subvert in time.

Canadian chinks know what the white hippies are too dumb to... whites got chased out of the economy decades ago. The only way to keep the immigration farce going is to replace the chinks with the refugees. Can't replace the whites at the office when they were replaced decades ago.

Asians were in Canada first before muzzies and whites.

>scared of being called mean words
lol the absolute state of white "people"

It's pretty pathetic, but you can only poke a sleeping giant so many times before it wakes and reacts in a violent way.

Essentially Chinks don't trust their own chink government, so to keep their money out of the hands of their government they buy up all the real estate is nearish countries.
>why Australia and not an Asian country?
Because whites are fucking stupid and let non-citizens buy property.
IIRC countries like Thailand require you to be a citizen to own property as a measure to protect their citizens.

Immigrants have no right to complain about immigration

ITT: Jow Forums is now pro illegal

You're welcome neighbour.

>immigrants and refugees are the same
Fuck off.

It warms my heart to know that if we whites should ever perish, at least the Chinese will continue our legacy

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Only a few will be raped I'm sure. The Asians always make a big kerfuffle over everything. A few thousand somalis in the heart of town will only lend a bit of spice to the stew.

OP is a chink trying to trick dumb whites into liking them because "they also hate niggers".

And I don't fucking care. Chinks are literally the worst kind of immigrant a country can get. They are all subversive, highly competitive proto-colonists who are exploiting the west's liberal immigration policies to steal our technology and take over our technology sectors.

The only good chink is a dead one. Anyone ITT who has fallen for this chink's little trick is a sub-human retard and gullible idiot.

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I'll add this to the video:

1. The business signage has to have English on it, even the restaurant menus have English on it because younger Chinese Canadians are likely not able to read it in Chinese.
2. Whites are in Whitby and downtown, is it fair to point to those areas and claim that whites are somehow pushing out minorities?
3. English usage rate is over 90+ percent even in the household, this isn't the same scenario that exists in the US.
4. Crime rate is low when considering the population proportion of Scarborough Markham - it isn't a "No Go" zone no matter how you splice it.

Total idiot,_Toronto#Crime
>Long term trends show that Scarborough is less prone to violent crime than the rest of Toronto. Between 1997 and 2006, the proportion of violent crime committed Scarborough averaged 20.4% despite its making up on average 23.6% of the city's total population over that period.[34]

>Feeling good about a hostile enemy race surpassing us.

How are those defective survival instincts working out for you cuckboy?

If you can't get your heads out of your asses and make good policies to protect yourselves, don't blame us for coming in and taking over while you're too busy pampering niggers and enriching Jews.

My barber is vietamese and he always tries to warn me that the Chinese are colonists! It's kind of funny.

Whites keep voting for leftists, somehow it's the yellow man's fault?

Another 2014 study of local elections done by Ryerson University Professor Michael McGregor included a poll on Doug Ford. Participants were asked to rate how much they liked Doug Ford on a scale of 0 to 100. People who-self identified as Canadians gave him a 31, and those who identified Western European gave him a 32. Meanwhile, East Asians gave him a score of 44, South Asians rated him at 42, and Eastern Europeans gave him a 41.

Those born inside Canada gave him a score of 37, while those outside Canada gave him a score of 43. This discrepancy between immigrants and non-immigrants didn’t really exist when participants were asked about the other two candidates, John Tory and Olivia Chow, the study found.

Shut up you slimey chink sack of shit. You aren't fooling anyone here.

>Essentially Chinks don't trust their own chink government, so to keep their money out of the hands of their government they buy up all the real estate is nearish countries.

No, thats a fucking lie. They are doing it to colonize western cities and make them chink hives/colonies within western nations while forcing whites out.

ITT a bunch of Canadian Chinks trying to trick whites into liking them because they also hate niggers.

Chinese are the Jews of Asia.. they have communities in all asian nations that control a lot of the business activity. Some of them have been in other nations for 100 years and they still think of themselves as Chinese.

They are resented

Chinks are invaders too, and I'd argue they're worse than niggers, they are coming in their own accord unlike some dumb babboon practically shipped to Canada by kikes.
And the fact you're using a memeflag makes me think you are a chink in canada thinking you're fooling us

Shut up you vile rat. Every last one of you chinks needs a bullet to the brain. You are acting long term to destroy the west much like the Jews. You are almost as bad as them and deserve a similar treatment. Stop trying to play on the cuck-instincts of the degenerate peasant retards that visit this board.

This thread is one giant psy-op of chinks replying to each-others posts and creating fake conversations to sway the whites on this board into feeling good about your parasitism.

And to any chinks in Canada ITT: gtfo you disgusting insects, you will NEVER belong in Canada, no matter how hard you say you work. You will never be European, so you will never be Canadian.

They are worse than niggers. Your worst enemy is your most capable one. Niggers pose zero threat to a nation unless they are pegged on by Jews. Chinks are a subversive yellow jews with a strong motherland organizing them in unrestricted, asymmetrical warfare against the west.

Chinese are priority one targets for extermination along with jews on the day of the rope.

lmao. all it's going to take to get every last chink out of Canada is a US/China war
It will happen.

Then don't blame us for torturing you to death after nationalism takes over.

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God I can't wait.

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>we were Pocahontas and shieezzz

Dis lmao

What the hell was he hauling that would go off like that?

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Terrifying. I was trained on a forklift when I was younger, those things are way heavier than you'd think. That's so they're more stable if they're carrying some heavy pallet.

Chinks are more racist than whites will ever be, it is so ironic that those who are pitied and called protected classes are actually the most bigoted and crass people in the country.

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We're kinda torturing ourselves though, and the nationalism that'll come about keeps looking like civic nationalism.

You'll see what happens when you get too arrogant. There are those vigilant and have an ever present gaze.

They're literally trying to learn how to subvert us like the Jews. They aren't based.
They're also fucking Canada and Australia over.

I would suggest reading the sources instead but it basically amounts to China owning a large portion of one of Canada's three largest cities, it bought up land owned by the Chinese immigrants. This will lead to China's economic and therefore general control over Canada. The report was filed and investigation was carried out in the 90's but it wasn't disclosed. Then there's the Chinaman's invasion of Australia. Not really a fan of his work as of late as he seems to not only be changing his tones but also he just throws mountains of insults. I'm just viewing him with more scrutiny these days though.

Here's the video though.

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There we go, I forgot it.

lol i live in Markham my whole life there used to be a lot more Europeans the bakery's grocery's all kinds of stores were better everything was cleaner well more maintained less pollution, less driving accidents (better driving overall) untill all theses Asians slowly just came here. I watched it happen through out my life. For fuck sakes most stores around i live are not even in English its in Asian i have to drive 20 min away from my house to not feel like I am in China.

At least they won't rape your women and tell them to cover up in their neighborhood.

If how the Han treat the minorities of China is anything to go off of. If they get in power they'll just work to genocide us like the Manchu, Tibetans, ect...
Much better, am I right?

And by us I mean my people, a.k.a Europeans. I assume your a Chinaman so clearly us was the wrong word choice.

I agree with them.
I'd rather have chinks then niggers.

No I'm white, and Christian. I think having chinese that will keep muslim immigrants out is the better option than having muslim immigrants creating ghettos and no go zones. Chinese people create a nice buffer, especially if they will be the most vocal about keeping muslims out.

Chinese are a robotic subhuman rat people.

Yes, that is a bit troublesome, but it is much closer to our goals. If we are able to limit immigration during this period, it will be yet another struggle but total victory will be closer to reach. We know deep down people want browns and blacks out of America. They just need PERMISSION. And that is what a gradual ascension will accomplish. Fight strong, hail victory.

But you must realize they are also the enemy and will take your country from you. I would look into that report from the police or watch the video. They will vote for policies to allow more Chinese in and work to replace you and assume power in Canada, is that where you are?
The Chinese are not your friend nor are the Jews, Arabs, Africans, or any other non-white. At best they may be temporary allies that we can use to reclaim our countries but they all have to leave in the end. Whites must establish countries that are by and for us. The only thing the Chinese do is replace you differently and likely are more capable at it than Arabs and Blacks in terms of technique and planning. In America as you know Chinese aren't the main problem. Canada is just a mess, you have people from everywhere but perhaps this is a good thing. If you have no large minority than whites will likely have an easier time reassuming power. That's only if you start now though.

Based Chinese

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My personal hierarchy for preferred deportation, starting with top priority for deportation:
1. Chinese/Jews (High IQ, both Racial supremacists)
2. Poos in Loos, Sandniggers, H1B in general (take middle-class, high paying jobs and thus have much more power)
2. Other East Asians, excluding Japs, who I believe to be honorary Aryan (could be wrong on this, but this is my current stance after visiting Japan).
3. Spics (not threatening due to awful IQ, but sheer number make them a top priority.
4. Dumb as fuck recent African arrivals (Somalians, etc.).
5. American Blacks. Not very threatening from a political point of view. Very violent though, but this should not be overstated in the calculus due to their inability to organize or think rationally. One we rule our country again, this issue will be solved easily.

The Japs have to go user. They all have to go. They will always and only see themselves as Japanese and vote in Japanese interest. We can appreciate one another and ally with one another but our countries and people are best kept separate.
We are too ethnically different user. I don't hate the Japs either. But we shouldn't get comfy with any non-white. I fear they like the Chinese will exploit us and in order to ensure they don't we live separately.

Am viet-chink, but listen to me for a second. If you deport the asians too early, know that those you deport are extremely smart, they will go to their home countries, explain the situation, and band together to fight their common enemy. A team works the best when they all have a common enemy. If you deport us too late, then we will use your technology and develope our homeland, our infrastructure, we will out industrialize you, and just remember the asian economies are rising, we have already captured 2nd and 3rd, 4th is germany, 5th is california. either ally us, and except that asians are honorary aryans/civilized people, with similar interest. Or to your south, the mexican diease will pour through, the muslims will/are invading europe, and the blacks multiply using their music to subvert and turn your children into mindless white hating liberal robots. Its almost a lose/lose for you whites. choose your next step carefully and know that we asians are on your side, not your true enemy. make a mistake, and well you know how it will be in the end, you are beginning to see the end of the white race, isnt that why you are all here, complaining today?

This is not a valid arguement. Just because they are immigrants they should just hand their neighourhood away to a bunch of dark ruffians?

I agree, asians are not our enemy, there is only one ideology that is incompatible with western society and that is islam. Asians create safe communities and don't tend to make huge demands from guest countries. Asian cultures also have a integrated sense of family that has been absent in western society.

>impyling its just words

Look at China and then come back and tell me the Han have no ethnic interest. Look at they way they form their communities and are exclusionary, nepotistic. Watch the video and look at what's happening in Australia.

You're trying to delude yourself that only an ideology is counter to the west and it has nothing to do with ethnic ties or allegiances. Do you think race is just a meme?
It's too late to have this discussion but is that what you think?

If that's the case, that you think race is a meme. I can recommend you some things if you respond within the next 13 minutes or so.

I don't think race is a meme, but I do think it all boils down to ideology.

Often times race is supreme to ideology. Because that's how interethnic conflict works. You support your ethnic group so they can succeed when it's conflicting with others and they help you. It's vital to survival. You see it in the democrate party and how it is currently the non-white party but as time goes on it will and is already balkanizing. Only with whites, because of our lack of ethnocentrism and Jewish subversion do we consider ideology paramount and even this wasn't the case prior to the 20th century from what I can tell. It's how traditionally in family conflicts you always support your family no matter the differences. It's the same thing as ethnic conflict.

Anyway, hopefully you'll look into this video and look at the different racial factions and how are countries are splitting around race. Don't look at your daily life look at the big picture not your based friends or anecdotes. Good luck user.

These research articles are also useful.
Don't read them by using Sci-hub. That will make you an evil person.

I will look into it user, thanks for the info

stupid naive white liberals don't realize that this is how their diversity experiments will devolve

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Think of it somewhat like the white gaijin who post here from Japan about how Japan needs to remain an ethnically homogeneous nation.

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This kind of thing is corporate/political establishment's worst nightmare - different races telling them to shove their identity politics where it hurts, and banding together to oppose their population growth at any cost narrative. They literally need population growth. They're done without it. This is the redpill Jow Forums refuses to swallow.

>Gooks buy up all the real-estate
>Gooks don't want heaps of niggers shitting the place up, driving down prices
There's no "muh principles" here it's just business.

the melting pot is dead because of the internet. people can have their culture no matter where they live now.

Fucking lacists!

Three of us lad

if you look closely, you can see metallic liquor coming out of the right side of the vehicle, it probably got to hot because of the engine of the truck

Definitely not based. They are acting out of self-interests, not making some sort of stand on principle.

as a pure french canadian from montreal renting in markham .

markhan is 85% asian

Yes, because the Chinese have also colonized Vietnam and other countries. They are totalitarian and loyal only to the PRC.

The only good Asians are Vietnamese and Japanese.

Asians are sluts who seduce the men in our communities. That being said some are better than others. Chinks are definitely not good though.

This is the exception to the rule. Most people are brainwashed here.

LMFAO....isnt Markham the suburb that ALL the whites had to run from because of the Chinese invasion... It's like pottery. Hope that girly prime minister dumps those al-q... I mean white helmets in the middle of the suburb.

My wife (Chinese) was born and raised in Markham, thanks Canada! She's now a US citizen btw.

This pretty hilarious

From your list, only #4 can be removed without too much trouble, since they can't organize for shit and have no one to vouch for them, no one likes them. The others will fight tooth and nail, perhaps even start WW3 over this.

>Gooks and chinks love to come to white neugborhoods, but hate it when other races come into theirs.
Color me suprised, these guys voted for these socialists in office.
You reap what you sow.